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[考试战报] 5/3 300-101 895 pass np收官

发表于 2017-5-3 17:06:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
经历了两次300-101 考试,第一次780 第二次895,题库覆盖大概95%,有些错误题。2 S- Q! f, v) |# o2 r
QUESTION 228  g) V2 A5 Y) I: _: R
When unicast reverse path forwarding is configured on an interface, which action does the interface. x: o: n# v6 _* X& E
take first when it receives a packet?
# A4 C( u" c, XA. it verifies that the source has a valid VEF adjacency.
+ t  t# l7 f8 f: ?* FB. It checks the egress access lists.3 T" t1 B0 c. K5 {' C
C. it verifies a reverse path via the FIB to the source.
1 C2 d! }" R, R$ t( n: LD. It checks the ingress access lists.
9 p0 Z) _2 U$ I$ T  W+ iCorrect Answer: C2 J1 d/ b! m# Q% \* O0 E( \

: i- L# T) @: L; A- J) D' X" l' @8 A4 K' sQUESTION 202- w8 w. y' s: k) d
When unicast reverse path forwarding is configured on an interface, which action does the interface # B+ B1 q3 ^" }( p1 O$ W
take first when it receives a packet?
* a7 a# Y4 [. U5 P0 kA. It check the ingress access list1 E& e5 d1 i0 E7 j/ C
B. It check the egress access list
. ]# l/ P1 ^1 E6 u' RC. It verifies that the source has a valid CEF adjacency
! X" R+ Q0 y+ H+ e' HD. It verifies a reverse path via the FIB to the source' W% h2 R) Q2 A: W9 z) s, H
Correct Answer: D
1 e; o& r! ?& T- ]9 u% c; L+ c3 w% G8 v$ W
QUESTION 222" U4 D7 q, U2 }& X) h
What’s uRPF checking first when the packet enters the interface ? or when unicast reverse patch
# I3 \! L3 |" _1 p5 n# {forwarding is configured on interinterface.
  D/ F  Y8 m, w) jA. it check the ingress access list
* Y- Y; v# j' @6 Q* C4 ^: zB. it check the egress access list4 i  N! y* S4 G# o- r! k
C. Route available in FIB ot it verifies a reverse patch via the fib to the source
) H& L# e- L4 S3 l% n7 H2 nD. it verify that the source has a......
# d* Z" U2 c8 |5 Z+ }4 d3 YCorrect Answer: D: ~/ r) [0 B& W+ _$ v' {/ |
上面三道题都是一个答案。4 T! g) o% z' `* z, R, ?0 n2 |
1 ~5 \+ f$ y. ]' e- @/ q
+ ^9 L/ e5 b" H1 ?. R: NWhich command instructs as a PPPoE client to obtain its IP address from the PPPoE server?8 Y+ E7 Z0 u& r* r% V5 |. G$ V
A. IP address dynamic
6 F6 ]/ {( O+ O. [. R+ _B. ip address negotiated: s* w% Z5 D( A% b2 g
C. ip address auto negotiate.
4 ~( {, D! L' [' Q) n7 z: HD. ip address DHCP) M9 j, `5 M. b- i
Correct Answer: B
% I1 ]7 v0 _6 Y* M, N$ E+ W# q- P& T. s8 V- |

