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[求助] 300-410 lab 問題

发表于 2023-6-16 14:19:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


我看戰報, 有OSPF, ACL, BGP, VRF  4 道題會出, 但我只找到以下四題.

1. 所謂ACL 的LAB  , 是不是指這一題? 因為題庫寫這個是EIGRP 实驗題, 謝謝
        A network is configured with CoPP to protect the CORE router route processor for stability and DDoS .....

2. VRF 題目是以下這个没問題
        configure individual VRFS for each customer according to the....

3. BGP
        a company is connected to an ISP and some of the networks between the ISP and the company are not rechable......

4. dmvpn
        a dmvpn network is preconfigured with tunnel0 IP address on the HUB, ip connectivity, crypto policies, profiles, and EIGRP as 100

ACL 和OSPF 我都找不到.

 成长值: 64000
发表于 2023-6-16 14:24:42 | 显示全部楼层
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