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一上来就是一道新题,是关于IPv4的,不过还好,有点基础的都能做对。期间一共4道新题,复习4.7题库稳过。其实做题的时候我觉得自己是970的。。。因为真的跟题库一模一样,可能我实验题没做好吧。 说回实验题,抽到的是ACL3和OSPF。ACL题目和题库有点出入,主要是最后一条acl条目不同了。抽到的题目已经给出Public server的IP地址。最后一条条目不是access-list 100 permit ip any any而是access-list 100 permit ip any host
. F/ }1 X2 z9 SOSPF的话和PDF第三页那道是一样的。
( Z. X$ s" |+ ?+ e 没出拖图题有点可惜,因为我自己很喜欢做拖图题,很稳。如果是刚开始准备的朋友,建议直接用电脑软件来刷题,要比看PDF高效很多,等电脑软件刷得差不多的时候,再把答案顺序打乱的那个选项打开!!!这个一定要打乱答案的顺序,我4月7号下午考,早上才知道有这么一个功能可以打算ABCD的顺序。。。。因为一些题你会自然而然地记住每个选项的位置的,这样很不利于考试,因为考试是打乱的。
{$ b& _( v8 v; ^7 y打乱顺序的方法是打开软件,到option那里,找到randomize choices where enabled并且勾选上。! O; `- O$ s* f1 u: C6 J
randomize questions 是打乱题目顺序
/ v1 ]% I8 C: U% w, ^/ [* y2 }" H, urandomize choices where enabled 是打乱选项顺序的
7 U7 }0 o X, ]6 z0 X& h& e" J' i3 u; }! ]! E$ o; x6 H7 l! r
4 h% U! K5 D, S1 } K5 G9 U# }: x2 ?9 ^# G
以下是我记得的题目:9 d, M! U1 o9 J. `. G+ c
QUESTION 243 n# ]- }' o7 [4 g* U& j( A. z
Refer to the exhibit. The following commands are executed on interface fa0/1 of 2950Switch.
2 Z) H/ [ G1 ~/ b5 Q' o, m( E2950Switch(config-if)# switchport port-security
* E$ o/ K* ^; k7 y2950Switch(config-if)# switchport port-security mac-address sticky
- a7 m8 O1 {7 i( M/ w! r! k- Q2 i) g$ }, q2950Switch(config-if)# switchport port-security maximum 1
% q" V* Y) e1 D2 u+ HThe Ethernet frame that is shown arrives on interface fa0/1. What two functions will occur when this frame7 |8 b) ~9 P: L6 m% t y3 ?8 V7 n
is received by 2950Switch? (Choose two.)
' \" Z1 V, Q5 _; _0 \! e) ?9 L; `
U9 b4 x, Y7 n- _A. The MAC address table will now have an additional entry of fa0/1 FFFF.FFFF.FFFF.3 r6 j" `( c( d) Z
新版CCNA 考试交流QQ群 :22764853
( l4 R: z6 l/ [( d" O; a4 EB. Only host A will be allowed to transmit frames on fa0/1., q5 g; b" B* `4 ^9 ~6 v( K
C. This frame will be discarded when it is received by 2950Switch.- a$ p& u: Q9 F6 b% X+ s
D. All frames arriving on 2950Switch with a destination of 0000.00aa.aaaa will be forwarded out fa0/1.
1 K' h! O! y9 t6 F% S) _; @: lE. Hosts B and C may forward frames out fa0/1 but frames arriving from other switches will not be
+ I& v$ s- f/ L$ [0 N4 iforwarded out fa0/1.
" ^+ t& j# f9 rF. Only frames from source 0000.00bb.bbbb, the first learned MAC address of 2950Switch, will be5 n: W1 {6 P+ v* {
forwarded out fa0/1.
" U! y/ Y( k E0 D7 ?Correct Answer: BD
5 ^0 c( n; H; L$ \3 Z1 u
: `3 i/ v. O8 ?) a z( ^1 y* a9 p H, P$ U2 p( |) ?% A
QUESTION 250 c8 [) R6 {8 x8 M" }6 `
Which command would you configure globally on a Cisco router that would allow you to view directly
1 _8 J- Y& }5 T4 ~connected Cisco devices?
