本帖最后由 Shalltear 于 2017-2-2 08:02 编辑
Which interface counter can you use to diagnose aduplex mismatch problem? A. no earner B. latecollisions C. giants D. CRC errors E. deferred F. runts 题库答案是late collision 乾颐堂讲解答案选 CRC errors
CRC Description:Cisco IOS sh interfaces counter. This increments when the CRC generated by theoriginating LAN station or far-end device does not match the checksumcalculated from the data received. Common Causes: This usually indicates noiseor transmission problems on the LAN interface or the LAN itself. A high numberof CRCs is usually the result of collisions but can also indicate a physicalissue (such as cabling, bad interface or NIC) or a duplex mismatch
Late-Col Description: CatOS sh port and Cisco IOS shinterfaces and sh interfaces counters errors. The number of times a collisionis detected on a particular interface late in the transmission process. For a10 Mbit/s port this is later than 512 bit-times into the transmission of apacket. Five hundred and twelve bit-times corresponds to 51.2 microseconds on a10 Mbit/s system. Common Causes: This error can indicate a duplex mismatch among otherthings. Forthe duplex mismatch scenario, the late collision is seen on the half duplexside. As the half duplex side is transmitting, the full duplex side does notwait its turn and transmits simultaneously which causes a late collision. Latecollisions can also indicate an Ethernet cable or segment that is too long.Collisions must not be seen on interfaces configured as full duplex.
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