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[其他] 8.24部分錯誤(爭議)答案回報+GRE實作題提供

发表于 2017-9-15 10:21:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
& U! y: u  [+ p) J9 k, w' [' {※參考手中的另一份題庫、CCNA認證教戰手冊、自己的建立的觀念9 M1 `- @# W* l; B% n! ^! d
! ^- `/ m- n( @1 j
6 P* v; j7 c# PWhich two features can dynamically assign IPv6 addresses? (Choose two.)/ l& o5 B6 K' }
A. IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration
* F; Z' q' G# z2 A0 XB. DHCP
1 J  n# Z) d7 U: ^/ Q1 KC. NHRP0 e$ D- v  ?! b. a
D. IPv6 stateful autoconfiguration* E$ w& ?6 i, v6 w& S' Y
E. ISATAP tunneling
0 ]/ H; F) [! H$ J& B8 N& _5 K: v& e  A' o
Correct Answer: AD
8 B5 _2 o; P' m, @- w" x* ?2 _
5 S0 E# @6 Y; x8 k9 U另一份題庫答案是A、B,這部分我覺得要看怎麼解釋,DHCP服務有提供DHCPv6,但也是可以用DHCP表示,這題比較爭議,參考就好。
6 d  u% D1 X! r0 r3 I5 k9 N0 d
! c/ E9 y& P1 O& ~4 @, TQUESTION 96
% ~0 ]7 z5 t# J2 a2 r/ oWhich command can you enter to verify that a 128-bit address is live and responding?/ b. G1 A' X8 F- E- g
A. traceroute
- p. Z- j: t% P; e$ Z- `' _. \B. telnet+ E( t' s: l5 h2 T
C. ping
* w$ R' g1 H8 n3 b1 P/ n, n4 T- JD. show ipv67 C7 T3 o/ V, f9 O
Correct Answer: C
0 B3 e! H. b. L3 p) `+ E. f
# {0 r! q' j. R
3 g2 ?* v* S" p3 c" O$ J$ l" I. m這題另一份題庫D選項是ping ipv6,這樣的話答案會更加正確。
/ g# |2 Q+ l3 _2 ^5 B7 C. U/ `* ^+ L  I
2 v6 `* e4 I8 P0 ~/ tWhich two statements about IPv4 multicast traffic are true? (Choose two.)
; _1 l9 P+ v  u6 W& B! J( IA. It burdens the source host without affecting remote hosts." l7 C- O" h2 c( E7 K) D1 c
B. It uses a minimum amount of network bandwidth.  P* k; T& k7 c
C. It is bandwidth-intensive.
+ }! d6 B1 t" i$ {( p: PD. It simultaneously delivers multiple streams of data.5 D; d$ N4 ^* w2 y
E. It is the most efficient way to deliver data to multiple receivers.
1 Z( @+ J& c, z" d- `* P3 OCorrect Answer: BE2 G3 Z3 k5 m8 d, s" ]; y; j
2 u' ~, y, ~6 r! }
: [8 Q; q, @7 o2 ?4 t
1 H1 X; ~* _4 \2 d# m! P0 M& X- o
" J) D/ M3 T' U2 ?1 I0 M: m/ YQUESTION 2656 W3 I* G; w" c# ?0 q
Refer to the exhibit. Which statement describes the effect of this configuration?
# Z7 _9 Y* A, g, F( A6 yA. The VLAN 10 VTP configuration is displayed* U- d8 l# E( Y" G
B. VLAN 10 spanning-tree output is displayed
% w1 m. C: _" }5 m! S0 e8 {5 e$ }C. The VLAN 10 configuration is saved when the router exits VLAN configuration mode
) \% A! G5 C, T# h2 r' R! rD. VLAN 10 is added to the VLAN database
: R* [) x6 H* I* f# U' \  C1 Z; u4 G* h" m+ V
Correct Answer: C
7 Q3 M/ y. E$ `# ?, B$ a# w
; c! ?5 V5 b8 Z/ \8 x( F9 y這題有圖片的,我就不複製了。這題蠻確定答案應該是D,因為在未設定Vlan的情況下直接使用,會直接幫你建立,所以D應該是正解
2 b& O- t2 ?7 r: \- F' ?1 K0 K  c' H5 W9 B' V9 G
2 n$ u6 `" }1 c9 X& j8 f% b5 i/ ?Which RFC was created to alleviate the depletion of IPv4 public addresses?4 U% U9 X% m; p: d* t& ^' U; {
A. RFC 4193. K( A: K+ k* ?; j
B. RFC 15190 ]5 a3 e8 @' l/ j
C. RFC 1518
  S3 W+ P2 G: j. kD. RFC 1918% m; b1 q) D; o! J
Correct Answer: D
1 h. a" `6 Y, q/ F1 @) h0 Z' q/ ?: {( R& {2 y" |+ C
7 i! F! p% g. c0 i- x* ^
這題答案蠻確定是錯的,減緩IPV4耗盡應該是透過CIDR與NAT來處理的,而CIDR是發佈在RFC1518、RFC1519裡面,我個人是偏向選C的選項的。而RFC1918裡面好像是寫到IP的5個calss分別吧@@7 C0 ^. K# F- e$ p# y
; x4 j7 R6 ^( e8 J5 m
$ _" D3 v; |1 c. N1 J# d9 T4 k
1 m; c& d$ D8 X# G& xWhich entity assigns IPv6 addresses to end users?0 `/ y& m+ O5 @# ^
( C6 v4 L  g9 KB. APNIC
8 |) `* ~# j# w& [* @C. RIR
: k( y/ V! d% N/ D; n& SD. ISPs
# y3 }* M/ `+ `Correct Answer: D
; o: V; T5 y- [" F: F( X* l0 b5 S8 A' L% `: \. C
這題網路上有部分的答案是給C,但我認為題目說到是end users,這部分我把它解釋成一般使用者的話,D選項的ISPs會更加合理。; n9 m+ I3 g4 L6 `