4 }+ H: |: C4 U" p9 sA. R(config-if)#cdp run
0 _" Q- o" h: [- |& Y% p9 a# {8 wB. R(config-if)#cdp enable% I( w4 C7 N: G# M3 ]; \
C. R(config)#cdp run
& S) G1 E' [6 Z" ~* w' \+ R' f" bD. R(config)#cdp enable
; q3 [; e! \! o. U F. |Correct Answer: C
7 |, [$ o" a# x
6 K& c1 N3 h5 c, |- { k0 a# p
& h$ s, e7 [: ?4 h5 t; k ]: A. {QUESTION 29
( E m) v% d# J$ l- EWhich two commands can be used to verify a trunk link configurationt status on a given cisco switch?
- v( }% F) a. p6 s, F/ c(choose two), s* ^ L2 D5 m; Y
A. show interfaces interface
4 o9 h5 N4 G' m, Q/ K: TB. show interfaces trunk
b) H2 v6 V8 G5 K$ QC. show interfaces switchport& Z& k# R% X) l' x" z9 B4 H3 @, `/ M5 p7 e
D. show ip interface brief# q1 A4 S% T6 \1 O: e9 X* K, Q# q
E. show interfaces vlan8 N2 _ R% V# ~6 n
Correct Answer: BC, j; K! Y3 r% s. }
7 a' B6 V4 U" ^( }; B
6 i! x7 E; D! I: w: r4 q
QUESTION 309 ?5 Y: v- E3 ~& |+ a! H. J
Which two states are the port states when RSTP has converged?(choose two)
) ?) T6 n+ c1 l4 ~& b% x9 O6 g7 @, l" TA. blocking
a; ~6 R+ W5 h" {; @( w2 sB. learning
' v/ A5 F5 R6 ?* e5 G! CC. discarding4 d( z- p6 g* z1 @! d: x' f* h
D. forwarding' L7 J" |- K$ a* `
E. listening- ?: g5 }9 L' J2 z J
Correct Answer: CD
* K9 A w0 o1 R4 A O$ N! `0 V$ s6 ]* L. f" [$ V
) U \. Q e$ X" W9 C! I1 b1 x
QUESTION 36( O9 Y2 t) m% n% k1 p0 F
Which of the following describes the roles of devices in a WAN? (Choose three.) l: k+ p- g6 M& T5 `
A. A CSU/DSU terminates a digital local loop. p( |, r5 G8 T7 j& T/ n* ^
B. A modem terminates a digital local loop+ ?( c/ G6 J' b" J3 T
C. A CSU/DSU terminates an analog local loop
+ G- O9 M6 p8 X8 `/ W) CD. A modem terminates an analog local loop- D6 c. U( w' _) m+ a& h
E. A router is commonly considered a DTE device
" O( ?6 U1 ~% h% XF. A router is commonly considered a DCE device
5 b- U7 M* z" P& R2 nCorrect Answer: ADE: f+ w* z& ?2 B9 K( K$ i
3 i3 [$ [$ D6 y! b9 u
) X" Q+ v, [6 d1 F( ]QUESTION 39, |5 R( x- V& @. e6 U; k
When an interface is configured with PortFast BPDU guard, how does the interface respond when it
