From now on, most of the configurations need to be made on the actual NM-Cisco Unity Express module, which means that a connection needs to establish from the router to module. The Cisco Unity Express has EXEC and configuration modes that operate similarly to the EXEC and configuration modes for Cisco IOS CLI commands. Issue the service-module service-engine 1/0 session command in order to enter Cisco Unity Express. This is the procedure to configure voicemail:
Enter the command service-module service-engine 1/0 session in order to connect to the module.
Router#service-module service-engine 1/0 session
Enter the command enable in order to enter the EXEC mode.
Enter the command configure terminal in order to enter the configuration mode.
se-172-22-1-155#configure terminal
Enter the command ccn application voicemail in order to enter the application configuration for voicemail.
se-172-22-1-155(config)#ccn application voicemail
Enter the command description "text" in order to enter a description of the application.
se-172-22-1-155(config-application)#description "Cisco Voicemail"
Enter the command maxsessions number in order to specify the number of subscribers who can access this application simultaneously. Refer to Sharing Ports Among Applications and Triggers for more information on the value.
se-172-22-1-155(config-application)#maxsessions 4
Enter the command exit in order to finish the application configuration.
Enter the command exit in order to finish the configuration mode.