" w- ?0 J$ p. SQUESTION 283& S0 R( P1 ~; N6 S% I" f
Which value is indicated by the next hop in a routing table?: I; P% k; _& U
A. preference of the route source$ O" H* ~/ L& {. V- _
B. IP address of the remote router for forwarding the packets7 T) K$ A+ d9 B
C. how the route was learned
7 L0 `6 k7 W3 `& p# jD. exit interface IP address for forwarding the packets
8 v8 m+ i7 Y$ ^$ n* @3 S
/ O, p/ m. q5 N' e1 V1 P! {: A/ t0 d- `- R* R6 `9 x! u7 Q: G( f
Correct Answer: B
6 h. E1 \9 P2 j! q! E
8 d8 i+ R( I# X) ?這題其他題庫的答案是D,我也認同,因為路由表上是寫封包的下一個IP位置。
+ Q9 F/ Y9 g" |! l! H  G) ~  d  G" r! t! E4 m
" F" U/ V, D7 }5 V" L% [% Y. G8 s4 UHow can you disable DTP on a switch port?
% H3 F3 s" x' ZA. Configure the switch port as a trunk.
0 J+ U  M' ]: L7 ^- R% ZB. Add an interface on the switch to a channel group.0 a6 h: e0 p# G% d5 r+ C* d! f  N$ P
C. Change the operational mode to static access
2 B6 I% z. Y1 G: F! H" N4 P8 z) P2 WD. Change the administrative mode to access
' q1 G$ y# u( CCorrect Answer: D* _. J3 C# W6 U* R
  C3 b( h% l) O4 G

3 c+ v4 u! L1 R  Y/ s" h6 u' l8 d9 W這題答案應該是A,雖然很詭異,但在實作後更加確定,在mode是dynamic時的情況下,是無法關閉DTP的,只能先將設成trunk才可以關掉DTP。
. a6 ^$ O$ k9 O( n" Y9 X8 z! k: ^' V
QUESTION 2128 X* ?& O2 v! o5 _! Y$ a+ {, O
Which Cisco platform can verify ACLs?
( K1 e) U9 j0 cA. Cisco Prime Infrastructure
4 q  i+ y' m) s5 {/ TB. Cisco Wireless LAN Controller
' O2 {+ ?4 B& {/ e# hC. Cisco APIC-EM
. \9 Z" q- q" d+ G& f3 AD. Cisco IOS-XE
/ W7 Y* b9 v( ~! H* tCorrect Answer: C( F( x" e5 J3 `5 M. N3 U

