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AUX 拨号配置实例

发表于 2010-8-25 16:21:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
   maui-rtr-10 (Client)
  maui-rtr-10#show running-config
  Building configuration...
  Current configuration:
  version 12.1
  service timestamps debug datetime msec
  service timestamps log datetime msec
  no service password-encryption
  hostname maui-rtr-10
  aaa new-model
  aaa authentication login default local
  aaa authentication login NO_AUTHEN none
  aaa authentication ppp default local
  !--- This is the basic AAA configuration for ppp calls
  enable secret 5
  username admin password 0
  username maui-rtr-11 password 0 cisco
  !--- Username for remote router (maui-rtr-11) and shared secret password Shared
  !--- secret (used for CHAP authentication)must be the same on both sides
  ip subnet-zero
  chat-script Dialout ABORT ERROR ABORT BUSY "" "AT" OK "ATDT \T" TIMEOUT 45 CONNECT \c
  !--- chat script named "Dialout" is used for the backup dialout.
  modemcap entry MY_USR_MODEM:MSC=&F1S0=1
  !--- Modemcap named "MY_USR_MODEM" will be applied to the AUX port line interface.
  !--- This modemcap was created using the command:
  !--- modemcap edit MY_USR_MODEM miscellaneous &F1S0=1
  !--- Refer to the Modem-Router Connection Guide for more information
  interface Loopback0
  ip address
  interface Ethernet0/0
  ip address
  no keepalive
  interface Serial0/0
  no ip address
  no fair-queue
  interface Serial0/1
  !--- Primary Link
  ip address
  encapsulation ppp
  clockrate 64000
  ppp authentication chap
  interface Async65
  !--- Async interface corresponding to the AUX Port(backup link)
  !--- This was determined using the show line command
  ip unnumbered Loopback0
  !--- This assigns the loopback 0 ip address to this interface.
  !--- The central router will have a dialer map to this loopback address
  encapsulation ppp
  dialer in-band
  !--- Allow DDR on this interface
  dialer idle-timeout 30
  !--- idle timeout(in seconds)for this link
  !--- dialer watch checks the status of the primary link
  !--- every time the idle-timeout expires
  dialer watch-disable 15
  !--- delays disconnecting the backup interface (for 15 seconds)after
  !--- the primary interface is found to be up
  dialer map ip name maui-rtr-11 broadcast 84007
  !--- dialer map for the AUX Port interface of the central router
  !--- Remember that the central router's AUX port is unnumbered to its Loopback 0
  dialer map ip name maui-rtr-11 broadcast 84007
  !--- map statement for the route/network being watched
  !--- address must exactly match the network configured with
  !--- the dialer watch-list command
  !--- dials the phone number specified when the watched route disappears
  dialer watch-group 8
  !--- Enable dialer watch on this backup interface
  !--- Watch the route specified with dialer watch-list 8
  dialer-group 1
  !--- apply interesting traffic defined in dialer-list 1
  async default routing
  !--- permit routing over the async interface
  !--- this is required for a routing protocol to run across the async link
  async mode interactive
  ppp authentication chap
  router ospf 5
  network area 0
  network area 0
  network area 0
  ip classless
  no ip http server
  access-list 101 remark Define Interesting Traffic
  access-list 101 deny ospf any any
  !--- Mark OSPF as uninteresting
  !--- This will prevent OSPF hellos from keeping the link up
  access-list 101 permit ip any any
  dialer watch-list 8 ip
  !--- define the route to be watched
  !--- this exact route(including subnet mask) must exist in the routing table
  dialer-list 1 protocol ip list 101
  !--- interesting traffic is defined by access-list 101
  !--- This is applied to BRI0 using dialer-group 1
  line con 0
  login authentication NO_AUTHEN
  transport input none
  line Aux 0
  !--- line configuration for the AUX port
  exec-timeout 0 0
  !--- disable exec timeout on the interface
  autoselect ppp
  script dialer Dialout
  !--- Use the chat script named "Dialout" for outgoing calls.
  modem InOut
  !--- enable incoming and outgoing calls
  modem autoconfigure type MY_USR_MODEM
  !--- Apply the modemcap MY_USR_MODEM (configured previously) to initalize the modem.
  transport input all
  stopbits 1
  !--- Improve throughput by reducing async framing overhead.
  speed 115200
  !--- AUX port on the 2600 supports a speed of 115200.
  !--- Note: If you are routing through the AUX port, each character generates a
  !--- processor interrupt. This is an abnormally high load on the CPU, which can be
  !--- resolved by using a lower AUX port speed.
  flowcontrol hardware
  !--- This configures RTS/CTS flow control.
  line vty 0 4
  no scheduler allocate
  maui-rtr-11 (Central Site)
  maui-rtr-11#show running-config
  Building configuration...
  Current configuration:
  version 12.1
  service timestamps debug uptime
  service timestamps log uptime
  no service password-encryption
  hostname maui-rtr-11
  aaa new-model
  aaa authentication login default local
  aaa authentication login NO_AUTHEN none
  aaa authentication ppp default local
  !--- This is the basic AAA configuration for ppp calls
  enable secret 5
  username admin password 0
  username maui-rtr-10 password 0 cisco
  !--- Username for remote router (maui-rtr-10) and shared secret!--- Shared secret(used for CHAP authentication) must be the same on both sides
  memory-size iomem 30
  ip subnet-zero
  modemcap entry MY_USR_MODEM:MSC=&F1S0=1
  !--- Modemcap (MY_USR_MODEM) will be applied to the AUX port line interface
  !--- This modemcap was created using the command:
  !--- modemcap edit MY_USR_MODEM miscellaneous &F1S0=1
  !--- Refer to the Modem-Router Connection Guide for more information
  interface Loopback0
  ip address
  interface FastEthernet0/0
  !--- Interface to corporate network
  ip address
  no keepalive
  duplex auto
  speed auto
  ! <<-- irrelevant output removed
  interface Serial0/1
  !--- Primary Link
  ip address
  encapsulation ppp
  ppp authentication chap
  interface Serial0/2
  no ip address
  interface Async65
  !--- Async interface corresponding to the AUX Port(backup link)
  !--- This was determined using the show line command
  ip unnumbered Loopback0
  !--- Use Loopback 0 address for this interface
  !--- The remote router will have a dialer map to this loopback address
  encapsulation ppp
  dialer in-band
  dialer idle-timeout 900
  dialer map ip name
发表于 2011-4-20 18:11:18 | 显示全部楼层
沙发 2011-4-20 18:11:18 回复 收起回复
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-4-20 18:11:28 | 显示全部楼层
板凳 2011-4-20 18:11:28 回复 收起回复
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

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