► How do I change the reference bandwidth in OSPF? 如何更改OSPF中的参考带宽?
► How does OSPF calculate its metric or cost? OSPF如何计算其度量或成本?
► What algorithm is used by OSPF if equal cost routes exist? 如果存在同等成本的路线,OSPF使用什么算法?
► Are OSPF routing protocol exchanges authenticated? OSPF路由协议交换是否进行了认证?
► What is the link-state retransmit interval, and what is the command to set it? 链路状态重传间隔是多少,设置命令是什么?
► What is the purpose of the variable IP-OSPF-Transmit-Delay? 可变IP-OSPF-Transmit-Delay的作用是什么?
► Are the multicast IP addresses mapped to MAC-level multicast addresses? 组播IP地址是否映射到MAC级组播地址?
► Does the Cisco OSPF implementation support IP TOS-based routing? Cisco OSPF的实施是否支持基于IP TOS的路由?
► Does the offset-list subcommand work for OSPF? offset-list子命令是否适用于OSPF?
► Can I use the distribute-list in/out command with OSPF to filter routes? 可以使用OSPF配置的分发列表in/out命令来过滤路由吗?
► Why do I receive the “cannot allocate router id” error message when I configure Router OSPF One? 为什么在配置路由器OSPF One时收到“无法分配路由器ID”错误消息?
► Why do I receive the “unknown routing protocol” error message when I configure Router OSPF One? 为什么在配置路由器OSPF One时收到“未知路由协议”错误消息?
► Do I need any special commands to run OSPF over BRI/PRI links? 是否需要任何特殊命令通过BRI / PRI链路运行OSPF?
► Do I need any special commands to run OSPF over asynchronous links? 是否需要任何特殊命令通过异步链路运行OSPF?
► Why are OSPF show commands responding so slowly? 为什么OSPF显示命令响应如此缓慢?
► What does the clear ip ospf redistribution command do? Clear IP OSPF重分发命令是做什么的?
► Does OSPF form adjacencies with neighbors that are not on the same subnet? OSPF会否与不在同一子网上的邻居形成邻接关系?
► How often does OSPF send out link-state advertisements (LSAs)? OSPF发送链路状态通告(LSA)的频率如何?
► How do I stop individual interfaces from developing adjacencies in an OSPF network? 如何阻止各个接口在OSPF网络中建立邻接关系?
► Why is it that my Cisco 1600 router does not recognize the OSPF protocol? 为什么我的Cisco 1600路由器不能识别OSPF协议?
► Why is it that my Cisco 800 router does not run OSPF? 为什么我的Cisco 800路由器不运行OSPF?
► Should I use the same process number while configuring OSPF on multiple routers within the same network? 在同一网络内的多个路由器上配置OSPF时,应该使用相同的进程号吗?
► How does OSPF use two Multilink paths to transfer packets? OSPF如何使用两条Multilink路径传输数据包?
► How can you detect the topological changes rapidly? 如何快速检测拓扑变化?
► Does the 3825 Series Router support the OSPF Stub feature? 3825系列路由器是否支持OSPF Stub功能?