
楼主 |
发表于 2014-5-16 16:17:13
Thanks for downloading
note: This is the FIRST ALPHA release of V1.0 of the GNS3 software. Expect bugs! We are working hard on fixing them all but know that our users want to dive into IOU within GNS3.
For Bug Reporting – Please check out Community Feedback
Dynamips implementation on Windows has many bugs due to problems with the local GNS3 server. We don’t recommend using Dynamips/IOS on Windows for the first alpha-1 excepting if you are adventurous. Linux mostly works fine.
- We have only tested Windows 7, it may not work for Windows XP.- You must manually kill any dynamips.exe process before the local GNS3 server can close.- Saving and restoring a topology doesn’t work properly (many small bugs).
1 – Install VirtualBox (or VMware).
2 – Download the GNS3 IOU VM.ova appliance: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ ... GNS3%20IOU%20VM.ova
3 – Import the appliance in VirtualBox.
4 – Make sure the first VM adapter is set “VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter”. You may have to add one in VirtualBox preferences -> Network -> Host-only Networks.
5 – Start the VM.
6 – Once started you should see the VM IP address. If not log on with username root and password cisco and use the ifconfig command. Let’s say the IP is for the rest of the instructions
7 – Open a web browser and go to and upload your IOU image. Remember the file path, e.g. /home/gns3/Documents/GNS3/images/i86bi_linux-ipbase-ms-12.4.bin
8 – Create a text file named iourc containing the IOU license number. Unfortunately you will have to find that number by yourself (hint: the hostname is gns3-iouvm and hostid is 00000000).
gns3-iouvm = cd11acbc599f2364;
9 – Start GNS3, go to Preferences -> Server -> Remote servers and add the VM IP address, in this example, click on Apply.
10 – Go to IOS on UNIX preferences, set the path to IOURC to the file created in step 8.
11 – Go to IOU devices and add the path from step 7 to IOU path, optionally configure the other settings, click on Save.
12 – Start using the IOU device from the device list.
Known issues with IOU:
- You must save your project first before using any IOU device (File -> Save project as).– Possible bug if you see the message “The path to IOURC must be configured”. Close GNS3 and restart may be needed to get rid of it.
To report bugs: COMMUNITY FEEDBACK |
2014-5-16 16:17:13