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[题库发布] 300-715 錯處

发表于 2020-6-19 17:58:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 nsl.alan 于 2020-6-19 18:00 编辑
9 W/ d+ b3 {, |( y" H, z( _" P# V! k1 m  b- H
本身想考300-715, 看到不足一半, 發現題庫有不少問題, 而合格平均都不太高分, 希望一齊研究一下
7 O$ b5 x5 i% q. H" W  S
3 w! q' X1 H) ?* V# k: |What occurs when a Cisco ISE distributed deployment has two nodes and the secondary node ,s0 h- i4 g8 V$ z& T0 g& V
- q+ x3 s, P) L" S# x- {A. The primary node restarts" M) E( h4 }9 `
B. The secondary node restarts.
# O" f. u1 \% R% Y8 cC. The primary node becomes standalone' B$ F: G+ e5 j2 z
D. Both nodes restart.- m& o: t' [# `) r: s& H& y
2 u* j  s: G9 x

6 E+ l* l; p1 a答案應該係 B 唔係 D
2 A4 k) \% f/ P9 u' u4 W; lhttps://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/security/ise/2-6/admin_guide/b_ise_admin_guide_26/b_ise_admin_guide_26_chapter_011.html#ID193
3 E) a* U6 X7 [+ ?1 l! _6 d; u, ^, v/ R+ t' O1 W4 A% |& s
- t9 G: t9 W" g. E! E! l
What is a requirement for Feed Service to work-?" W* H. z! s4 T; u* r  T% x, |4 m1 ~- I
A. TCP port 3080 must be opened between Cisco ISE and the feed server
! ~0 U* }; Q5 t1 |- d6 Y2 k- F7 o9 k! hB. Cisco ISE has a base license.
/ p5 F6 ?, U# z! ?" GC. Cisco ISE has access to an internal server to download feed update
5 b# d: P: r+ p" M6 [* _D. Cisco ISE has Internet access to download feed update
. v% C/ }; N$ x, h& s# [% T% }
/ X- \9 p9 m% m
7 ?0 x# i# N9 o* `答案應該係 C 唔係 D) N" }+ |5 R! u

  ~3 f( P& u( C: |' c                               
5 L7 E6 f5 u0 I0 w# s4 |5 b
/ S$ G2 x( ~+ M- F) v
Which interface-level command is needed to turn on 802 1X authentication?: V; P" D) ?4 {6 N$ _$ M  i
A. Dofl1x pae authenticator3 p3 l) Z8 k! p7 N; {
B. dot1x system-auth-control( k- r' j+ h! [: T5 c5 h
C. authentication host-mode single-host
* z' [/ o& w' ^: c- W& BD. aaa server radius dynamic-author
9 X5 x! U$ Y1 H+ ~* \: H0 n' v$ |2 d2 J+ x: N% ^5 F! d7 c
* _9 L8 }7 Q( R7 B8 c2 ^
答案肯定不是B, B 係 global command, 答案沒有 authentication port-control auto, 我會選A
# v# U" m0 t8 r* q/ h' W1 B
& o/ x  k$ a0 W9 \) C明天繼續
) d4 W& r* S! J, `3 l6 S6 R) M8 W, v# h6 h" r3 \
7 h( {$ g) d- s6 T
6 G4 U( F4 q' r3 `4 y5 [
4 d+ Q* d! S. `7 O( ~  p
补充内容 (2020-6-23 16:34):
. }' t9 |* c* m' f) T+ z3 I17 樓有更新0 m$ m8 Y9 m/ }+ X% A) F8 E4 s

# e9 G# U0 G5 X  E, _/ K  s4 f补充内容 (2020-6-23 16:36):
- ?% p, h8 A% G/ N. u" O" i) `2 F6 JWhich term refers to an endpoint agent that tries to join an 802 1X-enabled network?9 U8 h. W* T4 Y6 c3 Y
A. EAP server( l9 H1 G/ {) ?7 X
B. supplicant3 l3 V9 }6 P8 F7 O! a$ `8 j
C. client
- R2 |% q/ ~% d) P6 |7 {7 L% zD. authenticator
# _; z" P4 G* h7 I
0 g5 Y* s& D( ^! S9 l$ `) z6 }; C6 K答案應該係 B 不是 D
8 L2 U7 s& K' x, K  c8 b' B5 W- P. V
补充内容 (2020-6-23 16:37):
4 e( i' \6 f" D  U/ `6 b2 sWhich Cisco ISE node does not support automatic failover?
, V. c7 ^8 Y; @0 J7 f1 R6 QA. Inline Posturenode) Y: ^1 V; A$ Z: s! @3 M. X
B. Monitoring node# I# e  ~  O& R
C. PolicyServicesnode
; z8 Z1 F+ G# H1 ]& y' D* kD. Admin node
" J9 p, W- }  L9 v9 XAnswer: D3 Z. ~  V$ p, w# i* \8 O/ H
9 t: X6 N, d5 U% T% v8 O
答案應該係 B 不是 D! Y/ }4 m) h0 e0 s5 r
/ D9 w! ^' K' _) m0 p, ~0 V. P
补充内容 (2020-6-23 16:38):4 U. N1 h8 `( V
ISE support PAN auto-failover on version 2.1( m- Z; V4 X0 Z9 M$ D
The term automatic failover is used because high availability is not supported on Monitoring nodes in the true sense


参与人数 3好评度 +3 收起 理由
circa302 + 1 赞一个!
zhangy201987 + 1 很给力!
LengBuYu + 1 很给力!


发表于 2020-6-20 09:56:14 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks for sharing !
7# 2020-6-20 09:56:14 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-6-20 16:54:33 | 显示全部楼层
3 e. E- ?- p7 \1 u& k! v
8 _2 z! p( F  T0 b3 R& \# A( K
Thanks for sharing !
8# 2020-6-20 16:54:33 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-6-20 18:38:16 | 显示全部楼层
thanks for sharing!
9# 2020-6-20 18:38:16 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-6-21 16:00:56 | 显示全部楼层
Congratulation !!
# T- Y3 e& X' q; ^; {Thanks for sharing !!
10# 2020-6-21 16:00:56 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-6-21 22:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
12# 2020-6-21 22:47:00 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-6-22 14:14:06 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks for sharing!
13# 2020-6-22 14:14:06 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-6-22 15:25:04 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks for sharing !
14# 2020-6-22 15:25:04 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-6-22 20:29:22 | 显示全部楼层
Congratulation !
8 ]0 P+ d6 _& vThanks for sharing !
15# 2020-6-22 20:29:22 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

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