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[考试战报] 3/23 台灣 839 PASS

发表于 2017-3-23 23:24:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
總共64題(新題33%約佔25題  12/12+3/6題庫66%約佔40題)
: Y* H; s; w0 {, [實驗題考了ACL3(s口沒錯不用更改  ip地址有變  host一樣是C ##跟題庫一樣沒變)  EIGRP TS 2 ##跟題庫一樣沒變
, w, V1 s0 m# I/ k/ @" n& _8 }拖圖題考了 verify URL NIC 這題 , N1 ~/ B- [, L' ~/ o( O; Q* L
8 r) Z  W* w- j##以下題目今天考試100%出現 但還有10題左右的新題沒在以下題目出現
2 x& N% U4 o: y3 Z" [5 D* C- p5 g+ a6 t* ]4 r6 p
注意(以下題目答案非100%正確##僅供參考  個人感覺6-7成左右是對的). Q# Q& n) ?# k) d) _- C# W' u2 W
Q1-which port security mode can assist with troubleshooting by keeping count of violations?
$ ^0 n1 I+ w2 g* w$ K# uA. access
( |7 Z; o- B7 _; K+ T! n2 F. g  tB. protect
  C$ ?9 k/ J5 W/ H, k; u1 mC. restrict
0 M+ f* C9 ]& Z! oD. shutdown
) {" s* k! O$ U: ^" C" D=> ANSWER: C
# p# |) Y8 N0 z1 r) S! I5 Z, e( z/ ^: l7 U0 w8 d' t
Q2 which two components are requirements for configuring rIPv2 for IPv4?  
/ p' h3 v% I  J) U8 u) v* K, v4 w7 H* UA. enabling RIP authentication
3 M8 `8 {: Q; I7 U) C. eB. connecting RIP to a WAN Interface
1 }% y" W3 D% `4 U" r  bC. enabling auto route sumamrization, r+ h1 P9 q+ i8 X
D. allowing unicast updates for RIP
! W" K9 @- n/ I1 Q; U9 lE. enabling RIP on the router
) B8 R5 ?( U( y=> ANSWER: A,E9 h/ W; \; K* x, n
. @6 r) H) S; P2 Q: t
Q3 which configuration command can u apply to a hsrp router so that its local interface becomes active if all other routers in the group fail?
8 l1 p& {5 K7 y$ BA. no additional config is required* M- y# q2 \( J: T
B. standby 1 track ethernet
& w1 e; h( q9 _C. standby 1 preempt- x3 c, d7 r) m1 P* n2 j
D. standby 1 priority 250" @& O3 Y' @" d  j) s( {, [% s) H
=> ANSWER: A+ F+ A3 A% Y9 j( g
, ~+ `3 j* u, O" A
Q4 which two options describe benefits of aggregated chassis technology?   / S( T' P) [2 x% o
A. it reduces management overhead
6 S0 @  F& _' ?$ i: \8 x8 hB. switches can be located anywhere regardless of there physical location
5 @" q# V/ [( C3 F9 xC. it require only 1 ip address per VLAN
0 T& e  E, N+ vD. it requires only 3 ip address per VLAN
3 O  f0 q- l* p! j9 yE. it supports HSRP VRRP GLBP
# j0 [8 n: k- h! M- q' \F. it support redundant configuration files
. H* ^- B, b4 E) t- e1 M9 Y5 m=> ANSWER: C,F
" ]5 h8 c6 [, J5 t
) @* R$ {- Z, \3 d) ]# fQ5 which function does IP SLA ICMP ECHO operation perform to assist with troubleshooting?
/ [9 @, j9 V- b( m% cA. one way jitter measurement
# Q) X9 M3 E7 ?& OB. packet-loss detection
8 e7 ^1 E+ Y. L% ^C. hop-by-hop response time5 X( }3 G. [2 _  H3 Z; _; _/ V
D. congestion detection% O3 h0 C8 i1 h2 B  X% l1 ?+ d' j
=> ANSWER: B( y7 ], p& F* r" N7 D; x* B
( ^0 C3 Q( V1 i& e7 c! S
Q6 which 2 statements about extende traceroute command is true?  , S/ Z7 y  `2 `9 I8 ?. K' f
A. it can send packets from specified interface or ip address# O* c6 ~8 O4 w+ M. Q: _& \! K
