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本帖最后由 爱恨交加 于 2016-12-9 11:01 编辑 $ f" T! W& R; m+ u
5 |* w# z. z- y- g M
. @" D+ c+ o' s% ~; ~1 G* m, E继5月26日400-101fail之后的又一次挑战,今天终于pass了,面对着思科的各种变题,本以为我不在持续继续参加考试;上次本以为笔试fail之后就不在考思科了,可作为一名刚刚毕业的专业生,不得不考一个还算可以的证书;现在工作在某个不知名小公司,每天和PC打交道,确实厌倦了这种生活,别的的就不说了, 希望一下题目对大家有帮助。
- f- V; y5 |5 Z( X特别感谢在463904693群内得到大家的帮助,虽然有部分新题,但是我还是由衷的感谢,有兴趣的话大家也可以进去。
% o# _2 S) y$ k. w8 @! K$ v. Z3 y拖图有个这样的,我按前边编号写的;
0 e+ k7 ^' O0 N
$ j$ X: F: w& H" K5 \. l
1、What are the two BFD modes?
2 T" A6 `) A! Z% T4 L1 Q2 sactive
/ }+ n7 t3 u' n I0 o+ ~asynchronous
/ w( v; J% R4 s' }passive
0 r2 N: o) K* Eestablished8 O+ k2 J& X6 \+ N# \( H
8 w2 k4 i/ }% s0 ?synchronous
9 R* Q) _; D/ i) ^$ q1 D: N% e2、In a simple MPLS L3VPN, which two tasks are performed by the PE router?: w' P7 w$ b! p% k& q
It establishes pseudo wires with other PEs.
# ?& F1 y' K0 ^- A! IIt exchanges VPNv4 and VPNv6 routes with CE Devices.9 Y9 \' u: X7 H! b" k; W: }2 t% k
It assigns labels to routes in individual VPNs.
. a7 h& k" u- o2 V- d$ r$ A" ^6 dIt forwards labeled packets to CE devices./ B+ q% \% V4 @! f, {6 Z- f4 J
It exchanges VPNv4 or VPNv6 route with other PE routers.! X& q7 J3 E1 \3 U6 s7 b
3、Which two statements about PPP PAP are true?(Choose two)8 V6 w. ]% i; e5 n2 N6 D
It requires two-way authentication.
/ G4 W' ?. ]' h% S1 r/ AIt can protect against playback attacks.9 V# a4 Q; s6 l6 Q( J
It is supported only on synchronous interfaces.: A; |& T& d( A% H
It is vulnerable to trial-and error attacks., C- r8 }8 `, K3 T
Login attempts are controlled by the remote node.0 ], Z; S8 K" J8 W2 F0 x( v
4、For what reason might you choose to use an SVTI interface instead of a crypto map on a tunnel interface?
# e+ A1 D$ n! p4 u1 T m# y LSVTIs support dynamic routing protocols without GRE headers.
$ ]1 k4 g) c) D. YSVTIs can support multiple IPSec SAs.
" W: ~ f7 [0 ~ bSVTIs can carry non-IP traffic.
+ B, M7 ~3 v: @# ^9 T( `SVTIs support CEF-switched traffic shaping.
) ?8 x" K% N5 I% h7 e3 W3 G5、Which cache aggregation scheme is supported by NetFlow ToS-based router aggregation?
