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[考试战报] 5/7 300-115 台中 986 pass

 成长值: 26815
发表于 2019-5-7 18:38:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
300-115此次總共考出48題& \1 w" f/ g* |; T  m7 \! ^! u

9 i/ P, P  U/ m- }. SExperimental Questions  C( [: K: |# D( S
·         AAA(Radius server host IP有改變)0 g2 W3 {8 x2 m
·         STP case
$ p% T8 Q: `* f5 Z·         HSRP case 25 |; @- \: B  x  R: R: U3 T
4 |4 F# A" ^# g# q; b- x0 w4 {
托圖題1 h+ Q6 E) ~  I( h9 e  `
Q330  &  Q329  &  327  &  319  &  315
& [, K/ N5 v0 ]6 I% h其中 Q331- t+ T. {% a2 O# E6 Q
1.tracking* b1 q+ f5 O$ u& {
! @7 p5 J/ Q1 a3.active router/ R. w5 x8 S0 B+ V% N
4.standby router
- n4 I, w3 U; Q0 [4 v. j5.standby group& t5 z3 Y8 W4 h2 Q  A. C
沒有highter priority 這個選項
2 Z7 C, X% [0 s. U9 |' v9 ?
" U5 x% |. h. n6 s+ `3 j: O6 k, LQuestions that i met in my Exam5 H3 I- O3 {  H9 d. y( k
on the  CCNP (300-115) question bank V2.0 (2019.04.22) Lite version3 t+ d1 h+ n+ N: L4 c# m
- S0 ]& i9 a3 O3 B
·         Q-059 w+ d1 j/ K1 `" m7 B6 v" u, c
·         Q-137 {- F0 k0 T; S4 B" {5 G3 h
·         Q-14
$ P, c$ W0 r/ i7 }·         Q-17
' K' N- Y2 {" {( V( i3 c1 Z·         Q-213 S6 Q- |( `/ c3 V9 j
·         Q-26
' f6 s2 T& [7 m  X$ E$ ?/ c- I  O·         Q-33
8 S" S+ B) B" P" R" K·         Q-44; x' S  P( C+ F8 _
·         Q-49
7 |- j3 q! [7 A1 i5 S( J( O·         Q-56+ M8 d# j" v/ S" e
·         Q-60
' M) L/ Z/ n0 D( B$ `·         Q-65! _. ^4 F) ~5 x* j! E  i
·         Q-66+ @+ T6 I2 u; F* v( `/ p$ h/ P
·         Q-713 p1 t: g8 c' P6 ^) m
·         Q-85$ {: D/ w* O) B* r4 b3 k) y  \
·         Q-97$ y; |3 T" r/ s4 Q$ ]
·         Q-105
* v  O' ]8 K. ]) [. E+ g·         Q-116
% R% F& E% G8 S+ c·         Q-129' Q3 w9 G5 ]* g; g
·         Q-150
8 W& R& h* Y$ }8 H·         Q-176  T9 N5 m9 g- O
·         Q-178( J# L9 B- l% o/ l  _* f% d
·         Q-189
' D: X' \6 m" S·         Q-220; e/ T! U  F8 Z. f, i  c
·         Q-2229 k! c% m% Z6 t- S
·         Q-227
3 ~0 }7 b) D& O·         Q-2405 E' ]! p8 y$ F  ^& B* l$ w+ @
·         Q-260
) Q: g. O) W, k·         Q-2624 p  y1 A  r& [
·         Q-268
+ Q; [, P: Z; H( I9 B·         Q-275
8 p# m0 n/ y# {+ R2 j1 V' b5 a·         Q-282. v' g/ P3 B( D4 J/ s
·         Q-283
5 H% r. G; l3 N7 Q& u# w; U, y·         Q-288& W$ E. U0 F: T4 x1 |7 N
·         Q-292$ h( ?2 D" Z( b3 V% l1 `
·         Q-303
0 z9 M5 [/ n  [0 w- Z·         Q-310' h9 a1 d# n3 f' w

& _: g, z5 _; D5 q9 X總結就是0422的精簡版考題全覆蓋選擇+3題新題目
: z. @3 V" Q8 t, V7 I3 N" L: M- e( A5 `# p+ Q7 t  O
要考的夥伴要加緊腳步喔  !!!!!. h& d- p. j9 W

