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[其他] 关于300-135 HSRP问题Question 4的请教

发表于 2018-6-14 17:35:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
复习300-135题库的时候发现HSRP的那道题,Question 4题库6.63.26分别给出了两个不同答案:# o$ T; V" q8 E' R

) f0 P: p" C5 @# F7 |3 {/ K题库6.6:
# K6 }( Q  [4 G; f5 eQUESTION 4
' k. O7 F# O4 L# WExamine the configuration on R5. Router R5 do not see any route entries learned from R4; what could be
8 o' ], V! L4 Z, l! dthe issue?) j& ]$ ^; b: q) P9 X: I
A. HSRP issue between R5 and R4
2 A# J  p- H3 C% PB. There is an OSPF issue between R5and R40 P; L2 g/ Y* s& q8 L, x6 f) k
C. There is a DHCP issue between R5 and R4
; p& z" H' g' t6 b) r" }1 nD. The distribute-list configured on R5 is blocking route entries
* l& Y! r4 @8 x6 Z7 KE. The ACL configured on R5 is blocking traffic for the subnets advertised from R4.5 l# f0 Q4 R: D
Correct Answer: C
4 L) g& L+ U7 C! _) f
3 s6 D3 M' E8 o( ]. B+ b  Z3 x: ]$ I2 _6 C
题库3.26:( A5 }. ^- U% E" |
3 k3 p) S6 Y8 ]: w7 k% Z; k  `2 n, uExamine the configuration on R5. Router R5 do not see any route entries learned from R4; what could be: t( J7 l) w1 i1 T! M- a
the issue?% u, m9 W0 ]4 e* T- n
A. HSRP issue between R5 and R4
9 X: ?* ]* V4 T; ~; p( I& \5 ~3 DB. There is an OSPF issue between R5and R4
2 m9 \) w: }8 G; _$ o2 k% ^C. There is a DHCP issue between R5 and R4
0 c. R) e& [. g7 AD. The distribute-list configured on R5 is blocking route entries
5 N1 J) i4 Z. ZE. The ACL configured on R5 is blocking traffic for the subnets advertised from R4.
6 C; O5 U. V4 t5 [# nCorrect Answer: B% W) {6 o: X/ E6 z. Y) i
1 R8 b# m( M, A: @
) Y" Y% ?) O. \

6 p; s) Z' N+ ^想请教各位大神和考过的考友们这道题应该选什么,多谢!
/ e% I. |. U3 O
5 T0 D) w; D4 ?2 o9 U3 Y
发表于 2018-6-14 19:04:20 | 显示全部楼层
C R4下面好像是dhcp配错了我记得
沙发 2018-6-14 19:04:20 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-6-14 22:11:46 | 显示全部楼层
競日孤鳴 发表于 2018-6-14 19:04: I( R# T0 Q" Q$ n  I1 w
C R4下面好像是dhcp配错了我记得

$ s* U" d( b, B4 z! p8 ?8 j5 I谢谢兄弟
板凳 2018-6-14 22:11:46 回复 收起回复
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-6-14 22:27:05 | 显示全部楼层
競日孤鳴 发表于 2018-6-14 19:04: z6 y8 q& b. w# w
C R4下面好像是dhcp配错了我记得
& L/ }5 u8 [0 }5 V4 M' G
地板 2018-6-14 22:27:05 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2018-6-18 05:17:05 | 显示全部楼层
6# 2018-6-18 05:17:05 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2018-6-19 11:37:16 | 显示全部楼层
7# 2018-6-19 11:37:16 回复 收起回复
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