The GNS3 1.0 Alpha version is out, let’s see what’s new and how to install it. Download is allowed only to GNS3 Members: to be a member you must contribute to the crow funding campaign. The first execution will ask for GNS3 username and email address: 1.0 即将发布, 内置支持IOU" action-data="" action-type="show-slide" style="margin: 10px auto; border: 0px; list-style: none; vertical-align: baseline; display: block;"> The new GNS3 supports Cisco IOU (IOS On Unix) using an external VM: a simple HOWTO is provided: - Download the OVA.
- Import the OVA and start the VM (latest VirtualBox software must be used, VMware Player/Workstation do not work).
- Login as root (password “cisco”) and check the assigned IP address:# ifconfig eth0
- Open a browser, point to the address of the VM and upload an IOU binary using http://192.168.X.Y:8000/upload. Seems that file larger than 100MB are not supported (I tested with 62MB and it worked). The IOU image will be uploaded under /home/gns3/Documents/GNS3/images/.
- Create, on your dekstop, the IOU license using gns3-iouvm as hostname:[license]gns3-iouvm = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Open the GNS3 GUI set the VM IP (port 8000) address under Edit -> Preferences -> Server -> Remote servers:
1.0 即将发布, 内置支持IOU" style="margin: 10px auto; border-width: 0px; list-style: none; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-align: center; display: block; background-image: none;"> - Set the iourc license path under Edit -> Preferences -> IOS on UNIX -> Path to IOURC:
1.0 即将发布, 内置支持IOU" style="margin: 10px auto; border-width: 0px; list-style: none; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-align: center; display: block; background-image: none;"> - Finally set the IOU path under Edit-> Preferences -> IOUU devices -> IOU images -> IOU path:
1.0 即将发布, 内置支持IOU" style="margin: 10px auto; border-width: 0px; list-style: none; vertical-align: baseline; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-align: center; display: block; background-image: none;">
Finally deploy a couple of IOU devices and start them: 1.0 即将发布, 内置支持IOU" action-data="" action-type="show-slide" style="margin: 10px auto; border: 0px; list-style: none; vertical-align: baseline; display: block;"> Behind GNS3 1.0GNS3 1.0 starts IOU devices from /home/gns3/Documents/GNS3/projects/iou/. Each IOU device has a different directory, and all have a similar NETMAP: # head -n5 /home/gns3/Documents/GNS3/projects/iou/untitled/device-1/NETMAP513:0/0 1:0/0513:0/1 1:0/1513:0/2 1:0/2513:0/3 1:0/3513:1/0 1:1/0513 is a dumb device ID assigned to a wrapper: # ps -ef | grep 513gns3 1736 1597 0 09:57 ? 00:00:00 /usr/local/bin/iouyap 513IOU process are owned by GNS3 UID: # ps -ef | id gns3uid=1000(gns3) gid=1000(gns3) groups=1000(gns3)root@gns3-iouvm:~# ls /tmp/netio10001 1.lck 2 2.lck 513 513.lck 514 514.lck ttyC2 ttyC2.lck ttyS1 ttyS2 |