. g! r  Y- j( D7 k8 G1 c( n  Y5 S3 d" [3 ^+ }# A3 {* _
1 z8 s; {4 h/ W$ n4 s- C
, w; c$ C- N& i以下是之前有位大神分享的更正錯誤的題目
6 t2 ^0 _" f! C( Q* Z  G我怕有人沒看到再次分享
" o6 ~* g0 o$ M: D  P5 u9 g9 N; w* P. U1 w9 h" i; U
QUESTION 261# Y# b+ r" e( R  j; I/ P
If all devices on an EtherChannel are sending traffic to a single MAC address, which two methods of load balancing on the EtherChannel are preferred? (Choose two.), p7 }  S0 a5 {. G; S5 A  w  X
A. destination-MAC
2 _3 F* P/ u0 g2 I, |B. src-dst-MAC% \4 H7 A1 z8 v5 ^" ^5 A
C. destination-IP
0 Q! S& P9 X- Y) l' r' k6 FD. source-MAC9 A% I: i0 Q. @8 ~- X: k% f
E. source-IP9 i! Q5 J! d6 K5 q
Correct Answer  BD& B0 M0 i  _, t2 l; u& z
0 H9 I; E) y3 n) X8 {
QUESTION 477+ N$ Y' \/ c7 ^. p
Which statement about the default behavior of a Cisco switch MAC address table is true?7 L+ i9 A/ `+ G! y! \5 ^2 J
A. MAC addresses are not learned on extended VLANs.
8 S1 {* q( |0 u# vB. MAC addresses are aged out of the MAC table after 600 seconds) E% E4 D0 K% n; q1 p  G1 ~
C. MAC addresses are associated with a VLAN6 I( l  K- f. Q
D. MAC address filtering is enabled on trunk ports.
7 {; ?) U7 ]6 o' ^  [8 ~Correct Answer:  D  >  C
! A5 E6 b8 |& F  k# W. `4 A' a, |/ |1 i- y
QUESTION 481$ B: y9 ?# G: C1 H1 Y1 c
For which reason does an administrator disable MAC address learning within a VLAN?) \5 R1 G% y* X
A. to configure a VLAN as an SVI
' Q3 {: }2 e/ XB. to free up space in the MAC address table; B- F. G- W# s6 ]
C. to implement port security
0 R% |2 ?$ j0 e) G" N8 ?8 oD. to reduce flooding in the network
7 u" e; \. P& T% HCorrect Answer: C >  B
5 {. y" n7 P  g, G- ~0 Q4 |1 P# s9 i" g: D  z" g, U9 L
QUESTION 5011 F8 p; M$ o+ C* @
Which configuration do you apply to an interface so that a host can be placed into VLAN 593?
  x) D$ E, h1 k! k8 y- JA. interface GigabitEthernet0/0.593# M5 |9 b6 |% H
Encapsulation dot1q 593) Q, n8 Q! S0 B. q. |4 v
Switchport access vlan 593
" o7 }/ u( _3 w2 aB. interface GigabitEthernet0/0
8 r5 Y  b9 t  [$ N# W3 {0 Y. tSwitchport trunk encapsulation dot1q
9 d2 g" k" @2 G8 d% j% d: z/ R2 ZSwitchport trunk native vlan 593! a4 s1 }$ {' }* j) Y/ y; Z
Switchport access vlan 593
' c: |1 m' i- r  y+ bC. interface GigabitEthernet0/0
( i$ [' n- S* l( s! b# Y8 ]Switchport mode trunk5 ?- Q4 W0 e4 f; m- O
Switchport trunk allowed vlan 593
$ e. z0 \! d5 V0 x; F' N& UD. interface GigabitEthernet0/0+ w1 x( H) F- c2 Y1 v6 X( W* A9 b
Switchport mode access' V% `% o" n- w+ r/ J. e& f7 o
Switchport access vlan 593
+ O' d6 P% ^% Q& F1 m1 ?, D# nSwitchport host
) M' P) r/ \/ f5 KCorrect Answer:  B  >  D
, e# D  I, O! m, [+ z+ P5 e6 W6 ~6 q0 `3 ~8 M; i4 n  v* g
, C6 [( W+ g  w' c7 K6 vWhich acts like a client when using TACACS+?( [7 Z& ~  j# B- S! j! `6 u" f
A. router
8 ~4 B( v) Z* ?, FB. client workstation/ F2 B1 q; k  V* u; C
C. client using wireless# a2 f5 v( W2 T
D. AD server
0 D' ?. T& B! E/ ?Correct Answer:  B > A3 |' `# U  ]: T8 \9 l( ?0 S
! d) ]* N; G9 |# }4 W
QUESTION 595  U+ f6 V+ r+ u# ]
A question about RSPAN command replicate incoming and outgoing traffic in a single interface. (Choose two.)7 N; ]3 f/ |, w9 W2 D6 Z9 g9 h% a
A. monitor session 1 destination  n( c6 ]2 N) h5 E
B. monitor session 1 destination interface...
% y! d3 }* T3 _$ Z# AC. monitor session 1 source interface g0/1 tx+ H5 f+ H9 D+ {' h! h3 e$ {
D. monitor session 1 source interface g0/2 rx
$ n$ _- }1 A6 U# y- UE. monitor session 1 source interface g0/1 both2 ?, o% J7 H# P' x; ~
Correct Answer:  CE  >  BE
% l4 f, Z' t; q- P% @# C7 H' o9 I  D. `/ c1 N
9 F) o; M2 @4 r8 Y3 O4 LWhich statement about the connection of two switches with several links using LACP link aggregation on IOS is true?( w- {, P7 e* n% a. r( i
A. By default, when an LACP channel is configured, the LACP channel mode is off.  M$ H4 _2 o! O' K2 G' w
B. By default, when an LACP channel is configured, the LACP channel mode is on
6 `' S( o5 A/ ^# ?  uC. By default, when an LACP channel is configured, the LACP channel mode is active.
" T& O- V5 x5 h' _" hD. By default, when an LACP channel is configured, the LACP channel mode is passive
" o3 h: r1 @) A8 v7 UCorrect Answer:  B  >  D
- N$ J" z$ A. T. j% j/ N; R; j
8 Y4 O, y  `$ A( H4 {/ w4 ~& S6 sQUESTION 740# S6 ~7 }/ r1 l) u0 @
Which three characteristics of AAA with TACACS+ are true? (Choose three.)
1 p" [$ k/ G1 DA. It is a Cisco-proprietary implementation.
' U9 Y/ o5 {  \" yB. It is a standard-based implementation.
- }' c" m; |' N: T1 ]1 |C. It runs on UDP port 49.! a4 C' T+ Q! U  a" B" \
D. It uses a client-private cloud architecture.
# D9 \! H4 |+ w% C2 mE. It uses a client-server architecture.( B$ Y) d, v0 e) \
F. It runs on TCP port 49.
4 r0 }( r3 m' j1 ?- T" y  [# fCorrect Answer:  ADF  >  AEF( ~& z. I  p) R8 y; s
4 I6 d3 O# q1 h% n/ T/ ]
QUESTION 810 ; W% g$ z; J9 C
Which Describes at The statements of the Result ISSUING at The Spanning-Tree PortFast Trunk an under the Command interface the Configuration the MODE?  % h3 ?" P. z" G( d+ T8 V; k; O: h; H7 e1 G/ E* v5 W9 `8 s& n
A. Trunk interface CAN BE the Configured for PortFast. 3 K3 @/ D0 \! j/ X7 o6 U. h5 c
B. Immediately is at The PortFast Trunk Port Replaces Lost root at The Port with Port AN Alternative root. 4 M) A( q1 g2 e: N% M
C The port enters the errdisable state if BPDUs are received.
/ _: v0 u9 n+ P. u- \: fD. The port is allowed to go into the forwarding state immediately regardless of whether the interface is configured as an access or trunk port. 1 n. v# `8 M4 R/ r' e+ O
Right answers:  A  >  D / `2 b" T7 b0 V. K7 f3 X. \( Q# [$ z
2 K) ~* P: O# _" X# W
QUESTION 811  t4 t) v# K; J0 h: Y+ a! w, u
How many VLANs an be assigned to a user access port configured for VoIP?:4 K. y0 o' U3 Q1 R. ?8 ]
A. unlimited; w: M0 Q) d1 i9 ?; E; E3 g6 m
B. 3+ o6 P5 I$ Q7 a3 s; W( Z# S1 I
C. 29 W4 m9 ~& V, o0 T
D. 1
4 R! R2 A5 G* z$ `: eCorrect Answer:  C  >  D
, `* ^( m: T& Y- p; v0 HExplanation: "a user access port configured for VoIP" has already a VLAN configure for VoIP, so you can only one more vlan for data.
$ `: {: Y4 {" S7 q7 c, X  V
2 M' e. S6 d* b. u  m  A
" p& @; t* ]9 M2 V% WQuestion 825( I+ O  F) g5 q4 Q# ^4 G+ v
Refer to the exhibit. All switches are configured with the default port priority value. Which two ensuring that traffic from PC1 is forwarded over the Gi1/3 trunk port between DSW1 and DSW2? (Choose two.)0 O/ [" Z  S& b, ^
A. DSW1(config-if)# spanning-tree port-priority 07 [! u+ j) o# ?1 {6 M* ~8 S
B. DSW2(config)# interface gi1/3
1 ^# U& L+ i! @& @' OC. DSW2(config-if)# spanning-tree port-priority 1280 v0 m( }. [6 l* T- ]* A
D. DSW1(config-if)# spanning-tree port-priority 160 I1 z; v6 S- S
E. DSW2(config-if)# spanning-tree port-priority 16
+ b& ?1 X5 W. n0 M+ F8 @& RF. DSW1(config)# interface gi1/3# n- V3 n9 J+ D& ^# g3 i
Correct Answer:  BC > BE
) t6 ^/ x" c0 V7 J6 \9 A6 _
1 k2 A- X9 m$ @: \QUESTION 827
7 o$ P% _) r/ D' CWhich command do you enter on a device so that users are automatically placed in enable mode after they authenticate with TACACS+?  3 V! Y) A: Y% y9 D7 {, K/ |6 d
A. aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+ if-authenticated- z' Y) i, _2 \% K* e& b) k
B. aaa authorization exec default group tacacs+ local-case  $ Y: T, R( V, u
C. aaa Authorization exec default group tacacs+ enable  
( b( K' h8 e! M& O- u6 ~6 LD. aaa authentication exec default group tacacs+ if-authenticated
3 _: b) ^3 v4 ~  PCorrect Answers :  D  >  A" }/ t" X6 B5 Y0 a, `4 G; L. v

