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[题库发布] 思科Cisco认证最新真题50道:TCP/IP

 成长值: 57850
发表于 2009-4-9 15:16:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1: Your junior network administrator wants to know what the default subnet mask is for a Class C IP address. What do you tell him?
8 W- y. U9 n; C1 F  A. R+ y& v* r% m5 \# w. p6 g5 W
  B. p2 e: N$ G$ @$ s4 B" e" `8 h/ C
. q  f& Z" i$ R3 d; @# n5 @  D.
9 }" |9 P& v4 t0 I4 A3 [) p& ?  E. t; q2 U3 M  l& U
  2: An application needs to have reliable, end-to-end connect-ivity. Which of the following protocols will give you reliable connectivity?4 X" G0 g; `7 q. T1 y7 J+ X  \
  A. TCP! q, }& L" W# Y4 e+ [. f4 l9 o
  B. UDP( {; ?* I5 h2 z3 e3 i- f; u4 S
  C. IP- j( l7 h6 q& \* C6 o* S
  D. ICMP/ b& P  g& ]% f  x6 ~0 [' O
  3: You are designing a network, which needs to support 55 users. You don't plan to extend the segment beyond the current number of users. Which subnet mask would best meet your needs?; z& N& q8 z& _6 Y' G7 ^
  A. H+ `7 c; k4 I( H# D
5 H7 H' W( o9 U" {  C.; x; Q7 U7 E1 H$ ?5 J9 @' f
$ O  z% p7 L3 S3 T# ^& c. O  4: You have added a new switch to your network. You want to manage it remotely, so you need to assign it an IP address. Your router that connects to the switch has an IP address of Which of the following addresses can you assign to this switch?, q' j2 e9 |' N/ [6 K/ ]" l9 k" M$ K6 U
$ B% @4 A8 x+ M5 b1 _  B. |6 X# R+ o0 y# W8 a
  C. [, }7 }- F, s' a2 x1 p; ~
  D. T& K# L2 m' K! j8 D$ |4 g, D" e
; }$ X; V* A) g1 n% ~( J9 k  F. U' ^4 p3 F. v1 y; `
2 |, h8 E) U& I3 V4 R; n  5: The address is a host address in which of the following subnets?* I% |( N1 I$ p, e! F: `
+ [8 P/ H- Y; Z( y7 m9 ], s  B.–
1 M5 P( Z# d* }) ~# x! a  C.–
# {; i- C& g6 U: ^1 F  D.–
& Z* d& f, F) R4 |$ Y/ H- t4 ?7 M  6: You are designing an IP address scheme for your brand new remote office. The vice president of IT calls to tell you that you will be in charge of the subnetwork. This supplies you with a single subnetwork with 62 hosts. You need to have at least two subnets with 14 hosts in each subnet. What custom subnet mask should you use?
( P, d" A5 ?2 G) g4 V  A. ~  o& a& V6 ~7 Z" F, E9 k+ _' N& W2 G
  B. v' K8 m/ Y0 \
  C. P, u* M1 K( j' @% q
  D. ~3 C) b+ W! v/ \
  E.! f+ i0 G3 F2 s( I) Z7 X' O
  7: You have subnetted the networ rk with a /24 mask. Your boss at Acme, Inc. wants to know how many usable subnetworks and usable host addresses per subnet this would provide. What should you tell her?
! P3 w2 T3 V) B9 R: E; [# G# d  A. One network with 254 hosts
) P3 |2 V& j3 B- B+ j- H  B. Two networks with 128 hosts# K5 A$ x, [0 O. S& f
  C. Four networks with 64 hosts
- c5 [3 z5 f0 I8 Y. U2 @  D. Six networks with 30 hosts, y  L% X  K4 E  W3 {
  8: Identify three valid host addresses in any subnet of the network, assuming a fixed subnet mask of (Choose three.)
; r: l, w2 Q2 @  A.
" B1 b0 ~% T) {9 P& L2 y, G  B.
( u' p6 l1 g( I  C. |8 w# _9 e+ N1 g( `
5 Q# d+ @2 U0 A8 g4 `  T  E.
4 O) Q' \- g7 j5 R" s: G% _! ]  F.
* ^& C( |$ h, ^( O  Y3 K. R9 V# P  9: What is the subnetwork address for a host with the IP address z5 s3 i( \0 K5 r# L) q4 ^2 H- q
% U) S; Y2 R+ _/ |) h+ i  B.