* L9 H4 D% O* x$ K3 w9 ~( g7 V( l% ?% ?
* m. g/ ~2 J, ^( T' l/ \8 l7 J6 r% a" _
3 c4 d8 N, _' u5 k/ p1 TWhich component of the Cisco SDN solution serves as the centralized management system?. C* K( L) |  H, \- h. |8 d7 ^8 N7 N
A. Cisco OpenDaylight
/ J: U' E% [$ w+ x( Q  TB. Cisco ACI
( ^9 `) R7 ]1 ~7 KC. Cisco APIC1 ?, m, C  l( V  k" ^. Q6 v% v
D. Cisco IWAN, |# M7 q; X# U
Correct Answer: C+ ?# L* ?4 d8 H' g& u1 D

9 l0 u5 q2 D3 W& C2 z3 u  B! D9 t0 _  S; d, {# `% h' G& J5 i: o
/ m$ L1 K& I) f! CExplanation:   
( H, i' t+ j2 w% z+ [! o5 i+ \/ g4 oCisco ACI is a comprehensive SDN architecture. This policy-based automation solution supports a 6 w7 \4 z4 e( E' |1 q* T
business-relevant application policy language, greater scalability through a distributed enforcement , E! C; ~$ d1 o: b% Y
system, and greater network visibility. These benefits are achieved through the integration of physical and
% w  k" N! E( M* I  Evirtual environments under one policy model for networks, servers, storage, services, and security.
# R- Q6 M, g5 [7 q' a+ h
: }9 g$ @! x% O; g# |. R! q" ~( n* E- ^/ d
6 F* s1 [$ ~  n7 Y' v
----------以上題目歡迎討論,也可以提出其他不確定的題目來討論-------------6 o( K- _+ L2 l: `0 }' p

+ ?' X: o+ I5 f
1 Y7 U& a. e8 B+ Q$ N; g' N---------以下提供GRE完整的實作題給大家參考----------
& o6 {: U2 T- v2 s0 a+ J


4 l! u. K+ G* ], k
* q) ^6 T; [4 t4 r* w2 ~
4 B" T% q# U( E2 T  GQ1.Why did Branch1 router lose WAN connectivity with R1 router?
, R0 K, c& H8 f3 UA. The IP address is misconfigured on PPP multilink interface on the Branch1 router. : M% J% X1 ?3 h! j( ?
B. The PPP multilink group is misconfigured on the £ranch1 serial interfaces.
1 J' {9 `' p7 k# [. }0 d6 PC. The PPP multilink group is misconfigured on the R1 serial interfaces. 7 K6 \. z1 r, L
D. The Branch1 serial interfaces are placed in a shutdown condition.
- `( U( k- {' J/ C. Y4 GAnswer: A 6 a. H: Q3 O0 ^) J$ M' L
  N5 [9 i# H' C/ ^" m6 @
8 U1 j6 n1 y& r& v( n1 ]
Q2.Why is the Branch2 network 10.1 0.20.0/24 unable to communicate with the Server farm1 network 10.1
5 {, [! I+ x+ R% d5 \6 O0.10.0/24 over the GRE tunnel? ; ]  ?- q9 w4 x3 r9 [
A. The GRE tunnel destination is not configured on the R2 router.
/ o5 s$ z" Q5 g, _- b% Z" r4 \B. The GRE tunnel destination is not configured on the Branch2 router. 3 {' _4 e) e. u$ |9 R1 t' B, ?
C. The static route points to the tunnel0 interface that is misconfigured on the Branch2 router.   v6 B) T8 X. ?9 e  M
D. The static route points to the tunnel0 interface that is misconfigured on the R2 router. 7 u: n0 T9 V8 J
Answer: C5 o4 I% G: e) D" d, X9 `7 O+ a
1 y) @6 d5 r! m* k* u+ G
3 E, h4 g, M7 ^; ?
Q3.Why has the Branch3 router lost connectivity with R1? Use only show commands to troubleshoot
" v; H" c( ]4 R, `! Hbecause usage of the debug command is restricted on the Branch3 and R1 routers. ) F* S- C1 I3 r8 L1 @+ M0 W
A. A PPP chap hostname mismatch is noticed between Branch3 and R1. ' a3 g( Q4 w  [+ i* b+ [
B. A PPP chap password mismatch is noticed between Branch3 and R1.
' ?( @$ V) S( }C. PPP encapsulation is not configured on Branch3. & f$ g. P  g6 h
D. The PPP chap hostname and PPP chap password commands are missing on the Branch3 router. + {, H5 }: v! R3 |  j, q
Answer: A : c, u" ?+ ~- [& ]) D# b' ]
  V$ h9 h+ m& r5 w- u7 r4 z% d