B. it can use a specified TTL value3 U1 F; n& }- R. j7 D; V4 M
C. it can validate the reply data5 {  _, k$ r) D7 E: @9 g0 n
D. it can use a specificed TOS
  \+ U7 j6 f0 P/ l5 u/ \: ~E. it can repeated automatically to a specified interval
/ b7 w6 m! U8 O) l0 Z) ?$ x+ A=> ANSWER: A,B. e' u" K7 G, |, k& D* l; B4 E
0 B+ ~5 R9 q/ ^1 v. H8 x. _0 E
Q7 Which utility can you use to identify the cause of a traffic flow blockage between two?
( Y1 N# t: T/ \  {7 CA. devices in a network
5 f7 b0 R' `  g* B" w3 ~B. ACL analysis tool in APIC-EM# y1 j, d- e$ H1 h+ l
C. ACL path analysis tool in APIC-EM3 c1 I9 j$ |6 G% f4 c& {
D. APIC-EM automation Schedular
: h/ ?; N3 S  P! KE. iWAN application/ S5 J& B# W) h" ]0 C; y9 Z
. e; U" g1 P1 h7 v
+ d4 D- u# W" G# W2 MQ8 which statement about EIGRP on IPv6 device is true?4 d! T. m1 q$ w
A. the configuration uses secondary ip add
% q$ F% F; `# t: zB. the config uses process number
$ R- [( r/ }/ y( p2 ?- S1 K3 ~C. the nei of each device are directly configured, x# O7 K- R& D2 i
D. it is configured directly on the interface
0 e  d0 G4 O6 u. d) U" P, y=> ANSWER: D
: D# i$ y9 o0 K; P$ H  r! U+ \: t# p2 e; P* Z9 ~% f9 _
Q9 which command can you enter to troubleshoot the failure of address assignment?
3 |; S) P2 r3 N) ~5 MA. sh ip dhcp database: y' W$ H# e( {( U- j" Z& f, K
B. sh ip dhcp pool
+ t4 r0 _1 Z  g- o$ \- {; K. VC. sh ip dhcp import
+ c! G" g! `; S5 ]D. sh ip dhcp server statistics
9 |0 E$ D' }1 \  p* ?=> ANSWER: B
/ H0 D8 d& h4 V$ r) ~$ A/ v7 f3 x/ ~$ ]% F! ]
Q10 which three technical services support cloud computing?
9 j0 G) Y. d- B- m- F7 sA. network-monitored power sources# t$ Q) [; W! l$ J8 ?3 {1 {: m
B. layer 3 network routing8 }1 v1 o3 }6 K
C. ip localization
) B+ i1 W) O) L  JD. redundant connections
3 ~- u& Y% S/ XE. VPN connectivity
/ v  K; `; ^" i, ^9 s  }; pF. extended SAN services
5 a5 h7 w8 {$ H8 Z=> ANSWER: A,D,F
. R" e2 }' n  s) s
# U  K1 u7 \2 ?  X& _6 |Q11 which symptom most commonly indicates that 2 connecting interface are configured with a duplex mismatch?
* n- u2 W) K+ ~A. an int with up/down state/ f2 S- H9 t8 H5 P: P  S8 {
B. an int with down/down state
6 O0 O* _' |9 K6 h! HC. collisions on the interface
, ^" T! I, p% `! HD. the spanning tree process shutting down, L4 o; \7 N. @& R
* a9 \) H: a6 h, f% V& w4 s" R$ L9 D! |- z' B1 F
Q12 which 2 steps must u perform to enbale router-on-stick on a switch?  
! {# j( g7 m+ c' uA. Connect the router to a trunk port
4 @- J$ [6 E! Q8 Z& E* m, BB. Configure the subinterface number exactly the same as the matching VLAN
: R# h3 f7 L$ W+ p, eC. Configure full duplex
6 Z4 b6 k1 o5 K& g( a- gD. Configure an ip route to the VLAN destination network  Q. l' E4 L9 A' ~; K
E. Assign the access port to the VLAN8 }( {& L  z; A- r. s
=> ANSWER: A,B1 ]/ a$ m6 r' F6 t# d# v