# S/ x' O) N% Q3 U6 NQUESTION 8313 z8 `9 q# y+ m. b
To which VLAN is a dynamic access port assigned by default?  
# `3 @, K, L  Q4 XA. None, until the VLAN membership of the port is discovered + D) Q" Q; X- z5 I! U0 j
* O8 Q3 T# g/ n  [ B. The native VLAN  - d9 t& e. d8 L! z0 O" L) V9 T. E2 Q; K6 O$ _( F
C. The same VLAN as the VLAN membership policy server.  
% C+ |+ C- d9 S/ W6 ID. VLAN 1, the Default VLAN9 A) I9 P7 Q4 @" x( U0 \3 v
$ v' x2 @% z' L+ VCorrect Answer:  A  ->   D4 F) o: N* ]3 f% S0 C0 x, O6 p
- B' @: ~, o6 U+ @
Question 839$ K9 m. H. _$ D$ ^( o7 T
Which two commands enable you to determine the native VLAN that is configured on an interface? (Choose two.)  2 o0 K; U+ c4 q% {  F6 \
A. show interface status  
  P* t( Q$ M. U6 e$ g* cB. show interfaces  % u+ S7 U7 O: s6 y* q2 b( N
C. show interface trunk  1 j2 w* |7 V  h: W/ ^' Y; U. f* v
D. show running-config ; l* a# O, \0 i% ^( {  r
E. show interface brief
7 f& {) c, S  T! I" t1 ZCorrect Answer:  CE  ->   CD7 I7 @" N, M- f