( S1 N" z8 W3 w) ~0 X- ^  C  C. D3 ~" |" O8 @* D
  D. r! \6 m" |) I0 @, g
  E. E5 J* e( h+ G! S4 h
  F.  f9 k, C" A; h
  10: Which of the following protocols uses a three-way handshake mechanism to establish sessions?
& V7 I. l% i) E) s( G  A. TCP
& C/ o1 B: J* X7 @5 }$ B  B. IP
. B8 [2 t. |0 z, b& |, S! h  C. UDP
9 a7 H5 m8 m; m- N  s0 r) }# Y  D. IPX; _  U5 M2 x1 a% _
  E. Frame relay3 Y7 C4 G' `3 `
  11: Which of the following protocols is connection-oriented?
  y( t2 n8 K2 V8 x& F$ ]  A. TCP
+ H5 ]7 R6 O5 W; I8 \/ V; {. a  B. IP
5 e- u* E( C( z9 k5 \! n  C. IPX
) h0 L% ?* l' y6 d$ s) m  D. Frame relay: C! X. e; U5 |8 [+ }* @
  12: You are using an application on your Windows 2000 client machines that provides error correction. You need a protocol to provide fast transport. Which protocol should your application use?
9 q9 Q9 f3 p! Z% A/ [' G' q" c4 a  A. TCP
  |$ C: S/ E: Z2 I$ N  B. IP: N- I* H! h% `) x. @' w" j( _8 y
  C. UDP# E. g+ C2 P- f$ ]
  D. SPX) f9 x5 f7 M, q) y2 J
  E. AppleTalk
% N7 F$ R9 ?* Y3 w  13: When using TCP, after a session is open, the applications can adjust the number of segments they receive before sending an acknowledgment. This behavior is known as _________.
. I$ V6 ^4 c: K# g  A. MTU adjustment
. x% p/ i  M) g4 s  B. Windowing
6 B. g9 c2 W" o' \" O  C. Flexible Send Path
9 o' P, {- v. Y: Z4 I" ]7 Y( u  l  D. FCS
5 r: g  w8 [2 K' m/ t" \  14: If the destination did not receive a segment, how will the TCP host know to resend the information?* p0 i! o  K" J+ i7 ^
  A. The ACK received will not include the segment number that was not received.
8 z+ `+ `2 S8 P4 F8 K8 N  B. The ACK received will include the segment number that was not received.' m4 y( L5 c$ Z, M, ]
  C. The sending host will send a PACK to verify segment receipt.
- J3 @1 t6 ^  T4 I( v  D. The destination host will send a YACK message back to the sending host.
! [% h; _: E0 G  15: You are planning on using a single network that supports 208 users. Which IP address class would you choose to be the most efficient?$ S9 R7 o/ V$ k; _. U' @
  A. Class A
* f! D- t; [/ \1 r9 j: K9 S  B. Class B
  O1 R' |6 \  X+ R5 j  C. Class C
( o1 E" @* {1 W/ n$ e3 Z  D. Class D
4 g. D+ B0 F  v# v. }7 O* i- r  E. Class E, _4 c6 L- O+ Z7 ]5 a
  16: RFC 1918 defines the private IP address ranges. Which of the following IP addresses are considered part of these ranges? (Choose three.)6 J: y9 y6 t$ J; o( L# n3 g! u5 c4 a
  A. L' ?' S+ w! \% e
  B. K$ H& E. v" g5 k0 F9 I& G
  C. u4 }* K1 \$ h9 V) r
+ ?5 b8 q# a% A  X6 {7 O8 c  E. O4 n6 m/ G1 Q$ U( l6 W
  17: A new network is being designed for your company, Acme, Inc. If you use a Class C IP network, which subnet mask will provide one usable subnet per department while allowing enough usable host addresses for each department specified in the table?
" O. \" {. a& Q* l  Department
. q: e) v- P8 ~# a/ x  Number of Users4 L2 y( N. D; P* m1 b1 {4 N  w) `8 o
  Corporate, Y# N; J1 {8 Y3 m6 F: c
: o0 \8 _2 x) w* ?8 a" n1 P  Customer Support
) w3 d- l/ y  u; E, P6 H  15  w0 ?4 o7 P3 d/ R- l' T7 N
& I  T9 F3 g6 F1 K2 G3 N  13  N# `0 {, |- I  d, G+ K0 |& q) L
  HR, j6 f* \0 r# M% O0 t
8 M# r$ I$ o: T( j  Engineering
$ \5 w7 L, v/ D; K  16
5 V- ?7 V# a- Y# R; u  A.
- G9 K0 h/ v6 d" k. R5 ^  B.! M) b) V4 x0 h: U* t) Z; M/ |
  C. z8 }6 {& Y4 w+ h6 w9 C
' B- g) r4 R' |0 C- t3 O4 h  E.