+ a1 n, a" a- j0 ~8 `% }Q13 which address prefix does OSPFv3 use when multiple IPv6 address are configured on a single interface?
# Q" e, a/ Q% o- qA. all prefix on the interface
+ _- {6 y, }; w$ V# p# i' k  VB. the prefix that the administrator configure for OSPFv3 use' a4 K/ F8 t$ G; a4 O& [
C. the lowest prefix on the interface
1 c( r9 e0 t$ j( g2 oD. the highest prefix on the interface. S! M- o7 H* t$ ^0 Z8 N( h
=> ANSWER: A1 m, g( B2 v+ F0 t' l

3 V! n& D; e4 w' WQ14 which IP configuration does the CIDR notation refer?* e% b/ m+ V4 d7 B
A. w) X" r6 h% J0 ?1 o
B. v  Z4 d- z6 N# `$ \) g' P
C. a& d. p- K- ]. C
4 |& |! }9 Q$ O) }8 n- t! C7 x+ OE.
1 u8 R9 c0 b5 u9 @4 J=> ANSWER: E
* ?4 e) b9 m, j  w) {! i0 W# g# i0 R; z1 l8 X' c4 }# c
Q15 When a device learns multiple routes to a specific network, it installs the route with:
4 u, Y6 o  e9 ]6 ZA. Longest bit Match (highest subnet Mask)3 ^; d. g/ ^+ P8 H' m
B. lowest AD (Administrative distance)# k, H% d6 y$ t0 b# z% j% z
C. lowest metric# z/ X" k) C$ X1 ~" P  `
D. equal load balancing% Y% N+ ?3 X, \9 J
=> ANSWER: B8 G: a" R& x8 C) ^
, [/ j% O0 z; }
Q16 OSPF enable on interface with multiple ipv6 prefix which ip will OSPF use?  
- E  b& I5 z4 a+ X$ w. L% a$ Q  dA. higest prefix2 j; O) j4 V" r5 V- Z9 U* P/ S' @& }
B. lowest prefix
+ V7 J8 ?, V: H+ hC. all prefix
- L1 [4 e: d3 V$ y) B; d=> ANSWER: C
4 W6 t  v6 m) U2 u+ j4 e: f2 X3 G: G7 R8 Q1 g+ u8 U0 C2 g/ d1 W
Q17 What are the requirement to configure DHCP binding? (Choose 2) 不確定" b+ |' f. O; Z& i9 P* U+ ^" _
A. DHCP pool
9 L7 e/ h! k  ~, E2 m6 l' |0 m6 e0 L# {B. ip address
- L9 k; U4 I/ s5 TC. Hardware address
- q3 a8 H& j' W; H+ Y- E$ eD. other option6 j2 `8 C1 [* c; q
3 i7 [7 s; e" P
8 i6 o' w0 F6 u/ hQ18 which command can you enter to verify link speed and duplex setting on the interface?
1 W; F0 q' g2 k! I5 K- J2 O' xA. router#show protocols: z8 p+ q# q$ |( i! ]
B. router# show startup-config4 J+ N' m. b) ?- k" l# J: @/ [1 L
C. router# show line3 I9 r! L* r# y: N5 @; [: R
D. router# show interface gig0/1
2 x  v1 \4 L* w$ z=> ANSWER: D
& y. L7 E( P8 h; _) D! `+ A( q5 _# N$ D3 h
Q19 which switch port security allows increment counter
0 `# B& Q% T0 |) n=> ANSWER: restrict% k7 T- h& r0 v, p, ~/ K

