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[考试战报] 第二次考,920分飘过

发表于 2012-6-27 19:15:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第一次考,815,没过。帖在这里:http://bbs.hh010.com/thread-203577-1-2.html) ~' p9 H2 F5 R1 J$ S$ H( \
今天第二次考,920 飘过。分数不很牛,但也算过了!但不知道会不会有什么传说中的802e的情况,内心有点担心啊。全都是考场确认可以并给安排的,我是无辜的。- a+ n8 @* d9 F( N$ r
/ z; N# b# k3 L! }6 x
" d& _$ p1 H7 h+ A9 m个人感觉就是做个做题计划,有时间反复练习VCE题库就能高分。追求完美的人适用。最后考的就是回忆答案的能力了,你们都懂的。
0 H- _9 G2 S4 q7 Q  U5 m9 H5 L7 }3 [  _
& d3 w0 W' b- F; p; E4 |7 ~- w" G今天VTP的实验题5个选择题,其中有一个问which switch is the root bridge for vlan 1, 我用show spanning-tree vlan 1查看后惊讶的发现sw-ac3居然就是根桥。其他的就一个一个点下去,看了前人的提醒,要在左边的小方框里面一个一个题目往下点开。上次做了第一个题直接点NEXT了,冤啊。! F8 A8 U! V. Z5 C# \; ]
我准备CCNA,一直拖拖拉拉的,拖拉了好几年,托到交给考试中心的考试费就要被作废了。拖到后来小孩都有了。哎,太惭愧了。最后只能在繁忙的工作和热闹的家庭中间挤时间复习。最后复习的时候儿子拉着我陪他玩球。确实有点力不从心啊。感谢家人的支持!! 所以对年轻人说一句,你要实现的目标从现在就开始早点去努力实现,不要拖拉啦。因为越到后来发现付出的成本越高。呵呵,今天总算完成了今年的一个心愿!我考完了才发现电脑硬盘里还有下载的好多相关视频和资料都还没来及仔细看!哎,资料占有狂一个!以后得要做做减法。像乔布斯一样,简洁简单为至高境界!其实啊,时间是最宝贵的!光占有了资料并不是头脑中的。只有付出时间学习才能变成自己的东西。 0 n  e5 m5 m- z9 ?2 @/ R

9 l( }6 @0 r8 U$ R6 uWhich encapsulation type is a Frame Relay encapsulation type that is supported by Cisco routers?
" \) |% w0 A* ?9 N5 kA. IETF/ w: a7 ]. x6 W2 {2 t- m0 c  Y9 X
5 b# g! E1 H5 p* b6 HC. Q9333-A Annex A
* L& t( v7 F4 [$ S3 yD. ANSI Annex D
6 {: t! E) s' s  F- t8 OAnswer: A( E) L- e  N% p( `5 W! L
Section: New-4
2 ?3 a; u# k) ?0 A  Z! G* j+ {3 _Explanation/Reference:
9 ?" {# t; f; V: m- X, zA. Cisco 支援Frame-Relay封装格式 : Cisco & IETF  
% c3 [  M( h# C- o, zB. HDLC -> Cisco 预设 point to point 封装
3 ~4 o1 b4 s0 g+ _2 `  c' ~C & D -> 是 Frame-Relay lmi-type& i+ N) J! Q8 C! O. [/ b

8 X8 F2 P( e* }% {$ PWhat is the effect of using the service password-encryption command?
+ d9 [" O: [6 i9 G% YA. nly passwords configured after the command has been entered will be encrypted.# }8 T% L, r$ a* r' [
B. Only the enable password will be encrypted.% |, M$ X: V# b: Z: c
C. Only the enable secret password will be encrypted
: n/ S) }, F; V3 nD. It will encrypt the secret password and remove the enable secret password from the configuration.
( x6 l, }" ?5 i4 L# RE. It will encrypt all current and future passwords.; U/ {# q9 Z6 H3 d
Answer: E) a0 W" ^# G1 i4 l) x
Section: New-1
1 e+ [- f. v3 ^7 P' W5 O5 X: n+ I8 a" E) c% T
What is the default maximum number of equal-cost paths that can be placed into the routing of a cisco OSPF router?
4 E6 m- z. s: b0 OA. 163 G% E# {. |" a  \! a7 Y
B. 2
) C& ?/ [3 s% B2 h4 T, d+ EC. unlimited6 g% ?% y- t1 G# @4 A; Z
D. 4
/ u2 V" X& l4 }- q3 y0 g) p8 M( t* i
What value is primarily used to determine which port becomes the root port on each nonroot switch in
8 ~4 f+ l0 b1 I4 d0 j% t' xa spanning-tree topology?3 R9 H2 O3 m8 m  b5 o
A. lowest port MAC address3 a6 @5 x5 U5 o6 D/ M
B. port priority number and MAC address.
7 w8 E, [. l& [7 Z! EC. VTP revision number
& Y% [4 m/ ^& \  C/ b0 ]D. highest port priority number.7 X( p- n/ N$ o
E. path cost) P) H5 R0 p, x( O) v. b8 y
Answer: E
+ `7 ]3 o' b8 B2 B; R5 @& n' ~0 P# M9 P) B
Which commands is necessary to permit SSH or Telnet access to a cisco switch that is otherwise configured
! \/ a. P3 |" q9 X. }3 P" E# ffor these vty line protocols?
6 g: d9 c0 [, G; `6 pA. transport type all
( l+ n0 J3 {$ K/ MB. transport output all! x) H9 A1 N8 G! {  H
C. transport preferred all
# y' }# S, Q0 W" ?" LD. transport input all. |! o9 P6 h6 S9 _+ H
Answer: D) W1 u) |4 m1 ~  E2 V4 i/ A9 S
6 Z+ B1 R7 R" D: p
Which command would you configure globally on a Cisco router that would allow you to view directly connected Cisco devices?' Z7 d) J5 \% _" i) e: r. [
A. enable cdp" X. s: U" N9 a. b2 I
B. cdp enable
/ I% H% w7 {8 j0 t- l$ XC. cdp run' O: {1 H+ h* P7 V) X% s! m0 b  b
D. run cdp
0 F* ?4 q0 I- d4 X+ k7 U! oAnswer: C3 l& R% \0 v; v/ s2 V0 `

