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[求助] 一个sqlnet的问题

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发表于 2014-9-29 15:28:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
小弟有个问题希望各位能帮忙解决下 在此先谢谢大家啦!!
下面的是思科的一个文档关于INSPECT SQLNET 对于ORACLE数据库不是很懂希望大家能帮忙说说这个文档是什么意思谢谢。

Usage Guidelines
The SQL*Net protocol consists of different packet types that the security appliance handles to make the data stream appear consistent to the Oracle applications on either side of the security appliance.
The default port assignment for SQL*Net is 1521. This is the value used by Oracle for SQL*Net, but this value does not agree with IANA port assignments for Structured Query Language (SQL). Use the class-mapcommand to apply SQL*Net inspection to a range of port numbers.

Note Disable SQL*Net inspection when SQL data transfer occurs on the same port as the SQL control TCP port 1521. The security appliance acts as a proxy when SQL*Net inspection is enabled and reduces the client window size from 65000 to about 16000 causing data transfer issues.

The security appliance NATs all addresses and looks in the packets for all embedded ports to open for SQL*Net Version 1.
For SQL*Net Version 2, all DATA or REDIRECT packets that immediately follow REDIRECT packets with a zero data length will be fixed up.
The packets that need fix-up contain embedded host/port addresses in the following format:

SQL*Net Version 2 TNSFrame types (Connect, Accept, Refuse, Resend, and Marker) will not be scanned for addresses to NAT nor will inspection open dynamic connections for any embedded ports in the packet.
SQL*Net Version 2 TNSFrames, Redirect, and Data packets will be scanned for ports to open and addresses to NAT, if preceded by a REDIRECT TNSFrame type with a zero data length for the payload. When the Redirect message with data length zero passes through the security appliance, a flag will be set in the connection data structure to expect the Data or Redirect message that follows to be NATed and ports to be dynamically opened. If one of the TNS frames in the preceding paragraph arrive after the Redirect message, the flag will be reset.
The SQL*Net inspection engine will recalculate the checksum, change IP, TCP lengths, and readjust Sequence Numbers and Acknowledgment Numbers using the delta of the length of the new and old message.
SQL*Net Version 1 is assumed for all other cases. TNSFrame types (Connect, Accept, Refuse, Resend, Marker, Redirect, and Data) and all packets will be scanned for ports and addresses. Addresses will be NATed and port connections will be opened.

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