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[考试战报] [2010.11.24]广州642-902PASS 988

发表于 2010-11-24 10:27:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
255Q的题库全覆盖 3.37 471可以完全不理会,5个试验考了4个没有考IPV6的虚链路,注意EIGRP OSPF的重发布 在R2上需要有distance eigrp 90 109. h7 s7 b' W5 |; u$ z% a+ V# H
拖图考了) A$ j2 o1 a/ Z: S2 ]* J, m7 H5 S
1。IPv4 to IPv6 Transition Methods0 i- J) a( }  V* G
2.* Administrative Distance of the path route –>show ip route bgp
7 M0 T. S8 l* J7 Z% u8 e) C( x: K+ o   * BGP Statistics such as Hello, Update, Reply, etc. –>show ip bgp neighbor* d; ]. E- m5 K7 l1 L- T
   * Memory Usage of the Path –>show ip bgp summary
# E. U+ c; r  g0 `& v4 ^" v- \! }& Q: m  * BGP route policy –>show ip bgp" ?, v5 G. X- }: T9 S
3." @, v! ^/ A& k5 ]6 {
1)show ip eigrp traffic –
5 G% M8 F6 C7 N$ UShows the number of EIGRP packets sent and received.2 I0 D/ J6 F. z7 F' t2 F
2)show ip route eigrp –+ J( M0 P& c8 k- ~% T( ]& n
Shows EIGRP routes in routing table /- V0 D6 i2 Z; v: A/ |: I! F  }
confirm what is actually being used /
9 J: l/ n# u. [& J# v5 v" X) S! \1 W  ~does routing9 u2 D$ W, B& E+ j9 W8 x4 q5 \
3)show ip eigrp topology-5 ]0 U: Q, L9 |
Shows the routes known to a router’s EIGRP routing process./
9 u, n: g# ^! z) F" d, Q( B1 UConfirm what eigrp learning. n6 w, S6 P, h
Show what does it learned) `% Z" I! O4 _8 K5 D
4)show ip eigrp inte**ce-  H" C" S5 w' f  Y" \
Shows information about inte**ces configured for EIGRP/
) L5 s) j; f0 \% v1 _. cVerify the routing of specific inte**ce+ T# H. F6 b8 r% {
Show what being used! C' S+ F) T9 d% `1 K) h. f* U
8 X  q: P( D: s( l1) show ip bgp-1 S8 O% V/ R, R+ ^5 s
Shows the entries (Network Prefix – BGP, route policy, router ID, local_pref, next hop) in the BGP routing table,
. T: L, Z  v1 }2) show ip bgp summary-' K2 i, T. I! C0 A" \! C% G$ r1 M
Show the BGP path, prefix, attribute information for all connecti** to BGP neighbors.
" Y# M5 R. d+ T! Q+ m% FGives you details about memory taken by path' `( L+ b2 ], D5 H5 ^
3) show ip route bgp-
  T3 h+ ?4 j- B* ?; u! W( P* Z2 t, n. F* z; PShows routes known to a routing table that were learned via BGP.
$ Y/ ]1 g& x6 S4 Y$ QAdministrative distance of the path route.
& l" n0 `3 H0 K2 O* P4) show ip bgp neighbor-
( ^$ n7 a# k  \7 f4 S* d, k" `Shows detailed information (e.g . hello, update, timer ) about all the BGP neighbors of a router.9 k% C- y& w! ?, X9 k; z
2 J  m+ u9 y. ]) V8 _  X; [祝大家都顺利通过! % E0 g* V) F6 u1 K  l

0 Q, D* L' Q3 d


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fulltimes + 17
崔凯 + 15 + 8
leo + 20 + 8 恭喜楼主


 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-24 10:27:49 | 显示全部楼层
沙发 2010-11-24 10:27:49 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2010-11-24 11:59:11 | 显示全部楼层
板凳 2010-11-24 11:59:11 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2020-9-11 19:06:47 | 显示全部楼层
地板 2020-9-11 19:06:47 回复 收起回复
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