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[已解决] 有没有人在考后收到一个思科发来的警告邮件?

发表于 2013-5-3 12:04:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
全文在这里 http://www.imakenews.com/ciscona ... 45009.cfm?x=bmjVmpF,bwdDlN0m
You are receiving this notification because it has come to the attention of Cisco Networking Academy and the Cisco Certification Exams Security division that you have recently acquired and redeemed a fraudulent certification discount code to test for a Cisco exam. The certification discount code you have acquired has been invalidated.

我在论坛报名的 ,也知道论坛有办法做到考试费用比我们正常报名费用低。赚钱是肯定的。问题是,“Cisco may, at its discretion, sanction candidates who use fraudulently issued promotional codes, with actions up to and including a lifetime ban from the Cisco certifications program, an inability to test on all future Cisco exams with Pearson VUE, and the nullification of current certifications.



发表于 2013-5-3 18:34:19 | 显示全部楼层
找管理解决的说  他们赚不少 不找他们找谁
沙发 2013-5-3 18:34:19 回复 收起回复
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-3 19:51:09 | 显示全部楼层
maqizhao 发表于 2013-5-3 18:34
找管理解决的说  他们赚不少 不找他们找谁

板凳 2013-5-3 19:51:09 回复 收起回复
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