0 A( [6 S- J3 }  }Q20 which type of broadcast barely used in IPv4 which also exist in IPv6 like?
+ i9 P7 t+ a/ ?. h- ]  r2 cA. unicast
/ c  Z4 D/ R$ f. B- Y) yB. multicast
) a- `3 [( @- v7 V' x& rC. broadcast" |! `$ y. Q8 \9 a6 k2 f5 _9 X7 j* w3 q
D. anycast
% b6 _- @7 t. A1 }9 s* v=> ANSWER: D
& V$ l9 Z* P: R& b% T9 d/ @# I$ G, N% I' p
Q21 Which Cisco platform can verify ACLs?  T$ V2 {6 t, q" Q
A. Cisco Prime Infrastructure) U' R+ p, M1 I
B. Cisco Wireless LAN Controller
! }! o8 [! A0 L: g- r, x" e6 e( nC. Cisco APIC-EM7 S6 D9 h. Q9 O' w
D. Cisco IOS-XE: l/ H6 B, B, M5 Z- M
! i, }8 z! Z/ i; e$ S- x' m2 Z# X, P
Q22 how to trouble DNS issue? (multiple options)
- A% n. L; Y. V4 fA. Ping DNS server
7 e+ @& d; N  KB. check IP assigned
5 M( }. P2 X8 e& y: ~, E5 ^C. Ping public IP8 C( l" I9 V9 I! r  J. F( n
; d! \4 `) L0 {
: p2 F2 R! \+ H5 SQ23 What is true about SNMPv2?
. I) ^, A8 r8 I4 D2 x& mA. Uses MD5 encryption' @  @/ b/ Y4 c& w" O$ l. v$ o
B. No default value is initialized for authority and policy mechanisms
. J  |7 Y5 C6 @' j0 b3 uC. Other Option
5 P& f6 H* R0 O7 lD. Other Option
* C. E9 z2 t: Q, X8 B$ N=> ANSWER: B9 r6 I7 C. i1 a3 s/ l$ ?

9 R/ T3 N) C2 t5 N: N& T) _Q24 Which Cisco network component allows you to isolate users by policy?
! e2 s4 K- }' t  w. q- ?4 HA. Policy enforcement
2 @2 M' n  ?1 t4 SB. Access control
" B6 R& S( ^6 k' \C. Network services virtualization’
1 H+ B) r- N( `: r. BD. Other Option: t5 x+ o& X- k) y
=> ANSWER: B/ @' ^2 x; j9 q1 d7 I- |: r

- a6 X9 h, D3 G, F


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 楼主| 发表于 2017-3-24 13:39:34 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 qwe4925429 于 2017-3-24 15:06 编辑
5 I' G4 K3 ^) m$ q/ M
# a0 Q+ n9 N/ C) [Q25 which authentication is supported on MLPPP?(Choose 2) 7 i( t2 [" d9 D2 q$ _! I$ L8 Q
! J+ O* z" o5 TB. CHAP/ C& d3 o( H2 R% L
% \' X; M9 P0 J8 nD. LEAP% K9 v0 H" a9 o+ m* x
=> ANSWER: A,B. t! h- i. B$ e& o- D

