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<<CCIE LAB K4 试验分解系列6 –IGP>>

发表于 2012-8-5 12:23:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 s8 C( ?8 r6 c5 u% z& S
<<CCIE LAB K4 试验分解系列6 –IGP>>* H! ]' [2 m0 H# o
作者:  -NULL
+ o; Y3 Z! C+ Q0 \: C& t2 P. ?5 G( O5 B0 M
' e% s5 x9 \, h  `" `- D, ?一. 前言:: ~. G/ U6 B  B( j1 I  I. n' T
相信CCIE RS试验考试目前最火的话题就是K4了,K4的需求和解法,国外国内网上都有,但解法终究是解法,其解题的思路,网上资料甚少,甚至出现一套题多解法的现象。* m4 W+ n8 ^4 s9 I7 Q0 m7 d! V
而我写这个文章的目的,仅仅是针对LAB中比较有歧义,比较冷门或者比较有趣的的技术和现象,以及对多解法的各种利弊,抛砖引玉,和大家进行探讨,4 P* |$ m/ U3 g0 x- a
如果时间够,预期我会把RS整个考试中 所有LAB 和TS 都为大家进行一个所谓的解法揭秘,当然这是在不违反cisco保密条例的情况下,具体的一些其他信息大家可以留意我的最新微博,里面还有一个我对RS 4.0的考纲的分析。
' `+ _' B1 o$ `7 X+ [8 f( a当然虽然打着考试的口号,但是其实研究重点还是技术!所以也请大家不吝赐教!
! i  c/ ], }# ~6 r: ~
" Y3 p  c1 t9 I* w5 U7 B; W0 D$ N! W作者和读者的约定:
( ]: w% j& i9 C; a1 S( M$ ]我的解法会以试验分解的形式,是指我把我解题的试验思路一步一步分解出来,特别是有歧义的地方,在这里我们可以自由的进行探讨,不管你有任何天马行空的想法。3 s7 J& h/ Q4 W% {' f- R/ e
最后我还会以附件的形式上传此文档的主要内容,我的所有文档都保证是原创,并且该文档可以被任意转载,修改,但请不要删除我的logo。转载请注明出处和首发,文章只针对技术,不针对任何个人和团体。# V! p$ i" w/ _/ Y# R: m
我以黄色背景加粗标出的意味着这句话或后面的内容或段落是比较有趣或者重要的知识点# M8 a9 L7 U; s( ^. ^
9 P0 X9 ]& ~: b8 ]! i
二. 简单的技术介绍:  y4 {+ R) D9 O9 H
IGP:内部网关协议/ `  V" Z7 ?+ ?+ K
内部网关协议顾名思义,用于一个AS内部,IGP通常包含,RIP,EIGRP,OSPF,ISIS四种,CISCO考试的RS方向中是不考ISIS的,通常OSPF作为IE考试的一个重点,其次是EIGRP,最次是RIP,每种协议有其各自的优缺点,通常越晚出的协议就越优,按照时间来算的吧,先有RIP,后有OSPF,再有的EIGRP,RIP的特点是范用性强,什么设备都支持,缺点有2个,1是跳数太少,2是收敛太慢,当今网络中通常把RIP作为一种备用协议,即有的时候当你OSPF出现由于某些设计问题无法组建邻居的时候,此时可以用RIP作为桥梁,然后在RIP和OSPF之间重分发,解决路由问题。RIP作为最古老的协议他有2个特性是非常好的,一个是触发更新,还一个源校验可关闭,使得RIP可以成为其他协议的跳板,或者用于那些拨号线路。* I1 d1 ^- G6 e2 A: \" m! @4 ^8 d' U
OSPF其实不用多介绍了,链路状态协议,优点是多区域特殊设计可以减少设备性能上的损耗,此外他是一个公有协议,缺点是链路状态协议,自身可控性太差,做不了太细的路由决策/ ]( A7 t2 M( ~6 r. @( P; L- y
! P. {7 v& u- w, \( n5 y* U. l% n% ?7 |" m, d+ ?% N& ~
# `4 @+ j( w8 _+ G) I* I

3 i4 j- z7 l9 D  b- ~. U3 A# L% c# k- Z$ G三. 需求分析和知识点扫盲:- n+ v* [5 B. Z- E; J. E) F1 g$ m
8 V9 G# `4 |, M5 {& T/ HSection 2 ---- Layer 3 Technologies5 Z, x& s8 \; z, D