/ W) n( H+ u* v1 t7 I& [: E% rQUESTION 203
# [, w3 `  y1 j) x( p8 X$ `Which command instruct a PPPoE client to obtain its IP address from the PPPoe server?4 z+ X0 Y' r0 ]& L2 c) f
A. Interface dialer
' U. `' E% V& \: A! X1 H0 |B. ip address negotiated  J  c. M# W% \" F6 r3 [' ?* ?
C. pppoe enable
4 o" B2 a: ^' W  b8 N9 d& n2 KD. Ip address DHCP
* q2 _" K" T* z, W" A1 j2 EE. Ip address dynamic
' c& j3 B, Y& hCorrect Answer: B7 T4 r3 L; L& B! @2 E; [
上面两道题都是一个意思,都选 ip address negotiated! A) |; c% w& G  L! |: o
QUESTION 211+ }% @% \! _# |7 t( o4 ?
there is a choice on flow…..a customer what …..i dontremind well (choose three)
8 [' j7 M+ P( K' f+ P  MA. PMTUD
" S  w9 l. J+ u9 q: V$ |. XB. MTU
: G' h" z  B. v3 Z/ j. IC. IP MTU1 B  ]$ \, N; {$ k0 J
D. http://bbs.hh010.com/
  C$ w3 m$ {. F0 o, G. N
* o( z: T- ~" v6 E$ O& aQUESTION 220% M5 ?% |% n9 q9 S1 D# ?8 H8 W
Two GRE sccenarios for preventing(Choose two)7 G* L) `6 X+ N
A. TCP MSS& f4 ^- {  D/ E5 @; y7 H
B. DF Bit
! O, C0 G4 ^! t3 @* E/ |C. http://bbs.hh010.com/0 g3 l& N( ]8 {- H; d
D. http://bbs.hh010.com/# g  D: ~3 p3 J
; v0 S$ o  Y' W
QUESTION 223: s0 }, _, E# F) a; S/ j9 `
Two scenarios for preventing fragmentation on GRE tunnel(Choose two)2 y+ a) k% O5 h  ]. \; G& u6 {
A. TCP MSS9 `$ ~. }! f- u. m
B. DF Bit Clear3 e8 y0 [  B( z1 c6 I  ^
+ B8 Z3 @# C' P' k: a4 P% W6 VD. PMTUD* g1 x# H/ M+ T1 K
E. http://bbs.hh010.com/
, j( J4 y0 O5 ]5 @, O% {$ a7 xF. http://bbs.hh010.com/
9 T# K- n) T8 o: `- s& Q上面都都选 TCP MSS  PMTUD. E) e/ T: n% p$ q, ?0 f# O
+ j$ i0 s# w) ?2 s* UQUESTION 138
5 |' _; c( H0 O* K: yOther than a working EIGRP configuration, which option must be the same on all routers0 Q& p! ~7 e7 ^3 F
for EIGRP authentication key rolleover to work correctly?' f) U( Z, R4 S0 P* J/ F
A. SMTP9 s$ }. }; H' Q' J/ {. D; \
B. SNMP! p. \' f) y# |: ~5 k
C. Passwords5 A/ A, G3 j$ v
D. Time( A( L. ^  }3 l3 U/ p0 R8 d
这道题选D, J2 l; ]5 f/ |8 |8 {: J9 E1 _

# s, ^! b7 {$ u! N" K- p) D# W" L' [QUESTION 135
+ m, `1 O" H% Y- }" g+ Q8 Z0 XRefer to the following configuration command.
# c6 M, \$ m( d* M/ Wrouter(config)# ip nat inside source static tcp 8080 809 P& d9 S0 b% Z3 M6 u& t/ q
Which statement about the command is true?7 }! r* }( ]! s" f4 N
3 X# l# o! f' W6 Q* g
A. Any packet that is received in the inside interface with a source IP port address of
3 k0 Y: w# K' y# c172.16.10.8:80 is translated to h( b0 H" y: W0 k0 V: j4 G$ T$ g
B. Any packet that is received in the inside interface with a source IP port address of1 a6 N" |( l3 ~ is translated to x! E, L6 Y) b4 e/ S
C. The router accepts only a TCP connection from port 8080 and port 80 on IP address' k- B6 P& c( V2 Z G( E8 s* L0 `+ C; U( T
D. Any packet that is received in the inside interface with a source IP address of  k9 b0 ~" e7 B
is redirected to port 8080 or port 80.
  V: o4 z4 }+ N! J5 A, K3 U
# A- O  |6 t4 v* kQUESTION 2195 m/ P+ }- l1 n, i- |, q& D
Refer to the following configuration command.* L4 K, f3 s; v/ C( [
router(config)# ip nat inside source static tcp 8080 80) Y  [9 r' ^7 u9 ?0 o
Which statement about the command is true?) X$ v6 u1 k6 n6 `4 m- c& D
A. Any packet that is received in the inside interface with a source IP port address of is* a, w* o; C1 x; s
translated to
1 W: z5 d! T' o' R: R! d4 U, m/ A: tB. Any packet that is received in the inside interface with a source IP port address of is
4 `, k4 i- V4 c6 l& Etranslated to
' l  g5 P& M8 B& ]7 W, F( }C. The router accepts only a TCP connection from port 8080 and port 80 on IP address h% }8 M  L/ n# r& z
D. Any packet that is received in the inside interface with a source IP address of is redirected
( M9 F) S7 e2 C$ P5 Q, S8 bto port 8080 or port 80.
% O% Z. P% C/ _上面两道题都选translate 800到 80( L3 V, m7 C/ F" V3 A
$ R" g/ w; [' x( R" J2 `
- o% M- Y% z, X2 f4 b7 g有大概7-8道没有见过的题,很陌生,我都是根据自己的理解选择的。
- ?& b& d" [1 |# W% z0 a! [; M拖图全考,pap chap 反选
3 n1 a" }4 p" l+ B3 |. Q- Y$ k/ O实验题还是5道题。OSPF Case 第二题选A,其他和题库一样。ospf ID area 号有变化。重分布注意DLY要除以10。; l) O1 {* T# ^9 ]* m
( j; y' Y' K# M5 L: XCCNP已经全部考完,等证书了,感谢客服5,感谢闫辉老师,感谢群里的朋友,祝大家考试顺利。6 R% l3 S2 w$ t* @; H' n6 F  H

