Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
Warning: Commands in the diagnose view are used for thoubleshooting. Running certain Commands in the diagnose view may cause device anomaly or service interruption. Use such commands under the instructions of HUAWEI technical engineers.
[USG5100-diagnose]display reset reason
Time Reset Reason
15-01-28 10:50:28 Command reboot
15-01-05 11:33:54 Command reboot
15-01-05 10:53:37 Command reboot
14-12-16 19:46:08 Command reboot
14-11-13 16:15:08 Power off
14-08-19 17:02:36 Reset key reboot
14-08-19 16:47:32 Power off
00-04-03 05:02:15 Power off
00-04-01 23:55:07 Power off
前面标注即为重启时间,后面为重启原因。例:Power off 为断电重启 Command reboot 为命令重启等。