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[考试战报] 350-401 台北 PASS 958/1000 (部分答案建議修改)

发表于 2020-5-18 13:38:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 sdxhunter 于 2020-5-18 13:42 编辑 ! P4 U4 `5 l1 x: n' r
: r0 i  J1 F8 r. O! d9 b2 I1 h
102题全命中 感谢C大VCE 和小乔 提供的题库5 a/ i9 D  l- k3 r/ e

9 B5 P7 U5 o* J+ m另外申请 CCNP 勋章 感谢# x' x4 M6 j* T/ \! L! c, z

. [" H( v  l" j- K
$ Q" h3 P/ s6 r0 m2 H6 G9 L) V

" ~$ ]6 _$ I+ `5 j( F9 {4 P) x  ?, e6 q( y+ i' [, p% n
上网查资料有些答案,似乎和题库不一样也有国外的人有提出解释,不过我也没满分所以以下仅供参考8 J0 M8 |# H, E& ~) e! Y& k
& ?) ^- T3 h- U& k, A$ B
QUESTION 25 ' q+ X. w" T& H( `' L
Which two steps are required for a complete Cisco DNA Center
; o4 Z( R; j. n  M& M& |upgrade? (Choose two.)
2 i% q4 W& T5 B* A! t: J- nA. automation backup1 r$ h; x9 ?1 N. P
B. system update9 Z" S+ K; S5 I$ p% q
C. golden image selection% V  E9 _2 H, J0 _
D. proxy configuration
' N1 c0 @5 `, C0 {0 PE. application updates
' c. w+ I& A2 m9 ^
" m9 u3 t3 H6 G0 c, X3 J- @题库答案AB -> 应修改为BE  
9 w/ u# I, r0 i* v+ U0 B1 T* _0 f! R; {; e# E* U
; _% D! F; z6 G* EWhat are two common sources of interference for Wi-Fi' \% l/ X  H! z# F. i& i" A6 Z( ^! w
networks? (Choose two.)2 N2 K7 R& R* I9 y2 w/ O
A. LED lights1 i5 W1 h4 ?5 H9 i% C! O
B. radar
% P8 B2 g9 z8 ]# ZC. fire alarm
. }9 V$ b9 a, F  j& D- vD. conventional oven
; T( w" D" ^- t5 O" {8 c: ^E. rogue AP
, J3 r6 A( U" f; R
. e% ~3 x/ r; z- ~题库答案AE -> 应修改为BE . M+ f- B8 Z. ^9 ^3 B0 _9 r
) k* F' i  W2 }
QUESTION 48& {. d2 v/ U) ?1 u5 p  T" ~; _
A client with IP address must access a web server on port 80 at To allow this traffic, an engineer must add a statement to an access control list that is applied in the inbound direction on the port connecting, z" E, V0 v( W+ T
to the web servers./ F! M) c% ?; Y3 O) X9 \
Which statement allows this traffic?
% Q9 E% k+ j1 G* PA. permit tcp host lt 80 host
  S2 _* H: p" `4 Y6 c$ \9 ~5 @B. permit tcp host host eq 80. H5 E/ H  v- [; m! h% n5 ?
C. permit tcp host eq 80 host$ e/ q7 g% y+ H# v
D. permit tcp host host eq 80( i  F' y2 l2 F& W- O
) H! m0 c) n" P
题库答案D -> 应修改为C
9 S! u+ {+ ~2 A5 m0 c6 \! {
; {8 @7 R* X' `4 Z" zQUESTION 60- q  y( d; a6 Y  }
DRAG DROP* x" \, \$ b2 j* B- n$ \) u' A
Drag and drop the descriptions from the left onto the correct QoS components on the right.
% {5 X* a' o: j# y1 j5 {
  L; |4 f9 X% H 1.PNG
! Y  w) I. B1 ]shaping 會delay  policy不會
& B  R7 s5 ]  U+ A& _/ R- F8 N$ u) {3 t3 ?" o' m

# n9 ?$ ?/ `9 U! i9 c5 f) m* `" A6 \8 p
6 s2 ]& u$ ~( h, X
2 b, t0 e( [5 q8 d5 |( O/ a

, \8 O0 r% i2 R5 P


参与人数 5好评度 +4 鸿鹄币 +50 收起 理由
zhangy201987 + 1 赞一个!
zip148 + 1 赞一个!
momentvong + 1 很给力!
circa302 + 1 赞一个!
小乔 + 50 赞一个!