7 A2 ?* c8 S" L1 p) B/ Vprefix-port
3 H9 }5 E7 R9 P7 pAS
" U$ R- M2 ^0 X8 wprotocol port
! T# E1 ^8 @, X# R4 O e) ^destination prefix
/ b4 v1 L! Q; b* t0 }$ s6、What are the two variants of NTPv4? (Choose two.) ' | @* g) K' U5 q
4 ?$ O1 }0 q, [- [1 g: @: L- T4 cbroadcast
& p# x6 ~& |5 e" K1 @multicast
* j7 F( Z5 o1 S% ]7 `1 _asymmetric
& j/ v$ j# y! i& ]4 c- Z N& Municast
! V) L8 n) s6 |( M; D9 L- C+ S7、Which feature can you implement to reduce global synchronization?$ a2 A3 Q' m2 `" Q. V+ l3 G' a" C
WRED! L9 R* f, t6 Y! @2 S
marking% {+ H+ v( S2 T/ m, i; N4 }6 v8 ^
policing1 E5 y3 d7 @+ _
NBAR# n4 l* L$ g* P
8、What is the default behavior for a manual summary route when a component route of the summary disappears?' b. m% ?, W4 J, K8 ]: {
Regardless of the metric if the componnent route,the metric of the summary is unchanged in order to keep stability.$ O. U/ S# L2 Q9 d. |5 M; `& M+ k4 c% v
If the component route previously had the best composite metric ,the same summary metric is retained for stability.3 I2 G, E. M2 S: }: r
If the component route previously had the best composite metric ,the metric of the summary changes to the next-best composite metric.
+ h2 H$ m3 a9 o; l6 t1 mif the component route previously did not have the best composite metric,the summary metric is updated,and updates are sent to peers.7 g' `/ i' `' M% }7 t* B6 s
9、Which two statements about the command distance bgp 90 60 120 are true? (Choose two.)
4 w) Z9 c/ p( k. @, \% \5 }' ?& hImplementing the command is a Cisco best practice.' s& J7 m" g* m% k- r$ `
The external distance it sets is preferred over the internal distance.2 d& P: \8 B" _
The internal distance it sets is preferred over the external distance.0 j; S6 D6 I9 q& {% G! [: J! U. T
The local distance it sets may conflict with the EIGRP administrative distance.
: F( L+ N% L4 Q; H- I: j2 {The internal distance it sets may conflict with the EIGRP administrative distance.+ K( |8 j& h; H0 o. m* S- O5 ~+ E2 u
The local distance it sets may conflict with the RIP administrative distance.
0 i0 k3 c4 v$ |) ^10、Which three elements compose a network entity title? (Choose three.)
, g2 d0 z* w" T( ?! p( Larea ID
K# N' |, s8 |. A. g$ A8 P( }& ddomain ID/ [" q( e/ f4 P% r
system ID k5 B* H+ {: n$ x' G3 b$ D0 i+ P ]
NSAP selector$ o' M$ Z8 c; N" K
MAC address
. H' `+ _, V i5 B5 J8 qIP address1 i0 i: p# k A5 A6 N
11、Which statement about NAT64 is true?* i3 ~' x8 i0 l/ b, u3 }1 E
It uses one-to-one mapping between IPv6 addresses and IPv4 addresses.
, j. k) G7 T, i% V& }" ZIt requires static address mapping between IPv6 addresses and IPv4 addresses.
1 J! s% P4 i% t9 t1 X1 u' gIt can be used to translate an IPv6 network to another IPv6 network.2 y. |/ v" |) j, c% N( b
It can be configured for stateless and stateful translation./ Y* u n8 V; t+ C& I r& }
) ?, F/ \# I, C T0 T大概意思就是运行了bgp 65500,nei了LocalSite 其中有三条route-map 10 、15 、30
1 w+ _: \) a) }$ N, A! o6 S这题要选AS 65500 和BGP路由
1 K6 }. B0 P! m% U8 W0 Y13、
5 t) {$ P+ V' W( x S0 ` ~这题是给出一张图,是show bfd nei det 1
. L4 _* M+ \) a: j, _1 RNei的地址是10网段的 LD/RD LD是1 RD是一个很大的数字,状态都是UP ,INT 是 g0/3
" Q, W: V8 }. S2 M. g" @
& X( n6 Q" d) W) Q) T5 J& I% L# a1 `
这题要选:BGP on RT1 has negotiated …… its peer,
% ]2 g9 }5 ^! k0 w还有一个选项是:BFD is active for BGP on RT1
6 R9 a0 m1 Q1 v3 v9 M
3 g: [* Q: S( e. ]最后,真心感谢 群内所有人,希望大家都早点PASS!!!
) u( G7 n' [9 u% {0 b; ^
: |# G a0 k' s" o9 M& x8 c. {* O. K0 k) F: M @3 E1 c$ U