) X  O6 r, w: g2 |$ c' o2 K( qAfter finishing each of the following questions, make sure that all configured interface and subnets are consistently visible on all pertinent routers and switches.
4 r6 p& m1 q9 v% W  Do not redistribute between any interior gateway protocol (IGP) and Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) unless stated otherwise in a question.
( E5 ~* f  i+ V- L  You need to ping a BGP route only if it is stated explicitly in a question, otherwise the route should be only in BGP table." M; C; q7 ?% L. M" S  q5 h
  At the end of this section, all subnets in your topology, including the loopback interface must be reachable via ping from R3. The backbone interface must be reachable only if they are part of the solution to a question.4 \* Y: n2 \- T' P

% a$ k# Q; u5 r% K. S1 n8 k+ T( |. g3 w1 L7 W
2.1 IPv4 OSPF$ X# L$ U- u; j& b
; ^6 b" I4 j/ f; L1 L7 Y
OSPF as per the “Diagram 1:IGP Routing” and as per the following requirements:' z1 C) m6 O/ o/ ?6 x4 ?
  OSPF process ID can be any number.! V0 P# g5 M) ^6 q: ^
  OSPF Router IDs must be stable and must be configured using the IP address of interface loopback0.
% R- }0 [3 k8 G  Loopback0 interface must be advertised in the OSPF area shown in the “Diagram 1:IGP Routing”
' N( b' J. R9 U, ~; T  Do not create additional OSPF areas.
+ z! _! R# t9 ~+ R/ C" u  Do not use any IP address not listed in “Diagram 1:IGP Routing”.
9 t. j+ }# D+ n  In case either R1 or R5 is down, R4 must still be able to reach all other OSPF prefix via R3- e- E# a" P! ~3 T
  Do not change the OSPF network type on Frame-Relay interface.
5 F9 T& N# D1 n- X9 g5 I0 J/ ~  Do not propagate any default route in any area., L# U9 ?$ H* T* Q8 B  r) K0 X) @/ J
( E6 v$ d0 j' Q5 f: u1 r$ N/ s
2.2 IPv4 EIGRP% d3 L, t) z# `6 n7 v
5 N% y" }; q% [3 m# W( V
Configure your network as per the following requirements:
: C; F4 }" C7 @  Configure EIGRP AS YY and EIGRP AS 100 as per the “Diagram 1:IGP Routing”.
4 ^+ W5 P& W+ j% ]  Redistribute EIGRP AS 100 into AS YY.3 v* }/ Z# Q' Y: R/ A
  Disable automatic summarization for both autonomous systems.
6 P! V6 ^7 G. I
6 W. d" u: y' t2.5 IPv4 RIP' Q3 ?# H0 G) a3 L

