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[文档资料] 通过黑名单和白名单控制用户访问的网站

 成长值: 63985
发表于 2024-11-1 15:00:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  • 对研发部门员工实行白名单管理,只允许访问与工作相关的URL(以www.example.com/working开头的URL)和hostname为www.example.org的URL,除此之外,其他URL均不允许访问。
  • 对市场部门员工实行黑名单管理,除了以www.example.net开头的URL不允许访问之外,其他URL均可以正常访问。
图5-5 通过黑名单和白名单控制用户访问的网站

  • 配置接口IP地址和安全区域,完成网络基本参数配置。
  • 针对研发部门员工,新建URL过滤配置文件profile_url_research,增加白名单URL规则(www.example.com/working/*)和HOST规则(www.example.org),并设置所有预定义分类的动作为阻断,同时设置缺省动作为阻断(URL未匹配白名单和预定义分类时,设备采取缺省动作,以此实现对白名单之外的URL进行访问控制)。
  • 针对市场部门员工,新建URL过滤配置文件profile_url_marketing,增加黑名单URL规则(www.example.net*),并设置所有预定义分类的动作为允许,同时设置缺省动作为允许(URL未匹配黑名单和预定义分类时,设备采取缺省动作,以此实现对黑名单之外的URL进行访问控制)。
  • 配置两个安全策略,分别引用URL过滤配置文件,实现对来自不同部门的员工的URL访问控制。

<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] sysname DeviceA
[DeviceA] interface 10ge 0/0/1
[DeviceA-10GE0/0/1] ip address 24
[DeviceA-10GE0/0/1] quit
[DeviceA] interface 10ge 0/0/2
[DeviceA-10GE0/0/2] ip address
[DeviceA-10GE0/0/2] ip address sub
[DeviceA-10GE0/0/2] quit
[DeviceA] firewall zone untrust
[DeviceA-zone-untrust] add interface 10ge 0/0/1
[DeviceA-zone-untrust] quit
[DeviceA] firewall zone trust
[DeviceA-zone-trust] add interface 10ge 0/0/2
[DeviceA-zone-trust] quit
[DeviceA] profile type url-filter name profile_url_research
[DeviceA-profile-url-filter-profile_url_research] default action block
[DeviceA-profile-url-filter-profile_url_research] category pre-defined action block
[DeviceA-profile-url-filter-profile_url_research] add whitelist url www.example.com/working/*
[DeviceA-profile-url-filter-profile_url_research] add whitelist host www.example.org
[DeviceA-profile-url-filter-profile_url_research] quit
[DeviceA] profile type url-filter name profile_url_marketing
[DeviceA-profile-url-filter-profile_url_marketing] default action allow
[DeviceA-profile-url-filter-profile_url_marketing] category pre-defined action allow
[DeviceA-profile-url-filter-profile_url_marketing] add blacklist url www.example.net*
[DeviceA-profile-url-filter-profile_url_marketing] quit
[DeviceA] security-policy
[DeviceA-policy-security] rule name policy_sec_research
[DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_research] description Security policy of web access protect for research.
[DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_research] source-zone trust
[DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_research] destination-zone untrust
[DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_research] source-address mask
[DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_research] action permit
[DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_research] profile url-filter profile_url_research
[DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_research] quit
[DeviceA-policy-security] rule name policy_sec_marketing
[DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_marketing] description Security policy of web access protect for marketing.
[DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_marketing] source-zone trust
[DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_marketing] destination-zone untrust
[DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_marketing] source-address mask
[DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_marketing] action permit
[DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_marketing] profile url-filter profile_url_marketing
[DeviceA-policy-security-rule-policy_sec_marketing] quit
[DeviceA-policy-security] quit
[DeviceA] engine configuration commit
Info: The operation may last for several minutes, please wait.
Info: URL submitted configurations successfully.
Info: Finish committing engine compiling.
研发部门员工访问其他网站时,管理员可以看到Type(过滤类型)为“Timeout or default action”或“Pre-defined”,Action(动作)为“Block”的URL日志信息(URL/4/FILTER)。

市场部门员工访问以www.example.net开头的URL时, 管理员可以看到Type(过滤类型)为“Blacklist”,Action(动作)为“Block”的URL日志信息(URL/4/FILTER)。

sysname DeviceA
interface 10GE0/0/1
ip address
interface 10GE0/0/2
ip address
ip address sub
firewall zone trust
set priority 85
add interface 10GE0/0/2
firewall zone untrust
set priority 5
add interface 10GE0/0/1
profile type url-filter name profile_url_research
add whitelist url www.example.com/working/*
add whitelist host www.example.org
category pre-defined subcategory-id 101 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 102 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 162 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 163 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 164 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 165 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 103 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 166 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 167 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 168 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 104 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 169 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 170 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 105 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 171 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 172 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 173 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 174 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 106 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 108 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 251 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 177 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 109 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 110 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 248 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 178 action block
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category pre-defined subcategory-id 160 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 161 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 176 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 226 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 234 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 235 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 236 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 237 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 239 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 241 action block
category pre-defined subcategory-id 233 action block
default action block
profile type url-filter name profile_url_marketing
add blacklist url www.example.net*
rule name policy_sec_research
  description Security policy of web access protect for research.
  source-zone trust
  destination-zone untrust
  source-address mask
  profile url-filter profile_url_research
  action permit
rule name policy_sec_marketing
  description Security policy of web access protect for marketing.
  source-zone trust
  destination-zone untrust
  source-address mask
  profile url-filter profile_url_marketing
  action permit

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