发表于 2020-2-14 02:38:44
Migrating to the new program
On February 24, 2020, the new CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure v1.0 certification will replace the current CCIE Routing and Switching v5.0 certification.
If you have started working toward the current CCIE Routing and Switching certification, keep going. In the new program, you’ll receive credit for work you’ve completed in the current program.
If you pass the current CCIE Routing and Switching Written v5.0 exam before February 24, you’ll be eligible to take the new CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure v1.0 lab exam after February 24.
After February 24, the CCIE Routing and Switching Written v5.0 exam will be replaced with ENCOR 350-401. After you pass ENCOR 350-401, you will earn the Cisco Certified Specialist - Enterprise Core certification.
If you complete the entire CCIE Routing and Switching certification before February 24, then on February 24, you’ll automatically receive the new CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure v1.0 certification, which can be maintained as per new recertification guidelines, and you will also receive the Cisco Certified Specialist - Enterprise Core certification.
新版本里CCIE R&S 将会被 CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure取代。
新CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure证书需要通过 (ENCOR 350-401) + CCIE Enterprise Infrastructure v1.0 lab exam。
(ENCOR 350-401) = 300-101(路由) + 300-115 (交换).
结论 = 有CCNP的人在新版本里可以跳过旧版的笔试(400-101)直接考一次lab就可以得到CCIE |
2020-2-14 02:38:44