. H6 t4 M* ?$ KThere is some confusion on this sim and what it is. So I will tell you that it is a window with 4 squares on the
- U6 s' S9 f7 l4 K( Hleft side. Click each one to see the question. Again, there are 4 questions and one topology. Click the5 n7 u$ R3 o& Q8 D, ]. w
`topology' button at the bottom of the sim to see it. There is only one topology for all 4 questions. You do
; j1 ~5 S, P. ] I' FNOT log into any routers. All configuration is provided as text in the question., O' y4 n1 I0 d) j+ G
NOTE: The actual topology may vary with the routing protocol questions selected for the sim and the! N) d- l6 B" y8 ^0 `9 c3 k
number of routers could be as high as R68 o v2 n- ?6 G! H
: M+ K4 P, Q& y
1 Z! u9 K) `' |+ J9 W* L