8 ]% [6 F4 N7 X; H! y7 K0 C再次聲明 我發的答案並非正確的  沒過別怪我
; l. K+ Z2 j1 Z$ e, ~
! P0 F/ X# G& D
来自 23# 2017-3-24 13:39:34 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-3-24 14:27:14 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 qwe4925429 于 2017-3-24 16:18 编辑
2 k6 x/ L! q& l
0 Y2 p/ j4 D! q5 h, d5 DQ7 Which utility can you use to identify the cause of a traffic flow blockage between two devices in a network? . i% j% t6 p* `# ^) P; v
A. ACL analysis tool in APIC-EM1 x) K8 \# ~" ?- H
B. ACL path analysis tool in APIC-EM
$ [0 j+ _9 x. ?5 sC. APIC-EM automation Schedular* Q1 O7 \# q% w1 L; q
D. iWAN application
5 x, r: @9 C& q=> ANSWER: B
1 Q% f  ?6 @* S" U- r答案沒變* H6 C1 J3 E+ u7 ]/ C3 H0 E8 V/ f8 M
以下是可能會考的題目 答案並非是正確的 僅供參考(已提供我所知道的題目)
& ~9 r8 z# K# Y( lQ26 How does a router handle an incoming packet whose destination network is missing from the Routing table?3 ]; U, F+ J  p. G4 G6 s
A. it discards the packet
  r# o1 L8 N9 J. zB. it broadcasts the packet to each network on the router
( \) T. U7 E4 {9 \3 a1 Z, XC. it routes the packet to the default route 9 X) k3 [; J% k
D. it broadcasts the packet to each interface on the router% V, z6 m& t( Y; N
1 K6 u; M$ D: h4 h  B4 F% F9 _% _1 u$ ^9 v
Q27 Which two options are primary responsibilities of the APIC-EM controller? (Choose two)
7 S$ O* q6 e# N  m# ]A. It automates network actions between different device types
9 H& ?2 R$ a) c" {B. It provides robust asset management  J3 w! }; X1 k2 t0 J
C. It tracks license usage and Cisco IOS versions: ]( X* D; a) x- N
D. It automates network actions between legacy equipment' J2 a- I1 W. G3 M( h7 O; s
E. It makes network functions programmable
" D9 S8 B3 I- @5 U" L* P=> ANSWER: A,E
) F# B9 D- c- C; J6 J. E& o" K" c; e4 |# Y, D
Q28 Which three options are types of Layer 2 network attack? (Choose three)7 N2 ~2 Z' L  \% K" c2 J" V
A. ARP attacks
& d. s8 E& S$ D. i0 |B. brute force attacks+ C3 B: G- U1 F
C. spoofing attacks& `# V. P2 k% Z; a, G7 N0 k
D. DDOS attacks# M6 K% C3 K& T. j" g3 `3 N$ s
E. VLAN hopping
( n: |" d5 k) m, gF. botnet attacks
- e6 @9 q3 X3 h7 ?, E5 a/ F=> ANSWER: A,C,E0 A. D& Z* f* g& Q& R/ w

7 n0 x% Y8 n8 \% f4 Z  A9 M8 kQ29 You are working in a data center environment and are assigned the address range
% `0 h! }) ]6 `! m$ ? You are asked to
# f$ F7 h1 Z# G" O, H9 J3 Zdevelop an IP addressing plan to allow the maximum number of subnets with as many as 30 hosts/ f7 f( x. t: s+ x# o! g
each. Which IP
! `8 z! L( N9 `- ~& L( ?address range meets these requirements?
3 b8 V) B6 h4 ~5 PA.
8 V4 W/ k( u8 n# l$ j* R4 }B.
* E7 k! `' c: s4 F  u( IC.
2 W1 R* W; L1 vD.
7 M3 m, k3 C3 S* v) ~E. Q. R, a" S. O3 g( K, f
=> ANSWER: D7 ]' Q' R( D8 G3 A- f7 M

: I# q4 k! `5 a7 U) U/ XQ30 By default, how many MAC addresses are permitted to be learned on a switch port with port security enabled?, s& W$ s* d6 s# z- A
A. 8
  j+ S: v9 ?: j' y' ]' E" ?5 r; T2 uB. 2/ Z5 L0 D( W! w& m2 G" [
C. 1
# h1 B! G1 ^8 n% h- `! XD. 0; v/ U$ m7 G( V' A
; }) E/ s$ b5 h3 [
7 ?: H: w% o' r  y5 xQ31 Which two statements about unique local IPv6 addresses are true?5 x& R* S: G; L
A. They are identical to IPv4 private addresses# h* y9 W4 i9 K1 P' h# J* {8 [) m
B. They are defined by RFC 1884
+ T, t+ T+ v: L% g' z- O9 C  MC. They use the prefix FEC0::/10
7 j  h4 [% I2 |# d& L- c2 K# o' l, ?D. They use the prefix FC00::/7
! D3 o. q9 F8 Y, OE. They can be routed on the IPv6 global internet
3 Z" J" ^* m" Z* |" n) m=> ANSWER: A,D
0 y+ P# s1 Q! M2 Q! k+ T8 l' i4 B7 M: ]* i
Q32 Configuration of which option is required on a Cisco switch for the Cisco IP phone to work?- ^: c- C& E5 j4 _
A. PortFast on the interface
- P* A9 v  D. b% `B. the interface as an access port to allow the voice VLAN ID. t6 C+ r; r. d! ]) P0 `6 m
C. a voice VLAN ID in interface and global configuration mode
3 @% i8 P% _' s, ^( @D. Cisco Discovery Protocol in global configuration mode2 V" J9 q5 I7 U9 K' K
0 m1 m0 i2 @% J! T/ K' k5 A8 v8 b% E1 A" S; q
Q33 Which identification number is valid for an extended ACL?
: ]0 i2 E8 P3 L8 J# G- MA. 1' }, }8 X) u/ {: {
B. 64
0 Q% ^9 D* |6 ^; OC. 99" I; N5 Q3 I' R' D  U: Z
D. 100( y; {% Y0 V6 s1 N' b
E. 299' [# I4 A( r6 m6 J# z
=> ANSWER: D" {; _0 ]; c% P3 U2 ~5 ~) B