发表于 2020-5-18 13:45:54 | 显示全部楼层
沙发 2020-5-18 13:45:54 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-5-18 13:48:45 | 显示全部楼层
板凳 2020-5-18 13:48:45 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-5-18 14:22:34 | 显示全部楼层
5# 2020-5-18 14:22:34 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-5-18 14:22:58 | 显示全部楼层
+ p( `9 a: e" v0 K6 T, g( ~: h- k7 L25的原文:https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td ... e_chapter_0111.html. [: t$ S( N) R" U9 ^
31不好说?我查了一下说LED灯也是干扰源。如果我还是考这道题应该是AB。) s4 Y3 b; t: j; b! ~$ _
! L$ O+ N$ R1 Z! c' M4 y0 e3 t希望我明天也是考这套题= =
) U' I6 b6 k1 m' y( P
6# 2020-5-18 14:22:58 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-5-18 14:48:31 | 显示全部楼层
9# 2020-5-18 14:48:31 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-5-18 14:59:38 | 显示全部楼层
Congratulations!! and thanks for your correcting! / o7 z: \& w; M- v* c
I will take this exam tomorrow and you just helped me a lot!!
11# 2020-5-18 14:59:38 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-5-18 15:21:51 | 显示全部楼层
Regarding Q31,8 j( h" h+ k: R
https://documentation.meraki.com ... reless_Interference$ Y9 h! M' i2 i2 o

' x  T. j# w) xCommon Sources of Wireless Interference
) l# K9 k4 G. y6 H
" u( _% P) Y  H2 OThere are a wide variety of devices that can cause interference on your 802.11 wireless network. If you suspect that your network is experiencing interference from other sources, look for items on this list as possible suspects.
  }. F. Q- I. n/ M3 D1 R
; I) e" O# F/ m0 A. C3 h& K9 UInterference causing devices:  p/ i7 H! |/ L: @6 K* c9 p
Microwave ovens/ _4 ^5 F. y7 D% D; Z) _+ K: b0 @2 q5 t
Cordless phones# F; J3 {$ I4 G
Bluetooth devices2 \1 b. J0 E2 [; ~2 ]
Wireless video cameras6 u$ u) h. |9 f3 _: H' V
Outdoor microwave links
9 H6 ?9 q8 G3 GWireless peripherals ; ?! b7 y' z: h7 X7 [
PDAs, cellphones) i* t: c% L' v% o- V8 s
Zigbee - Wireless personal area network technology
: }; x5 n% P9 r* [  YFluorescent lights NOT LED light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' [+ t! ^' M% Q( b) h
WiMAX) H# B9 i: @* V- A
Other 802.11 networks - this is known as co-channel and adjacent channel interference. Since other 802.11 devices follow the same protocol, they tend to work cooperatively – i.e. two access points (APs) on the same channel will share the capacity of the channel.* v6 W% J  ^8 y
Bad electrical connections can also cause broad RF spectrum emissions2 T6 f4 q5 d- ~# a! |1 u$ d( {, |
Here are some devices that interfere with 5 GHz radios:
3 R' G0 }& u1 qCordless phones& s" z% N. T: A/ z: r& u- a
) `2 t, b. z4 kPerimeter sensors5 P; K/ N  j$ k$ C5 ~
Digital satellite
$ Y$ G( V; j5 y* R9 O
2 y3 n7 n/ L- [( rSo I think you are Right!! RADAR & ROGUE AP


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thx 4 ur wonderful answer.  发表于 2020-5-18 16:56
12# 2020-5-18 15:21:51 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-5-18 16:12:40 | 显示全部楼层
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14# 2020-5-18 16:12:40 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2020-5-18 16:15:39 | 显示全部楼层
15# 2020-5-18 16:15:39 回复 收起回复
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