Cisco IOS-On-UNIX is an internal Cisco application used by engineers for testing, proof-of-concept, and validating design.
This is the Linux-based version. It is similar in function to Dynamips/Dynagen/GNS3, but nowhere near as CPU/memory intensive.
IOS On Unix – Cisco Systems confidential, internal use only
Under no circumstances is this software to be provided to any
non Cisco staff or customers. To do so is likely to result
in disciplinary action. Please refer to the IOU Usage policy at
wwwin-iou.cisco.com for more information.
搞到了Cisco IOU的几个文件,知道了如何绕开IOU的认证机制,但是不知道怎么让它先运行啊!纠结…
Defeating Cisco IOU’s License Protection
还有WVRP 5.5也是,虽然有,也可以运行,但是要Key,有人有什么方法不?(更新:破解的已经搞到,呵呵~)
Cisco IOU 种子文件 [1] | [2] (已有Cracked的了,不用提供种子)
- 知道如何运行了,推荐大家用colinux,简单。
- Linux的发行版应该都可以(x86 Linux),我用的是Debian。
- chmod +x xxxxxx //赋予执行权限。
- 库文件libcrypto.so.4丢失的解决办法:ln -s /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8 /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.4。
- 破解没有视频里那么顺利,改了十六进制还是提示需要License,有空在看看IDA,再试试。
- 成功,并且互联了两台设备,资源占用很小,截图给大家看看~
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