+ p! E ~4 y" zreceives a BPDU?- ~. L. T" m$ N2 {
A. It continues operating normally.
# a3 n# Z$ |7 y# p* ]' H8 T9 ]% YB. It goes into a down/down state.! P. e3 I* ~3 H5 @6 n/ h$ r
C. It becomes the root bridge for the configured VLAN. Q9 ?+ Z& w0 D: F& Q. n; Z: D
D. It goes into an errdisable state.: P2 s2 x. `$ ^ p3 N4 o
Correct Answer: D
& S' C4 j) _5 L+ C1 H; [3 q9 @" D. d1 T, _7 h/ C: z1 t
/ Q0 T- u- ]+ @8 r8 A; i6 rQUESTION 40
7 P+ E9 V9 @/ l( p3 DWhat are three characteristics of the TCP protocol? (Choose three.)
+ ]8 s; f, ?) e, M/ }A. It uses a single SYN-ACK message to establish a connection. a- Q+ B) I e6 @& n2 q* i
B. The connection is established before data is transmitted.. N" m2 f8 F, i, }. f+ Y; Z( U
C. It ensures that all data is transmitted and received by the remote device.2 T Q1 b' q3 h3 i7 |
D. It supports significantly higher transmission speeds than UDP.
* P( J/ e$ M- E6 HE. It requires applications to determine when data packets must be retransmitted.
& }7 W7 a1 N, r1 @) ^F. It uses separate SYN and ACK messages to establish a connection.
1 C* x' x( @& e) ]5 rCorrect Answer: BCF, \1 R, {5 I6 k3 H. M9 N) T
! E& `+ s- _ N. y& r& h
2 { |1 ~7 p, u3 j W: d: T9 vQUESTION 43
: ^# u" _8 @! K& u, Q/ K) z1 sWhat are two benefits of private IPv4 IP addresses? (Choose two.)
7 @" C0 O5 t7 bA. They are routed the same as public IP addresses.0 I6 i& q; q, j, s5 v$ j2 m
B. They are less costly than public IP addresses., t8 K, K/ D$ S5 e( B/ g1 ~; Q: H) b
C. They can be assigned to devices without Internet connections., O6 [" Z! z2 c1 d
D. They eliminate the necessity for NAT policies.
! s8 O) M5 |. S" x+ X- XE. They eliminate duplicate IP conflicts.
& W0 o; ?9 j* B, f }1 r# \Correct Answer: BC
1 {1 W) H7 X5 B1 k1 T, ]
& W! f! O5 c7 r6 |3 v. w* \
: i& ]5 b+ M' g7 _1 H4 }8 n1 [5 _( PQUESTION 44; U0 A% \% y9 k0 U; I) ~
What is the authoritative source for an address lookup?
% D! ^4 l1 d$ m5 tA. a recursive DNS search6 S% j3 {; X9 T: r
B. the operating system cache9 w7 z7 b: `& X9 A, I8 }
C. the ISP local cache8 N4 \; P4 Q2 R8 b+ `+ m4 j
D. the browser cache
4 o! J: O6 q. [$ P, [7 O W$ RCorrect Answer: A0 s: T$ X1 |8 k
' f" U/ L: E* p& E2 @$ G* ?8 T
! j5 G! r; x6 y' Q) c+ |QUESTION 500 ?- C9 q: L5 Y5 x1 E5 U, Y
Which two statements about northbound and southbound APIs are true? (Choose two.)% S! S" u9 ]; m% v( L: ?5 O6 Z
A. Only southbound APIs allow program control of the network.
9 x; a- L8 V( ]8 o, p2 H0 m" O @B. Only northbound APIs allow program control of the network.0 @0 J6 [9 o) r( _/ z5 `9 t5 F
C. Only southbound API interfaces use a Service Abstraction Layer.1 u; S" i7 j0 N. J; T& _9 W$ {
D. Only northbound API interfaces use a Service Abstraction Layer.
* b3 j! g3 y9 V) L2 L: OE. Both northbound and southbound API interfaces use a Service Abstraction Layer. ]% `! x* ^+ O. a; Z" Y* I