) r! \! h: G2 Q* M: e) o/ L7 ~Configure RIP version 2 as per the “Diagram 1:IGP Routing” diagram and the following requirement:2 I2 F  j3 A9 z) O4 b4 ?
  Disable automatic summarization.# A, a) W- o9 D$ |# M
  RIP must be enabled only for the required interface. No other interface send any RIP update.
& A% l1 Z9 e3 f6 @9 S; f8 F( l1 g' c8 ^  c
2.7 Redistribution: EIGRP and OSPF
4 G0 z1 `' j3 @  o0 ~  S: {1 G+ A1 H
/ z. o$ ]6 w- O9 l; [0 b0 _Mutually redistribute EIGRP and OSPF on both R2 and R3 according to following requirements/ T. u9 J1 s' h: p- y
The only EIGRP External routes that both R2 and R3 must see are the prefixes originated in EIGRP 100 and the VLAN 300 prefix, J& f  O1 ~) A* r/ B3 y4 V
All internal OSPF prefixes (i.e. all existing subnets of YY.YY.0.0/16 that are not originated in EIGRP YY and EIGRP 100) must be seen as OSPF internal by both R2 and R33 z  j7 n" b- a# e5 \
Without any additional configuration. Your solution must cover any future prefixes that could eventually be advertised by BB3/ t& I) i9 x4 f9 d  u1 G6 R
You must use a route filtering mechanism but do not use any access-list or prefix-list to achieve this task
; w9 p( X2 Y0 k- b% MEnsure optimal routing is performed on both R2 and R3
6 p( v' t2 H: X; h& wDo not change any default administrative distance to achieve this task
) S% f5 H! U0 |! o; V5 y- ?5 m, S) a; `% I- m
' j, G6 P, k; S" E5 p+ T翻译:
; d8 M$ N! H0 V7 q第二章 三层技术总纲:
' Z$ b9 ~" [: ?' \. c除非考试另有规定,否则 BGP不要求ping通,BGP和IGP不允许重分发,接口和子接口要和拓扑一致,环回口应该是/32的,除非题目另有要求- Q$ A8 A% P5 P% y% d
R3要ping通所有子网1 d/ J  `  }; V+ t5 u0 U/ T# A: [
2.1 ipv4 ospf
2 L& {% P- l, L; _. aOspf process 可以自己起4 O4 o; |9 Y6 B& K5 n4 x' _( A
Ospf rid必须配置为lo04 _7 q; H; t, a' A, Y: k7 r/ u
Lo0 接口通告如图
: V: f; K+ ~" u4 J/ d; k5 `9 [% w如果R1或R5 down了,R4依然可以通过R3 访问其他ospf路由' v9 Z9 c! _4 R# X9 t5 j" A: F1 W
不允许改变帧中继这块的ospf接口网络类型/ M7 e* J: R& v* p
, [) e$ s6 A7 _4 a$ a4 ~9 y. \) S配置eigrp yy和eigrp 100如图) ?4 Y" d* W/ j/ a
重分发eigrp 100 进eigrp yy
2 j. P7 r; S7 T8 v! y关闭自动汇总! o# }5 c8 L* L: d% Y) z' M5 |. F# }
; n) X' F9 b7 S6 Z, N. x1 _关闭自动汇总3 k7 G  K2 w* b$ ~, r* {4 ^
) d  ^$ f/ x2 I/ h% }2.7 重分发:eigrp和ospf
- K8 N/ o6 |/ c; j/ {% ^9 QR2和R3上进行ospf和eigrp的相互重分发
1 d) U5 K8 k- J6 s  K从EIGRP100和vlan300学到的路由,在R2和R3上下一跳必须依然是EIGRP
9 h. T' h  @0 v, p/ v所有ospf区域内的路由在R2和R3上下一跳必须是依然是OSPF) M- z9 G" _# g/ U; w4 a% ~
6 J, V: k" H2 f必须使用路由过滤机制,但是不允许使用任何acl和prefix-list完成此任务3 f: A* p% O/ H2 G
- U5 i! Y3 l1 q1 I( q% r: p
四. K4的IGP解法:9 @+ P7 P8 G( J8 W
R4" l0 m# I( o- k3 O' r1 ]3 a
router ospf 30
3 M. l8 D3 s) O( P0 }& ]/ E router-id Y8 y" T( G7 o3 N2 p
network area 2! {  s5 o/ R- p$ i1 G
network area 2/ }  j; A" I! v* _" q. I/ r

" D3 m1 x" j5 q4 Q, `5 F" ~4 X$ hR3
) b  k; s* o. l* q+ v" x  O, urouter ospf 30
, R% f5 Z) @7 I+ I2 M router-id  W* t1 V8 F8 ~. g0 k
area 1 virtual-link, `1 A3 A; y# Q4 C  \
area 1 virtual-link  {' ]# J+ R- V/ D3 S
network area 1
) `, B. L4 B% ^/ o- g7 n network area 1- I3 q- u# e; i
network area 2
- d6 |( A& K' E+ u- w, P network area 1
  s- v' W1 W. N5 U' w! i4 ]1 r1 S4 T& t2 c# }" S

3 k, ]5 J/ T/ oR2) r8 e/ t) |3 N; q$ h$ e: X2 s5 x6 o
router ospf 30$ U5 H6 ~2 K  M, A8 j
router-id' `. q1 t( \; y1 \- K% ]& {* J
network area 1
, Q$ T1 f, J$ R  ^3 |8 Y network area 1
) |4 l8 E( C" Y+ h network area 17 W- M2 }7 B% x3 H, u, y
network area 1
- a, _, T5 k$ R  V" l neighbor {6 d3 o4 J* k. K. U' `
passive-interface g0/02 ~1 I, n* K* U