9 t5 s+ P6 h* q9 l9 cQ34 Refer to the exhibit
! @0 c1 r, q3 l' }5 ? q34.jpg
8 e; s) w, A. w; G/ L! C, {: cAfter you apply the given configuration to R1, you notice that it failed to enable OSPF Which action
2 S/ s# K* q. Y( r: f8 Q7 G! Ncan you take to
" z9 J. f/ L9 `9 G3 T" E3 t/ t  x! Vcorrect the problem?0 C# `; D( x% G, R
A. Configure a loopback interface on R18 o; k7 D2 I/ e( z
B. Enable IPv6 unicast routing on R1
$ c) ^, v/ _2 B% @# VC. Configure an IPv4 address on interface F0/0
% L- X; `! e- |' c0 KD. Configure an autonomous system number on OSPF1 R% m8 b6 C$ F1 w
=> ANSWER: C) W5 I0 S5 A: U% [6 Q+ G
7 L+ L  C, O  ~% Z: ]+ S! N& H% L
Q35 Which statement about static routes is true?
" Z6 z6 X& R, {/ x. w7 aA. The source interface can be configured to make routing decisions
4 g* Z: U$ G' A( s, FB. A subnet mask is entered for the next-hop address' J* e' E. F( O
C. The subnet mask is 255.255 255.0 by default; T4 L6 j/ T( O
D. The exit interface can be specified to indicate where the packets will be routed5 v6 G8 O: b' h1 j4 U7 I
=> ANSWER: D  
1 x2 \1 A# H; Z3 t9 l. }
来自 24# 2017-3-24 14:27:14 回复 收起回复
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 楼主| 发表于 2017-3-24 17:06:14 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 qwe4925429 于 2017-3-24 17:26 编辑
  @3 w! B1 W# R! G2 B( V5 C
qwe4925429 发表于 2017-3-24 14:27$ g. {5 x  ]: s: g1 j" E# B4 O- M! z
Q7 Which utility can you use to identify the cause of a traffic flow blockage between two devices in ...