1 u. H% ~6 l. `  y! g4 S
* s/ f( q; |0 i& d


参与人数 1鸿鹄币 +100 威望 +1 收起 理由
崔凯 + 100 + 1 赞一个!



发表于 2017-5-3 18:31:31 | 显示全部楼层
板凳 2017-5-3 18:31:31 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-5-3 19:21:09 | 显示全部楼层
211、220、223这三道题考试时都是选2答案(Choose two)?都有这两个答案TCP MSS  PMTUD,并且都选这两个?因为看题库211、220都不全有这两答案
地板 2017-5-3 19:21:09 回复 收起回复
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 楼主| 发表于 2017-5-3 19:40:18 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
fang_hui791006 发表于 2017-5-3 18:31
" c5 k. b$ K7 j- m你好,请问Q135和Q219都选B吗?还有拖图题PAP和CHAP反选是不是题库中选PAP,实际应该选择CHAP;题库中选择C ...

) f7 C7 k2 _1 s# l对的
5# 2017-5-3 19:40:18 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-5-3 19:42:16 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
默冩唯愛丶 发表于 2017-5-3 19:21
/ y; P0 K( M' y0 d% K211、220、223这三道题考试时都是选2答案(Choose two)?都有这两个答案TCP MSS  PMTUD,并且都选这两个?因 ...
9 T. A3 W9 t: [) H
6# 2017-5-3 19:42:16 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-5-3 19:57:40 | 显示全部楼层
chenyuwei 发表于 2017-5-3 19:40
% t+ K7 K4 o) p8 H0 Z+ v对的

9 D" J! E, ?. n9 r2 h; x1 {: T谢谢!还有300-101你背的是4.10的题库吧(选择题,拖图题,实验题)?
7# 2017-5-3 19:57:40 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-5-3 19:57:44 | 显示全部楼层
chenyuwei 发表于 2017-5-3 19:40; q! k- B9 [1 G7 s; a* ^
, w0 U( U9 P* \8 _( j: g( j9 {
8# 2017-5-3 19:57:44 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-5-3 20:30:44 | 显示全部楼层
9# 2017-5-3 20:30:44 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-5-3 20:32:29 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
fang_hui791006 发表于 2017-5-3 19:578 q4 D! _5 A% L5 z0 \
" @: {" p( {" J/ p/ }; z2 Z, u" n
10# 2017-5-3 20:32:29 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2017-5-3 20:33:30 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
谁是蛋蛋 发表于 2017-5-3 20:30  W& }$ u2 b, T  [1 U3 g" G9 b

. h4 L, m9 V% Y: I! ]% V6 t是按照题库做的,汇总后也只有1 ,没出现题库的2
11# 2017-5-3 20:33:30 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-5-3 20:36:49 | 显示全部楼层
chenyuwei 发表于 2017-5-3 20:32
& _6 h8 C% U" O/ \9 g; C对,就是4.10的题库

" g, M5 B% c, j! X* w! R4 M非常感谢
12# 2017-5-3 20:36:49 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-5-3 21:32:19 | 显示全部楼层
chenyuwei 发表于 2017-5-3 19:40
" c8 c8 O, z+ ~8 w1 Y* m对的

1 `& J2 {. S8 X# }$ w: ~6 \) O" }这么说题库是错的吗?还是变题了
13# 2017-5-3 21:32:19 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-5-3 21:33:47 | 显示全部楼层
fang_hui791006 发表于 2017-5-3 18:312 l" M3 |9 U8 p- i8 l: J" J
你好,请问Q135和Q219都选B吗?还有拖图题PAP和CHAP反选是不是题库中选PAP,实际应该选择CHAP;题库中选择C ...                    
0 ]$ \8 v! J0 H3 E2 K 针对这个是因为变题了吗  还是题库答案是错的
14# 2017-5-3 21:33:47 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2017-5-3 21:59:10 | 显示全部楼层
15# 2017-5-3 21:59:10 回复 收起回复
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