9 g+ a4 @4 u( i1 L4 Y; U/ {( ]QUESTION 850-871
7 ~# H' ~! {1 A, k7 u4 b  fWhich two commands display IP Source Guard bindings? (Choose two.)5 Y) c8 X: o+ N# K2 g' |/ o6 Q* }7 z
A. show ip source binding
* x" h. ~1 M8 G- L, G* s! tB. show ip dhcp binding
4 L# T8 T: B  u4 B: F& e9 T; ^C. show ip verify source
' G. o' S- C: @$ p* L4 QD. show ip dhcp snooping database
4 o/ h6 k4 s8 Q7 v2 TE. show ip guard source' P* e- c! s( D$ H
Correct Answer: AD  >  AC
/ [& K6 y/ L6 |2 {& i
8 w, U" D( x9 H5 D0 ^' JQUESTION 8529 W8 h/ M( H" h
Which type of load balancing is most appropriate for an EtherChannel that passes traffic from multiple sources to a single end device?; Z$ O% I. l+ w- k! y/ @; c0 x
A. destination MAC address forwarding" R. c$ W; d) ^" F% r8 H; @4 a
B. source MAC address forwarding# D# b- O, G+ D' Z; T% \: y
C. source and destination IP address forwarding
; J! I0 |& ]5 B8 f6 iD. destination IP address forwarding
0 `* u) y" Y3 I% \: t% L! ]Correct Answer: A  >  B
9 @; e3 A4 U' f1 [% C0 C8 L& c
, X$ K2 N8 ]( W9 B$ w% `/ E" |QUESTION 2832 n6 l3 l" o5 e! e; ?5 k" l
Which three commands configure RSPN to capture outgoing traffic one VLAN on an interface while
9 K8 ]1 m3 b0 q  JIgnoring other VLAN traffic on the same interface?(choose three)
$ T3 Z/ t$ x% P* g% ?A. monitor session 2 source interface gigabitethernet0/3 both
# b2 k# ?6 H# l* P0 ?B. monitor session 2 source interface gigabitethernet0/3 tx
6 k6 ^+ T% o' H6 [/ KC. monitor session 2 destination remote vlan 9125 t; U4 n' x8 d* w5 A" R
D. monitor session 2 source interface gigabitethernet0/3 rx2 L* o% r) K! M9 w3 I- F! S/ \% B7 w
E. monitor session 2 filter vlan 2 - 7,12
& j: q: p; K; \  Q8 }. ZF. monitor session 2 destination interface gigabitethernet1/0/2
4 q6 v7 o9 G, N. Y* {% _2 CCorrect Answer: ACE  >  BCE
: V" N. d2 d$ K


