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[题库发布] 【2011.5.21】CCNP(642-813)题库V200每日一新题(最新考试真题)

发表于 2011-5-21 09:00:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
/ l% h' i3 D5 I) K3 \% U( a5 J) D9 y
3 m, g2 [. O2 T* A, T7 b- Y642-902 ROUTE 高级路由   642-813 SWITCH 多层交换   642-832 TSHOOT(Troubleshooting) 排错和维护
" j! a( O  u$ K1 {7 V$ N2 j9 u每日一新题所有题库都是尚未发布的思科考试真题,请跟帖发布你的题目解析,帮助别人就是在帮助自己。
7 x5 E+ j/ L9 V; d* B
! `( t) C5 S8 c$ I( s& \$ M" f* C$ a5 I% U$ L" w

  t# e! r' c! o& b3 b' z. F
Refer to the exibit.Which two statements about this Layer 3 security configuration example are true?(choose two)
A. Static IP source binding can be configured only on a routed port.
B. Source IP and MAC filtering on vlans 10 and 11 will occur
C. DHCP snooping will be enabled automatically on the access vlans.
D. IP Source Guard is enabled
E. The switch will drop the configured MAC and IP address source bindings and forward all other traffic.

7 X1 {3 n4 E, @# f2 I0 M3 ?3 k3 ~- b; {# m+ a# }8 D
) i1 S3 G" c% Z+ ~7 UBD
4 U$ m* m) m6 i0 hip verify source [ port-security ] 打开接口上的IP Source Guard功能 port-security将配置基于IP+MAC的过滤* P9 y( B4 C9 x7 I
ip source binding mac-address vlan vlan_id ip-address interface interface-id 配置静态的IP源地址绑定用户到数据库
) E. Z) h/ Y3 T, L5 P0 H! n2 r) {( n* i  B% c
感谢论坛会员' j& q; |  K9 I- X2 B* D1 n+ J
wuhaofei & O' O8 }+ ^0 T" F, v' C+ \& M
( t/ |  [; |" D: k! {. ~$ x9 m' b7 M) \
该贴已经同步到 goodluck的微博& t8 D+ L9 P3 b3 V# {. m
2 h  m: @/ v% h, `: w, s
发表于 2011-5-21 10:11:18 | 显示全部楼层
) W; y1 p/ `2 M+ H8 S5 ?- {, U5 T, rip verify source [ port-security ]  打开接口上的IP Source Guard功能 port-security将配置基于IP+MAC的过滤  {) `4 E/ k5 o  b- y% H  T6 w6 G3 F
ip source binding mac-address vlan vlan_id ip-address interface interface-id 配置静态的IP源地址绑定用户到数据库
7 j3 I2 c0 E  X* P  Y( ~


参与人数 1威望 +1 收起 理由
admin + 1


沙发 2011-5-21 10:11:18 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2011-5-21 10:44:56 | 显示全部楼层
这个不是新题 吧 我见过 在题库里面
板凳 2011-5-21 10:44:56 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-5-21 15:00:32 | 显示全部楼层
Answer B. D,! M7 L$ E7 K6 \4 ^# {" N8 `* B- d
Static binging is used. No DHCP snooping dynamic binding needed.
地板 2011-5-21 15:00:32 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-6-26 08:47:30 | 显示全部楼层
弱水无尘 发表于 2011-5-21 10:44
6 O2 Y4 [) O( Y/ L. D; V% Z这个不是新题 吧 我见过 在题库里面

. F3 ^  {* p8 t錯的選項可否討論一下:7 u) ~4 Q) p0 j9 Y; m# ^
5 @1 |  v  G8 J% ?2 B, Y
A. Static IP source binding can be configured only on a routed port.
% z, z) c- z5 P$ W: t是不是錯在only on a routed port?
9 G1 P6 J7 z: O) C: R6 x5 b2 A# s' m- s
C. DHCP snooping will be enabled automatically on the access vlans.
" t8 x& k3 b1 }/ [應該要靠 ip dhcp snooping 這條命令開啟
% `3 n. h7 G' O5 J& K( p1 j6 n+ W6 E8 q9 f$ }
E. The switch will drop the configured MAC and IP address source bindings and forward all other traffic.
4 z2 O# }6 s$ ~這裡是不是講相反了? drop 和 forward 兩個應該對調?
5# 2012-6-26 08:47:30 回复 收起回复
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