F. Both northbound and southbound APIs allow program control of the network.
8 e/ e$ X7 K/ A$ ~; h: eCorrect Answer: BC
- k. n, ]$ y: n5 x
8 K+ _, b" S. {8 Q1 T
& S: Q7 Z& l" n( _8 b( cQUESTION 554 N! V* L! W2 M5 J$ D
Which function does IP SLA ICMP ECHO operation perform to assist with6 O, ?& p& R; t/ @# _0 a, v; @, g: A
6 W" g6 C" r# CA. packet-loss detection3 _, V6 Q' Z. C4 l
B. congestion detection1 F3 l. S6 R6 C/ y' U) l9 [
C. hop-by-hop response time
: P% q0 O! u, Y3 F! y( p+ ~/ M6 _D. one way jitter measurement5 f/ z$ c) l5 d5 G6 ]( R
E. http://bbs.hh010.com/5 y7 l% d' J$ D1 y& Q
Correct Answer: C( D& M0 u; j8 R7 `0 t3 ~4 X
- ~) q/ M8 ^2 K8 C
' j5 D% @4 H. K7 `/ ]6 C6 D- q$ y# \
g) S- X$ d+ h& z" ~3 o" Y4 w" ]What parameter can be different on ports within an EtherChannel?3 y) c6 y- _% `
A. speed
! {& Y. G& t1 D5 ]# H) O/ A* cB. DTP negotiation settings
2 Z! v; x3 h, dC. trunk encapsulation: L" [8 f- C J* _ ^8 {
新版CCNA 考试交流QQ群 :22764853
8 [' A; U! Y2 T& LD. duplex
. Y( }' L9 l0 _Correct Answer: B
0 @0 l; X& z* X6 I9 B9 ?; y6 W! @. J7 V
$ u$ m" P0 X4 v) AQUESTION 725 z e0 N" M& m# t
Which two statements about IPv6 router advertisement messages are true? (Choose4 G' @# j* o# ^) R+ O
: ]- ^' c$ L9 o1 l2 Y4 l9 R3 k% XA. They use ICMPv6 type 134.* \8 S1 Y# S, P9 U# Y \
B. The advertised prefix length must be 64 bits.+ v2 W4 r$ p6 x' D
C. The advertised prefix length must be 48 bits.
: K" S7 I: U$ Q0 Y& o6 {D. They are sourced from the configured IPv6 interface address.
% B, R3 z4 a9 t+ bE. Their destination is always the link-local address of the neighboring node.
s9 h( {7 @9 N# _% C/ vCorrect Answer: AB
% W# H4 T$ f4 sSection: part C q Y D" E! k" f
9 @1 A# K. `7 U) |7 n" E8 @
+ R$ \6 p* W0 C7 ~2 ], t8 _QUESTION 97
( L! W, |! d8 {) D7 jWhat are two reasons that duplex mismatches can be difficult to diagnose? (Choose two.) t& {! o4 g1 X/ E4 Q4 U
A. The interface displays a connected (up/up) state even when the duplex settings are mismatched.
6 Z) M K1 D* K( M' L) jB. 1-Gbps interfaces are full-duplex by default.
2 v6 W$ p( |- `. ]+ i) l- {3 IC. Full-duplex interfaces use CSMA/CD logic, so mismatches may be disguised by collisions.- G* c6 R' {6 ?/ v
D. The symptoms of a duplex mismatch may be intermittent.
+ X( I2 z8 z8 V* aE. Autonegotiation is disabled.
, u: G- U4 H# m8 v) |Correct Answer: AD% S% i* s1 N& v. i8 i
, `" i7 s6 U& g$ f' Q& H
/ O' m& w$ e; t8 E ` s
QUESTION 1051 B8 z5 z$ L+ B; A% g& d! v
Which part of the PPPoE server configuration contains the information used to assign an IP address to a
2 D8 B: `: S' v1 hPPPoE client?
' R0 F$ P; f+ b6 u% FA. virtual-template interface
* B6 j7 o/ p. o& \B. DHCP
- L( ~( ^9 x0 F9 D. A! H2 q3 MC. dialer interface& ?: Z1 W; s4 N/ v1 }
D. AAA authentication
) I% k+ w' \4 V$ p, o- l8 e uCorrect Answer: A4 n- H4 j) W: K7 w: C( v
) r+ B: I+ V; `2 g4 {* v! I" x
* \; s) K" y" v2 M6 y) P3 q" d2 d" l
0 A( I' f1 W; P5 T9 j