; g* Z0 X6 O3 [% S: \" }Which two locations can be configured as a source for the IOS image in the boot system command? (Choose two.)
* R" j/ a8 e/ Y1 J) iA. RAM- e2 I3 C) u3 ^
B. NVRAM8 v3 s5 U( n$ g$ O$ r) \( ?& p
C. Flash memory& }. }/ I+ C* r, U) f
D. HTTP server, H, U, H3 q0 _. H. d  _2 B
E. TFTP server
# }( Q, \: f8 K* z: r" @3 yF. Telnet server# v' e7 r3 a+ Z: a5 y& V- I
Answer: CE# u% e! W- ]3 S8 @8 n

1 [# c; m+ X: [7 }' b+ O6 |/ rWhich of the following are true regarding the debug output shown in the graphic?(choose two)
3 C) s: a. k* ^( t4 i 7 s  V; z, J5 o: Z
A. This router was configured with the commands:
4 N+ c6 l; H! z7 XRtrA(config)#router rip
, u+ G4 F7 w2 t( V6 c9 \RtrA(config-router)#version 2
) t3 Q8 n& z: @) }/ v1 [6 MRtrA(config-router)#network
4 h! ^/ w/ k" P* o% g, d; M, tRtrA(config-router)#network
' _8 d- L  @, @4 ~) tB. This router was configured with the commands:' y' a! Q" a2 q
RtrA(config)#router rip, h2 r- [( S$ y
' X& S( N4 V2 ^7 g- J3 ZRtrA(config-router)#network
) w' {1 _5 J9 X# HC. Network will be displayed in the routing table.9 N. T: Q; D7 N, N. k" l6 p2 c. D) ]
D. Network will be displayed in the routing table.  e  D( M  F# n; A
E. This router was configured with the commands:0 Z% M$ o2 y% g1 t1 N
RtrA(config)#router rip
" p( T- y5 }( [  @RtrA(config-router)#network
( E! J# V! P8 k6 L* [/ ?9 }RtrA(config-router)#network
& B* q7 _: N$ QRtrA(config-router)#network" }" D( J$ d8 k' m+ O, J7 x
F. split-horizon was disabled on this router.
$ b$ _9 c  [! HAnswer: BC" _- q; I6 S5 @# x% C+ ?. T

: H2 n) |9 R! ~3 O/ o  L) yWhich three statements accurately describe layer 2 Ethernet switches?(choose three)
  o) m! x: a" ^  u3 oA Microsegmentation decreases the number of collisions on the network.
* v9 I! k$ N1 T$ [. lB if a switch receives a frame for an unkown destination,it uses ARP to resolve the address.9 R3 C% \5 |+ j3 U, D
C Spanning Tree Protocol allows switches to automatically share vlan information.  Q! S1 `4 \( }/ b. `2 [: C" B: B
D In a properly functioning network with redundant switched paths,each switched aegment will contain one root
6 }  W, ]+ y5 dbridge with all its ports in the forwarding state.All other switches in that broadcast domain will have only one 1 D! w7 P; s9 j# m
root port.
5 `( S+ q4 b1 I0 ^E Establishing vlans increases the number of broadcast domains.
' P# H( d5 c6 Y( v$ S+ d/ g6 z; ~8 IF Switches that are configured with vlans make forwarding decisions based on both layer 2 and layer 3 address 3 T  ?8 X- M6 V
information.  s+ r0 ?* c% }0 r* F7 U1 m8 V" E) ?
Answer: ADE2 k. s8 p5 D2 [, {: F( i8 b
: K  j) b3 ^' r, Q: g% M


已充值  发表于 2012-6-28 09:51
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发表于 2012-6-27 19:31:21 | 显示全部楼层
沙发 2012-6-27 19:31:21 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2012-6-27 19:31:36 | 显示全部楼层
板凳 2012-6-27 19:31:36 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2012-6-27 20:13:23 | 显示全部楼层
地板 2012-6-27 20:13:23 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2012-6-27 20:48:46 | 显示全部楼层
5# 2012-6-27 20:48:46 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2012-6-27 22:22:24 | 显示全部楼层
6# 2012-6-27 22:22:24 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2012-6-28 03:16:07 | 显示全部楼层

+ v7 C6 g4 e. u1 mThanks for you great comments, it is very helpful, my situation is very similar with  you, too busy with taking care of my family, and just made up my mind to get it done in this year.
7# 2012-6-28 03:16:07 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2012-6-28 09:08:03 | 显示全部楼层
8# 2012-6-28 09:08:03 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2012-6-28 09:48:35 | 显示全部楼层
9# 2012-6-28 09:48:35 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2012-6-28 16:03:16 | 显示全部楼层
10# 2012-6-28 16:03:16 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2012-7-2 18:30:42 | 显示全部楼层
11# 2012-7-2 18:30:42 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2012-7-5 10:37:05 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2012-7-29 09:25:16 | 显示全部楼层
thank you share this precious experience!
13# 2012-7-29 09:25:16 回复 收起回复
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-3 23:45:03 | 显示全部楼层
14# 2012-8-3 23:45:03 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2012-8-10 22:19:20 | 显示全部楼层
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