成长值: 63910
CCIE考试由笔试和实验室考试组成,CCIE Lab考场在中国仅有北京、香港两处,以下就是其相关信息。
中国CCIE Lab考场的地址 电话 种类考场 | 北京CCIE Lab考场 | 香港CCIE Lab考场 | 地址 | 北京市东长安街一号东方广场东一办公楼19层 | 香港湾仔港湾道23号鹰君中心29楼2901-2905室Cisco公司 | 电话 | 010-85155000 | 00 852 2934 4676 | 考试
种类 | Routing and Switching
Service Provider
Security | Routing and Switching |
CCIE LAB考场地址:北京市东长安街一号,东方广场,东一办公楼19层,邮政编码:100738
Lab Location: 19F, E1 Tower, Oriental Plaza, No.1 East Chang-An Avenue, Beijing 100738, P.R.China
电话(TEL):(86-10)65267777 传真(FAX):(86-10)85182096
Please wire transfer RMB10,375.00(USD$1,250.00) per candidate per lab attempt to the banks with the instruction helow. Costs of wire transfer or any other bank charges should be borne by candidates.(每人每次实验室考试费用为RMB10,375.00或USD$1,250.00,请额外另付银行手续费用)
All candidates are required to indicate the following on the payment slips
*Description: Candidate's Name, SP# and Lab Date
Full payment must be received at least 287 days prior to the lab date.If a payment confirmation is not received before the lab date, Cisco reserves the right to cancel your registration. Should you have any questions, please fell free to contact CCIE Program Representative at ccie@cisco.com. (请务必于考前28天缴纳全额考试费用)
The bank account info below applies to HK CCIE Lab as well.
For P.R.China CCIE candidates,please pay in RMB to the following account based on exchange rate of RMB8.30=USD1.00:
Bank: ICBC Beijing Fu Wai Branch
Address: A2 SinoChem Building, Fu Wai street, Beijing, P.R.China
开户行地址:北京市复外大街中化大厦 A2
Acct No.(帐号): 02000 485090 2420 5984
Beneficiary: Cisco Systems (China) Networking Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Branch Note: cash or cheque is
not physically accepted bythe Accounting Department of Cisco Systems.
1、Should you wish to pay by cash(现金银行送款),please deposit it into the RMB account of Cisco Systems stated above directly.Please ask for 3-layer-payment-form over the counter.
2、For those who wish topay by cheque(支票或信汇等票据),please remit the cheque from payer's bank to the account of Cisco China directly.
For Non-P.R.China CCIE candidates, please pay in US$:
Bank: JPMorgan Chase Bank Beijing Branch
Account #: 38-70-00003-7
Address: 25/F, South Tower, Beijing Kerry Centre
1 Guang Hua Road, Chao Yang District
Beijing 100020, P.R.China
Beneficiary: Cisco Systems (China) Networking Technology Co., Ltd.
Note: Candidates are responsible for the costs of the wire transfer and overseas charges, etc. Please mark "bank charges debited into payer's account", which should take care of all bank charges, leaving Cisco the
net USD1250 lab fee.
3、Payment confirmation & receipt collection for P.R.China candidates (中国大陆考生的付款确认与发票索取)
*考生按时付款,发票将于考生考试当天由考官交于考生,如考生需提前得到发票,或因故没有从考官处得到发票,请直接与Cisco Systems 北京财务部联系
CCIE HK Lab Location and Payment Methods
香港CCIE 实验室考试考场地址及付款信息Lab location: Cisco Systems, Unit 2901-2905, 29th Floor, Great Eagle Centre,
23 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, P.R.China
Telephone: 852 2934 4676
Lab Price: $1250.00
USPayment must be received 28 days prior to the lab date in order to guarantee your reservation.
To make credit card payment for your CCIE lab exam, please access CCIE on-line at:
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the credit card icon. You will be directed to a secured site where you will enter your credit card details. Your payment will be processed in 5-10 days. Once your credit card has been charged successfully, you will be sent an email confirmation of payment. If there is a problem with your credit card, you will receive an email stating your credit card was declined.
Please use this information when processing payments by wire transfer:
Each candidate/sender is responsible for ANY fees associated with the wire transfer transaction. In order for the candidate to be marked as paid we must collect the full payment of $1,250.00.
BANK: Bank of America
Domestic Money Transfers 38
1850 Gateway Boulevard
Concord, CA 94520
ABA: 121-000-358
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 12338-57430
BENEFICIARY: Cisco Systems, Inc.
TELEX: MC167652 BankAmer SFO