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where we ask partner & customers how much they know about the future of datacenter modernization.
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Let’s begin
True or false
Windows Server 2012 require shared storage to migrate virtual machines without downtime.
Windows Server 2012 需要使用共享式存储才能不停机迁移虚拟机
The answer is false.
See don’t need shared storage to move running virtual machines around
No, with shared-nothing live migration, you can move VM and storage between physical hosts with no interruption
without shared storage and even without cluster.
All you need is ethernet cable.
Next question, true or false.
With Hyper-V replica, Windows server 2012 provides the ability to replicate virtual machines between sites
通过 Hyper-V 复制,Windows Server 2012 能够在站点间复制虚拟机
for disaster recovery with no additional lisence in classes.
The correct answer is true.
We could even use this replicate to your datacenter.
Next question, true or false.
Windows Server 2012 can transform any inexpensive commodity storage into SAN like storage solutions.
Windows Server 2012 可以将廉价的市售存储设备转变成类似 SAN 的解决方案
The correct answer is true.
I knew this one, it creates storage pools of spaces that can be mirrored or striped, and it expanded on-demand.
We have a SAN, what would it do for us?
我们有 SAN,能获得什么好处
Well one great feature for SAN is ODX (Off-Loaded data transfer),
ODX(卸载数据传输)是 SAN 的一个重要功能
instead of having a host do task, the SAN dose itself very quickly
宿主机不需要执行实际任务,SAN 可以快速完成
I knew that Windows server 2012 Hyper-V hosts supports physical system with 320 logical processors and up to 4 terabytes of RAM.
我知道 Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V 宿主机可以支持 320 个逻辑处理器和 4TB 内存
Hyper –V VM can support up to 64 virtual CPUs and up to one terabyte memory.
Hyper-V 虚拟机最多能使用 64 个虚拟 CPU,以及 1TB 内存
I didn’t know how ready Windows Server 2012 was to handle my biggest datecenter needs today.
我不知道 Windows Server 2012 对今天最大的数据中心需求支持情况怎样
It is cloud ready .