参与人数 3好评度 +2 鸿鹄币 +100 威望 +2 收起 理由
heyiterry + 1 赞一个!
urijs711 + 1 很给力!
小乔 + 100 + 2 赞一个!


发表于 2019-5-7 18:51:02 | 显示全部楼层
沙发 2019-5-7 18:51:02 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2019-5-7 19:04:18 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
恭喜 。  請問樓主有抽到331題嗎
板凳 2019-5-7 19:04:18 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2019-5-7 19:05:40 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
地板 2019-5-7 19:05:40 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2019-5-7 20:18:12 | 显示全部楼层
6# 2019-5-7 20:18:12 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2019-5-7 21:03:05 | 显示全部楼层
7# 2019-5-7 21:03:05 回复 收起回复
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 成长值: 26815
 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-7 21:37:45 | 显示全部楼层
hsinwei 发表于 2019-5-7 19:04+ [) d; [- L/ @3 r! s
恭喜 。  請問樓主有抽到331題嗎

- v  V/ m* i6 ?5 I( R) ]9 a" `您好,有噢,所以才告訴各位 這題只有五個選項能拖。
10# 2019-5-7 21:37:45 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

 成长值: 26815
 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-7 21:38:27 | 显示全部楼层
tony.capricorn 发表于 2019-5-7 21:03* D/ X* z# u4 d* [: |" [5 _' \0 o
, D- u- h% `" N6 j. t* [
11# 2019-5-7 21:38:27 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

 成长值: 26815
 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-7 21:39:29 | 显示全部楼层
Tommie 发表于 2019-5-7 20:18
+ H& t3 ?" K( [$ @: F/ @986相当高的分数了,楼主是不是只是背精简版就够了?

; t. j9 _* V6 n4 ]是的,喬版主提供的0422精簡版就很穩定了噢。
12# 2019-5-7 21:39:29 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

 成长值: 26815
 楼主| 发表于 2019-5-7 21:40:25 | 显示全部楼层
hsinwei 发表于 2019-5-7 19:059 O5 j( v$ D# I% N
* ~! [* o5 E% t
13# 2019-5-7 21:40:25 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2019-5-7 22:30:13 | 显示全部楼层
Congratulation !!!!
14# 2019-5-7 22:30:13 回复 收起回复
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