6 h  J2 O$ P! n! n7 D% i. @Q4.Which statement about the router configurations is correct?
, t$ d6 D8 E% kA. PPP PAP is authentication configured between Branch2 and R1.
: _" N9 Z; D" H! l7 @6 tB. Tunnel keepalives are not configured for the tunnel0 interface on Branch2 and R2. 4 G. `, v! R& Z. J8 m6 k
C. The Branch2 LAN network 192.168.11 0/24 is not advertised into the EIGRP network.
/ k: `+ K$ c" h8 y' f+ GD. The Branch3 LAW network is not advertised into the EIGRP network.
, I3 _/ }) Q  r% P$ ?E. PPP CHAP is authentication configured between Branch1 and R1.
( u3 ]& M6 N- N7 z2 g6 I; EAnswer: D& \) S* m6 |: n1 q) O
) |$ w- T& ~4 U9 o
4 {9 f, g& D: \9 j. p- k& g


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DKTsai + 1 很给力!


发表于 2017-9-15 10:24:11 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2017-9-15 10:56:12 | 显示全部楼层
板凳 2017-9-15 10:56:12 回复 收起回复

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发表于 2017-9-15 10:57:47 | 显示全部楼层
謝謝你 的分享
地板 2017-9-15 10:57:47 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2017-9-15 11:42:22 | 显示全部楼层
7# 2017-9-15 11:42:22 回复 收起回复

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发表于 2017-9-15 14:11:01 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2017-9-15 15:23:25 | 显示全部楼层
9# 2017-9-15 15:23:25 回复 收起回复

使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-9-15 21:37:19 | 显示全部楼层
QUESTION 173: Which two features can dynamically assign IPv6 addresses? (Choose two.)
( I  {9 o+ N, i" W% c============================
9 `& ^1 h: u: L7 m; W  u 这一题有什么争议? 肯定是 A. IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration 和 B. DHCP 啊!你可以查看CISCO 官网关于IPv6的说明 (slaac是Stateless address autoconfiguration,无状态地址自动配置。 )
  ?, e. [2 {" D3 q9 B
( w- ~- d1 M/ M! M. _3 x# t3 W

1 Q* s* T- j* b' ?; r
10# 2017-9-15 21:37:19 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-9-15 22:36:22 | 显示全部楼层
QUESTION 96, D选项是 show ipv6, 不是ping ipv6;
  p1 j6 ~1 e9 O
5 T6 m. k2 Y5 m: mQUESTION 42, CISCO官网的定义:IP multicast is a bandwidth-conserving technology that reduces traffic by simultaneously delivering a single stream of information to potentially thousands of corporate recipients and homes. D选项是“multiple streams of data”。
4 y  `) k4 [/ l7 ]& W0 M4 O/ G: F) R
+ x1 t. R! P. AQUESTION 265, 我也觉得答案是D啊。
! k% q2 S0 ^  ~9 e. n  W% A+ ~5 t; c" D. B) N" s3 S: j
QUESTION 257, RFC 1918 was used to create the standards by which networking equipment assigns IP addresses in a private network. A private network can use a single public IP address. 这样一来企业内部的主机就可以使用私有地址,不需要给每个主机一个由Internet注册机构分配的全局唯一的地址空间,从而节省了IPv4 public addresses. 我觉得答案是D。
) `$ n3 s  C) y
' s$ B0 ^1 m2 g4 L9 l- P, ]
9 V- _: O$ H. L
8 m. u* U. ^' v, e% M' k" u
11# 2017-9-15 22:36:22 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-9-16 07:41:32 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you for sharing!
12# 2017-9-16 07:41:32 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-9-18 09:08:47 | 显示全部楼层
Fr0nky 发表于 2017-9-15 22:36: w0 i- `! c. H* D( E4 d
QUESTION 96, D选项是 show ipv6, 不是ping ipv6;
" `  E9 t) f1 A* d: n) z& ^1 f
$ H0 c1 g- A; m2 T- ^8 ^# r$ T! cQUESTION 42, CISCO官网的定义:IP multicast is a b ...

