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[考试战报] 考813的朋友,不得不看的拖图题

发表于 2011-5-15 15:42:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本来一个星期前就想考813,但是鉴于新题目比较多!!不得不等待论坛813的v200版本。我最关心的是拖图题,因为旧版的题库没有最近要考的拖图题。终于等到新题库出来,却发现拖图题有好几道题目与之前高分的战报答案有不同,经过几天的战报研究,我还是觉得新版题库的不够完美,我个人觉得还是战报的答案相对正确一点。特与大家分享或者大家也给一点意见吧!) b7 l, w+ O- N# ]

( T; W' H4 ^1 ~1 Question
8 s7 g, y+ Y- N  n% X# ~Is there inter-switch connectivity ???
1 v9 P5 s+ Y9 g% s; o+ F3 X+ Lwhat version of VTP is being used ???5 _" e# N  Y/ W3 `  w
what routing protocol will be used ????3 T2 O5 ^# P9 d3 @/ G! A( |! B
what vlans are availbale on each switch ???: S: v9 }- j. s: b% I) I
what operating systems is be used on the server ???
# e. s+ F; U0 Q2 Q3 hwhat switch ports are available in each buildning ???
# f# w9 p* ?& ~7 X. _3 Owhat IP address are available on each subnet ???
0 g7 h, k" g+ t4 W: z. M+ y6 owhat operating system is used on each hosts ???+ B9 H& f: O# `' Y
" A; ]& S' \" X' Vwhat switch ports are available in each buildning ???
  }. t' x6 w& ?% U: H$ ^% s6 E% a/ Z) Twhat vlans are availbale on each switch ???* ]% `+ l6 E7 ]
Is there inter-switch connectivity ???- V4 M) d6 }/ d: f- c% e6 y- I
what IP address are available on each subnet ???! o% N5 t: O* k3 |& j4 ~
what routing protocol will be used ????: s$ Y( f! b; h8 ^) E0 V+ \

! C5 t; c  L9 }5 g% w6 ~+ x# @
$ n2 x8 W( C: k2 Question
+ R+ E8 }" c: m1) Rollback Guidelines4 K9 {8 o2 n% |" C7 r- w1 G
2) VTP assignments; G- v1 V: _. V$ ~* E
3) reference to design documents
0 T( T: D+ J* S7 ~4) detailed implementation plan
0 h9 E5 m/ M2 _0 Y5) Time required to perform the implementation 3 o9 m7 ?- ]: o) f
Answer- W: W% Q9 M; T& A2 U$ c
3) reference to design documents
- R; w4 ?6 A/ g$ k4) detailed implementation plan
7 {, h" D+ E* k" m  @, U  ?" s1) Rollback Guidelines
. B1 ]$ h8 i' m5) Time required to perform the implementation
. x9 z) z  B% u  `1 W
% x& ?% V6 [5 q! t
/ W: p8 p0 P" m44 w+ J; C* Q$ C8 a9 |4 i
verify that the vlan is assigned to the proper ports (access port & not proper ports)
- M1 O2 F1 K0 G, P# j6 }+ G& h  gverify that creation of the virtual inte**ce
+ G' C7 i0 Q  }: nVerify that there is inter-switch connectivity
  S' r, Q0 \* o2 N0 everify that switchports are properly pruned8 l% \8 y6 V/ C0 Y

5 @9 l: M% z( U* l# i
7 q/ _7 J0 z: x8 ~. [: |' ?% |; ?$ m( R, Q. C; ]/ J  e


参与人数 1鸿鹄币 +10 收起 理由
fulltimes + 10


发表于 2011-5-15 16:02:39 | 显示全部楼层
楼主 有新版题库吗?传一个被
沙发 2011-5-15 16:02:39 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-8-4 17:05:27 | 显示全部楼层
板凳 2013-8-4 17:05:27 回复 收起回复
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