2 C& x5 R" I# [( |/ o
- x- ~% E' s3 M2 G" E- \$ eR1
+ g# _% x9 @2 |$ vrouter ospf 30
0 {4 H, O5 T5 T. q$ r router-id
) I; ]( `5 S4 `area 1 virtual-link X1 R- c* U( w
network area 0
( h! U/ Q5 P9 F5 Y9 X  m$ }- ]1 r1 ~ network area 1
8 _  j) |% G5 p2 h6 f! ^8 h) y network area 0
: D) h! M7 E* e) C) p% w network area 0
- w6 Y2 V/ x+ C, } network area 01 K) [' h+ R2 {- S" E: F
neighbor ?( N5 Y4 b" v/ I  S
passive-interface g0/13 {. G0 Y  t9 K2 N. \7 F
$ V% [5 r; f' {1 C' O
# A, b: W% E% R$ }( e, M+ }3 P7 J% Wrouter ospf 30
; H$ X5 b8 ~0 W8 L# e. A1 \+ p+ R8 u router-id
( n. [" n4 _+ f4 ^area 1 virtual-link
( O4 r/ C7 l; F0 |# O; U" ` network area 0; {7 {* \+ W' U5 g
network area 0& i  y5 E+ u8 v- `' @2 h
network area 18 a6 o/ i+ B" i% X' \  B  M& u# ~3 a3 Y
network area 07 N5 P: M( Z/ X  K; E
. V! O" l. A9 A, z, A3 N
7 _: y0 r5 g$ _8 N! b( M6 Q
Sw12 z3 J, T! \: X# g  n8 S
ip routing$ ^! e8 _9 m/ y# ~0 ^
router ospf 30
( g% D/ w) y  a$ _! [* P router-id
. X3 P* O+ u1 P1 G& N6 {  e6 Pnetwork area 0
$ u7 i; Z! _" P- j5 l" Y network area 03 p" E1 |$ f. d1 j
network area 0
% [/ P9 v1 b  y# M6 m3 x
. ^* u" d! o5 T6 sSw2! A" r8 N4 v" ?' e0 Q' ^
ip routing; g: i% Q* Y1 T+ ]
router ospf 303 o2 b; |1 m6 `% J. R
% M, W* a$ c# U3 znetwork area 0
) {5 @+ S# y" U8 A! i: b! u network area 0( a; V5 H. ]( p: R
network area 0
" l! J  X; }) e  J, V7 s: Y6 o' h: HSw3
# {4 i% p) V! Y5 e7 aip routing
" ~  ^! e6 e" B. f  T: Prouter eigrp 100" p% l5 S9 |3 G0 N9 _5 h
no au
  m* p: m# w$ r3 Q network T. O) n# Q* A; Q- s
router eigrp 30
( H8 S9 e. t9 O5 ?) w' b% j no au% E" @9 Q- d8 R. B% p. [
network Z. ^5 Q- V2 w& [! N2 y
network P" }; E2 z# ?% Y5 g9 I
network T; C  g" w0 E
redistribute eigrp 1008 L* O$ \7 m+ _6 u8 k, n9 p

0 ~2 @! u/ p& `# |$ k' \% cR3
, C0 t+ u2 R$ J% Lrouter eigrp 30, p; c7 i9 G- d  U
network! z  [2 I8 u2 V& W% O: j
no auto-summary$ v+ {" `' Q/ m6 l$ Z6 d* v6 P' ~6 R

