以下是本人在美国念书找工作去的一家公司网络工程师的电话面试题。整体难度大家感受一下~这个是电话面试 一轮~
在美国本科毕业生,有CCNP 证书,如果能找到入门级的工作,工资应该在60000到80000刀。
 How many usable IP addresses are available in a /24, /22 network.
254, 1022
 What subnet mask should be used in a point-to-point network?
 What is layer 2 flow control???
Layer 4? TCP sliding window??
 What cables are used to connect two switches?
 BGP attributes?
 What is BGP’s protocol number?
 Describe the function of STP, the different status of ports in STP
 What is portFast used for?
 What’re two components of a Bridge ID in stp?
 Talk about the development of STP, like RSTP
 How to configure the HSRP
 How do HSRP devices communicate?
 What does the multicast address mean?
 OSI 7 layer model
 What kinds of Cisco devices have you ever used?
 What is the speed of a T1 connection?
 What do router/switches do when they are turned on?
 What is ARP used for?
 What does CEF stand for? What’s the advantage?
 What’s the different between single mode and multimode fiber