& }! s, n, M. V( ^  S9 b9 \9 {7 ~以下也是可能會考的題目 答案並非是正確的  僅供參考
0 \* c; ~% S0 a0 _Q36 Refer to the exhibit. What will Router1 do when it receives the data frame shown? (Choose Refer& y8 W- v7 g9 A* S) i0 D5 L" w/ X2 Z
to the exhibit. While troubleshooting a switch, you executed the show interface port-channel 1
0 U& V  H& o# oetherchannel command and it returned this output.! W  j" S! H$ h" Z& m; g; O# L
Which information is provided by the Load value?% k% }& [$ i! i: Y
q36.JPG ; `+ {! A. `: W- a
A. the percentage of use of the link
! o: P/ j/ o- r6 LB. the preference of the link# ?+ q, f4 D, d4 C, z* x
C. the session count of the link
7 x' U' \; U3 O1 z3 e* GD. the number source-destination pairs on the link$ K" e# u! p9 g6 z7 \8 u" E$ a
=> ANSWER: D1 @* i% G+ D5 l% g; i0 v; j
8 p- A+ o) p: F" i# T
Q37 Which option describes a difference between EIGRP for IPv4 and IPv6?
) g! e: u* ^3 [A. Only EIGRP for IPv6 advertises all connected networks3 c0 q, o- w: i# v
B. Only EIGRP for IPv6 requires a router ID to be configured under the routing process
% B4 E0 W& T5 Q, j/ q1 `C. AS numbers are configured in EIGRP but not in EIGRPv30 ]( Q2 V* P4 _$ n  x
D. Only EIGRP for IPv6 is enabled in the global configuration mode
/ u, R6 [" r0 |5 S7 K- D=> ANSWER: B
% Q5 R  n, `8 Y5 ]8 R" {
) k( X3 Y( S9 g' g" nQ38 Refer to the exhibit. Router edge-1 is unable to establish OSPF neighbor adjacency with router& r+ C/ Y, o* b6 x% r( o' Q
ISP-1. Which two configuration changes can you make on edge-1 to allow the two routers to' F+ Q: x2 m, \& F- s4 s* V; r/ p
establish adjacency? (Choose two.)2 X) m+ W, K+ Q$ l: i
q38.JPG 0 B2 F8 h( I: q  q+ l2 q
A. Set the subnet mask on edge-1 to 255 255.255.252/ U" T/ R% V* l( {$ u
B. Reduce the MTU on edge-1 to 1514
5 a9 Z0 d6 G9 ~; z4 [3 QC. Set the OSPF cost on edge-1 to 1522
! c. Z: ?% P6 ~- a0 K2 uD. Reduce the MTU on edge-1 to 1500
' G% \: a! w2 m6 D! Z% a' F8 j6 oE. Configure the ip ospf mtu-ignore command on the edge-1 Gi0/0 interface
, }/ j1 w/ \% l=> ANSWER: D,E. _, f. ]+ L" x7 P5 e' M8 e
4 g2 s0 ]. b4 k: O
Q39 Refer to the exhibit. Which statement describes the effect of this configuration?
9 u) b5 \- ?- O  `$ O+ g q39.JPG
* f) }5 n% I; g5 dA. The VLAN 10 VTP configuration is displayed& D3 Y$ s9 C( a. p, N
B. VLAN 10 spanning-tree output is displayed
4 N0 k, e9 C4 }% fC. The VLAN 10 configuration is saved when the router exits VLAN configuration mode( Y% n, W5 Z! v( G; T( Z
D. VLAN 10 is added to the VLAN database+ G( ]2 \8 w; G* W! `" \6 ?4 r& ]: }
=> ANSWER: D+ @5 y# }8 L+ p- H; q
3 r- K: I  M' ?6 ]) V
来自 27# 2017-3-24 17:06:14 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-3-23 23:31:12 | 显示全部楼层
你真的太偉大了... 讚!
沙发 2017-3-23 23:31:12 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-3-23 23:34:09 | 显示全部楼层
板凳 2017-3-23 23:34:09 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-3-24 00:10:59 | 显示全部楼层
地板 2017-3-24 00:10:59 回复 收起回复

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-3-24 00:40:51 | 显示全部楼层
5# 2017-3-24 00:40:51 回复 收起回复

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-3-24 04:36:31 | 显示全部楼层
6# 2017-3-24 04:36:31 回复 收起回复

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-3-24 04:36:42 | 显示全部楼层
7# 2017-3-24 04:36:42 回复 收起回复

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-3-24 07:35:28 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
8# 2017-3-24 07:35:28 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-3-24 07:35:34 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
9# 2017-3-24 07:35:34 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-3-24 08:09:19 | 显示全部楼层
10# 2017-3-24 08:09:19 回复 收起回复

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-3-24 08:10:28 | 显示全部楼层
恭喜  大大
11# 2017-3-24 08:10:28 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-3-24 08:39:58 | 显示全部楼层
12# 2017-3-24 08:39:58 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-3-24 09:08:35 | 显示全部楼层
13# 2017-3-24 09:08:35 回复 收起回复

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-3-24 09:14:49 | 显示全部楼层
14# 2017-3-24 09:14:49 回复 收起回复

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-3-24 09:38:12 | 显示全部楼层
15# 2017-3-24 09:38:12 回复 收起回复

使用道具 举报

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