Learning @ Cisco
预计承诺时间: 有机会加入的成员将花5-10小时参加会议,后续电话访谈,核审前的演讲。无故缺席两次者将视为退会,空缺职位由储备人员顶替。
理事会将会妥善处理以下事宜但不局限于以下: 1. 思科认证名片; 2.完整的参会资格(不可转让,价值2295美金); 3.思科特殊方针,年度聚会; 4. 同思科总经理及团队成员面对面的会晤; 5.免费思科图书(价值100美金); 6. 思科试卷(价值350美金); 7. 会员卡价值(50美金); 8. 思科项目指导。
4、免费获得一张价值5000美金2014年在美国举办的思科CCIE俱乐部patry门票(备注不包含国 内往返美国机票、住宿、签证等费用)等等各种不断更新的特殊福利。
Application for Cisco CCIE Advisory Council
Applicant First Name: Applicant Last Name:
Complete Mailing Address:
City: Country:
Preferred Email:
Phone Number (including international dialing code):
CCIE Number:Certification Status (Active/Suspended/Inactive/Emeritus):
List the CCIE track(s) for which you hold certification:
In which year did you earn your first CCIE certification?
CCDE? ☐ Yes ☐ No CCAr? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Have you attended Cisco Live? ☐ Yes ☐ No Attended as: ☐ Attendee ☐ Speaker ☐ Vendor
Fill out profile information (or attach current resume):
Current Employer:
Current Title:
What is your area of expertise? What is your professional experience with Cisco products and technology?
Are there any other professional accomplishments you would like to highlight? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Have you received any awards or recognition? ☐Yes ☐No
Do you have any other industry certifications? ☐Yes ☐No
Do you have experience serving on boards, committees, or organizations?
☐Yes ☐No
Do you have additional qualifications or specific experience that will allow you to make a valuable contribution to the council? ☐Yes ☐No
Council Expectations:
· Are you willing and able to sign Cisco’s nondisclosure agreement (NDA)? ☐ Yes ☐ No
· Do you acknowledge that there will be 5 to 10 hours of quarterly commitment to this council? ☐ Yes ☐ No
· If selected, are you willing and able to adhere to the rules and responsibilities? ☐ Yes ☐ No
· If needed, will you be able to attend a monthly meeting? ☐ Yes ☐ No
· Will you be willing and able to be a presenter if asked? ☐ Yes ☐ No
· Will you be willing and able to travel to the Cisco Live U.S. event? ☐ Yes ☐ No
As a council member, are you interested in the benefits mentioned thus far? ☐ Yes ☐ No
If not, what do you hope to gain?
Please provide two references, including name, contact telephone number, and email address:
| Name | Title | Employer | Telephone | Email | Reference #1 | | | | | | Reference #2 | | | | | | I understand my participation as an involved member is crucial to the success of this council. I also understand that my membership will be terminated if I am absent from two consecutive meetings without reason.
Signature: Date:
Email your application and resume as attachments to ccie_council_team@cisco.com.
点击图片查看思科CCIE顾问委员会章程 广州联系人:丘MM TEL:18927509427QQ:2746926384