6 r5 k# T* k8 u8 u; n2 H5 R. }Which statement is true a SMURF attack?$ V9 d6 j' O9 O- F
A. The attacker uses spoofed destination address to launch the attack% l) T, Y' h3 `" s: D
B. It sends ICMP Echo Requests to a broadcast address of a subnet
( G: ~& P; o, BC. In order to mitigate the attack you need to enable IP directed broadcast on the router interface
~+ M% Z3 c3 D& c- hD. It sends ICMP Echo Replies to Known ip addresses in a subnet
: ?, ~. N; f& k7 CE. It is used by the attackers to check if destination addresses are alive; u4 F" r9 ?1 q# w7 }# G1 \( v: p
F. It exhausts the victim machine resources with large number of ICMP Echo Requests from a subnet 9 l/ p: d$ E/ w8 I0 b
SMURFAttack 是一种病毒攻击,以最初发动这种攻击的程序“Smurf”来命名。这种攻击方法结合使用了IP欺骗和ICMP回复方法使大量网络传输充斥目标系统,引起目标系统拒绝为正常系统进行服务。 Smurf攻击通过使用将回复地址设置成受害网络的广播地址的ICMP应答请求(ping)数据包,来淹没受害主机,最终导致该网络的所有主机都对此ICMP应答请求做出答复,导致网络阻塞。更加复杂的Smurf将源地址改为第三方的受害者,最终导致第三方崩溃。 5 Y: B- [& L7 H0 z
8 u$ r! C6 T) h5 ^6 C: o通过以上判断这道题应该是多选题,哪位大神给看一下,谢谢了~# G. l$ d' Q F6 J8 n; |