1、(10%) what is the rule of class D_*,UserClass, and client class of D_* and UserClass to access the member of class B?
class B
class D_pri:private B {/**…….*/}
class D_Publ: public B {/**….*/}
class UserClass
{B b;/**..*/}
2 write the output
using namespace std;
void println(const std::string& msg)
class Base{
Base() {println(“Base::Base()”);Virt();}
Void f(){println(“Base::f()”);Virt();}
Virtual void virt(){println(“Base()::virt()”);}
class Derived:public Base
Derived(){println(“Derived:: Derived ()”);Virt();}
Virtual void virt(){println(“Derived ()::virt()”);}
int main(int argc,char* argv[])
Derived d;
Base *pB=&d;
2.1 (5%) what is the output of the code “pB->f();” above?
2.2 (5%) what is the output of the code “Dervied d;” above? |