9 t! T7 {* ^' h- ?; m9 X0 NQ96:我在其他題目看到的D選項是ping ipv6,而答案也是ping ipv6比較合理,所以我是表示這題有可能答案有錯,ping ipv6比較合適( t: g& m! ^" T1 }# |0 H

" c6 V  c3 J' M$ \0 tQ42:這題我也不確定,但你提供出資料了,我認同你的答案7 ~# O7 i) P( p# }

2 c5 ]  ^" ?/ a. oQ257:這題我就....不知道怎解釋了,我是認為緩解ipv4耗盡的手法是因為NAT和CIDR的技術來處理的,而NAT是把私有地址轉實體地址,CIDR可以把本來被遮罩浪費掉的IP有效利用。至於私有地址是不是正解這點我覺得就沒有個答案,可能要有更詳細的解釋才比較好釐清了
13# 2017-9-18 09:08:47 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-9-18 19:52:12 | 显示全部楼层
QUESTION 257 我查了别的网站的CCNA题库, 基本都是选RFC 1918
14# 2017-9-18 19:52:12 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-9-18 20:06:39 | 显示全部楼层
QUESTION 286, 赞同你的观点,选ISPs' ]9 j6 |! r1 N$ g6 J  W
+ b7 x8 H' S% Z9 O2 K8 C* h5 o
Q283, 我觉得答案是B5 C4 y  T8 s$ \9 Q
参看这个链接& t8 b2 D/ D3 p; z' m
The routing table consists of at least three information fields: 1. the network id: i.e. the destination subnet; 2. cost/metric: i.e. the cost or metric of the path through which the packet is to be sent; 3. next hop: The next hop, or gateway, is the address of the next station to which the packet is to be sent on the way to its final destination.
  B9 e0 `; |8 K% p4 }0 a1 f* d  ~/ L! R( W) e% h$ t+ R; Q- V
The next hop is a routing term that refers to the next closest router a packet can go through. The next hop is among the series of routers that are connected together in a network and is the next possible destination for a data packet.+ i% Q  C4 Q1 A, B

( `) O" k- o( z* L  _7 ZExample of static route:
, W0 J- u, m* f: C4 ~' j6 O using the next hop IP:9 s# [$ k* d3 u( ?4 U7 ]6 K- [
ip route
  o3 e* g  Y8 v4 ]  z2 X' F) z Pointing to the interface:
8 B6 L2 d( z2 X, N ip route Serial0/04 C: E# n, J4 P5 ^4 s

" I* ]# l) A8 \$ x$ f+ MRoute source: Identifies how the route was learned.
; m8 j1 w3 c/ t( N: O Destination network: Identifies the address of the remote network.
0 E2 }" Y# q2 w& i Administrative distance: Identifies the trustworthiness of the route source.
" A2 Z% |. b3 E2 O4 R, x8 c: v Metric: Identifies the value assigned to reach the remote network. Lower values indicate preferred routes./ O& R3 {5 k0 A. n& ^' |
Next hop: Identifies the IPv4 address of the next router to forward the packet to.% p( j; g! j4 C* I! ^4 X
Route timestamp: Identifies from when the route was last heard.
1 v8 \( B$ |: b8 d Outgoing interface: Identifies the exit interface to use to forward a packet toward the final destination.
8 \) _+ K3 s$ O! ]# Y5 r' n; k5 l# ]* x
' B1 H  A/ I: P6 I
15# 2017-9-18 20:06:39 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

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