9 K1 @* m4 r) j; G- t+ h" A6 kSw4) ^% j% t4 \. y
ip routing
  e8 L2 N: v" w, I: h" Urouter eigrp 30
3 O: u4 S9 s; L& S8 j9 Y no au
9 b+ l! |0 q4 @4 a) T) q1 P network
9 t5 G* D. W! f1 z1 }# T& R/ @ network
: `1 l  X& ]3 Z& I network @5 y4 h3 @6 ^2 X
- u- k8 v$ N" Q
6 I: U/ F. s9 r* R, T0 rrouter eigrp 30
9 {$ ~' j7 c) Q! j/ t network
9 Q- n7 O0 {1 p no auto-summary
" J8 K/ N* l! ?* @- ]% arouter rip
7 c$ t# o# J' s+ r, W version 2/ W& h7 ^* X2 Q8 g2 |
no auto-summary/ {" Y* c/ A( W# j" }
passive-interface default
" K- b* J5 z( H" I network
7 u8 M8 o2 t, ]  p* d6 P. b no passive-interface f0/0
% R  S8 d- T" S1 V% _6 w' a! a" M
+ e' A6 c% b9 PR5
- F$ C  R/ e5 L3 }. mrouter rip
9 M) x# z3 [& p, t! K7 B# l" @6 x  r version 2! ]5 I6 c' m: H: U# m0 i# K
passive-interface default0 C# D6 X  L( V. A
no passive-interface GigabitEthernet0/1
4 ^( n- ^8 c+ ?1 B$ W8 Y network R: Q5 D+ M% H
no auto-summary
* k' n& i( b3 v( _+ c% P: p; gR5) ?; L: N* _5 a
route-map con permit 103 m  n9 J0 h4 d& d4 g
match interface GigabitEthernet0/1
5 E7 o& c) H' ?0 mrouter rip
8 ]" r3 N% {6 t+ A; zredistribute ospf 30 metric 2  M' O8 {% k4 l1 s' ^) P
router ospf 30
% D8 ?2 J. l- U5 Iredistribute connected subnets  route-map con
5 {2 Z  M; \: X
! ]2 e$ c& R5 ~- o8 Z7 o: [0 yR4+ H/ T( h5 [6 \# @) |( O8 Q$ R, C. u! m
Access-list 10 permit* ?9 I; p4 {: V
Router os 30" ]" n  _6 _# }
distance 125 10
. p& J: K: `# [5 v, w
0 O4 o; b8 Y) ~9 {access-list 20 deny
) p# i9 P. V; Y6 w# v4 S5 Z* F4 haccess-list 20 permit any2 |  J8 {/ D$ g* ~8 A+ E4 H9 J
router rip2 f9 l7 t, J* r/ n
distribute-list 20 out f0/0( T' ^" n( E- E4 ^  |$ P
& S2 W' p% h& D+ Q3 H9 q; D1 }; O1 g% Sroute-map tag permit 108 k2 }1 a) S8 {
match route-type external) c! q8 V7 k, p2 B
set tag 300' Y7 _5 V. @* w  |
route-map tag permit 200 N2 r7 J' G+ e* N- h0 R
route-map de deny 10
* c% E0 b* T2 R- W; W match tag 300
' Y" e, t6 S9 L. ~route-map de permit 20
- i; ^* U% o' C; H
3 a- d  T; v) I  t$ ~4 z7 Qrouter ospf 30$ J# |* _, T. U0 S
redistribute eigrp 30 subnets route-map tag+ W) _5 Z* m9 M& z
distribute-list route-map de in( k, g4 q  U( U8 f& G, w
; y: r/ ~7 Y3 e
router eigrp 30
7 D" A% G- U! v: Wredistribute ospf 30 metric 100000 100 255 1 1500( F9 a6 R* H7 b* K" b! z* y# R2 C

& c) Z0 g2 t# k% P9 V五. 结束语、下周预告、联系方式:& \/ x% H8 B5 _" w+ D+ R2 P1 y
; G- q9 I# B! u9 \: x下周预告:; e$ M3 E  e+ h9 B) P8 I  Q
' E9 O4 m* b* }7 X  H( d联系方式:
" s0 |1 M  k5 M) _. o官方主页:www.ccxx.com.cn- K0 q& o! p& a2 ~) W( @* J7 f# A
QQ:240937966+ L2 W% x/ a5 c2 [* U5 w
. y* \. o) v5 J6 x3 |技术连载主微博:
0 E/ l# B" w7 fhttp://5122591.blog.51cto.com
! [; W3 ^% [% X+ C技术连载其他微博:- z" R; ]0 x% z$ N
http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/27749197417 ?  }" |' a; O
2 p5 ?/ N! q3 i

8 k# a# i( N- ^8 B
/ b7 d7 h' I  C9 a$ d) `
2 _4 P! e7 `( x  ]/ E
, L$ v. y" |- g, Z. [8 q! }* k7 p8 ?( C


参与人数 1鸿鹄币 +5 收起 理由
7akella + 5 &amp;lt;font&amp;gt;&amp;lt;font&amp;gt;Как это!&amp;lt;/fo.


发表于 2012-8-6 10:28:22 | 显示全部楼层
沙发 2012-8-6 10:28:22 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2012-8-6 10:38:56 | 显示全部楼层
板凳 2012-8-6 10:38:56 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2012-8-6 13:26:46 | 显示全部楼层
地板 2012-8-6 13:26:46 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2012-8-6 14:09:18 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks for sharing !!!
5# 2012-8-6 14:09:18 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-7 09:35:42 | 显示全部楼层
6# 2012-8-7 09:35:42 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2012-8-7 20:44:43 | 显示全部楼层
7# 2012-8-7 20:44:43 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2012-8-8 01:28:51 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-8 22:05:09 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-8-11 21:19:18 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-8-11 21:19:55 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-8-12 23:06:34 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-18 16:21:09 | 显示全部楼层
13# 2012-8-18 16:21:09 回复 收起回复
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-18 18:35:10 | 显示全部楼层
14# 2012-8-18 18:35:10 回复 收起回复
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-19 13:52:43 | 显示全部楼层
15# 2012-8-19 13:52:43 回复 收起回复
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

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