6 @6 \# w1 B" F5 ]  18: Which of these protocols provides data transport, relying on the error correction capabilities of the application itself?
+ Z& T6 y  ^9 M8 Q& K  A. UDP( ?6 n0 V5 B8 f" {5 \
  B. TCP
. c  u+ W  |# f  C. SNMP
1 e9 \' H  T8 \  D. ICMP" A: Z' T8 I- g3 W! f+ i  S3 d  F
  19: Which of the following are used by TCP to ensure reliable delivery of data? (Choose two.)* U; }1 ?  Y$ o, Z: C
  A. MAC address resolution1 [7 W; A5 x9 e# t1 p
  B. Sequence numbers: |* P: _' Q0 `& J
  C. Acknowledgments
2 S0 s# }) J2 O& ~  X. _4 ?  D. Ping8 Q, |- Y# X& t4 c, o8 }
  E. Routing updates  c6 k' [/ T0 j* [$ k
  20: You discover that you are able to adjust the window size of the TCP segment. You increase the window size to test the results. What will you observe happening on your network?" ~* I: T4 r+ O- t6 t0 M( Y
  A. Increased throughput
% C7 C/ `; n: W1 C; c) @  B. Decreased throughput
( @$ n6 x& s0 b) Z( o% l1 j  C. Increased latency
0 g3 [* Z' F5 \  D. Decrease
& M+ v4 i9 _6 P' s9 i   21:Your organization is using the address space. You need 28 subnets. What subnet mask would you use to create these subnets?' F* t" Q# e$ J* o
4 G- ^! p# S' l7 E  B.
0 ]/ O, j8 r4 T: |$ L  C.
$ t, P) d. [9 v' j9 z, h. E" i3 Y  D.
5 y7 m3 N! C$ {3 Q6 u  E.! L8 m( V$ @! l/ s1 s
  F., {: {5 W9 @5 l2 L* t& u
  22: Which of the following protocols maps IP addresses to MAC addresses for connectivity to occur between two hosts?
* v, T: s4 `- ~/ d3 K  J  A. ARP
" z% R" ^- y# |9 ?! J  B. RARP5 B  n3 C* z- ^$ G, f
  C. SLARP) B6 w, e' y% H6 ^$ J  h) ?2 v$ a( B
  D. DHCP' V" s6 P9 c0 i# J$ S6 {
  23: Your junior network administrator cannot seem to ping a host in another network and asks you why it isn't working. Which of the following is not an answer that you would give him?
, W+ v, G9 x. q  A. The host's default gateway is down.
% R1 y& Q: w1 ~/ e  B. The destination host is not powered on.
. f( Y- a: E' W4 i6 d  C. The IP address of the router interface is incorrect.4 G6 I2 U" Q9 A& [6 P+ p$ w
  D. The IP address of the switch to which the destination host connects is incorrect.7 Q+ B5 g1 H! Z" O- M+ P# d% R
  E. The host is in a different subnet.
' _7 t  @" l8 J; b7 s3 V3 L  24: Which of the following classes of IP addresses is utilized for multicasting?
. O; @) X' n: W7 {  A. Class A
5 t, ~) I8 v2 X1 v% |+ U1 d  B. Class B
- z( J& w; g2 ^2 H  C. Class C
6 ?. Y) B- u  y  }( g  D. Class D5 I% k. Q. u' H; _* c) p. D( H" n
  25: You give your IT department a spreadsheet of IP addresses and their subnets. You receive a call from one of the junior techs asking what the /26 means next to the IP addresses. You tell her:/ _& I# C) b! H3 y6 v- l
  A. It represents the number of hosts possible on that subnetwork.
! d' {9 w3 e. V5 R  B. It represents the number of subnetworks that are being used.; h/ X! n8 [# j: j9 n3 Q
  C. It represents the class of IP address being used.3 X( [9 g5 q; \8 @6 F) Q( s
  D. It represents the number of bits in the subnet mask that are 1.
, ^. K# e! C, x( A/ D26: You are given an IP network of and told that you need to separate this network into subnetworks that can support a maximum of 16 hosts per subnet. This will help alleviate congestion on the network. What subnet mask can you use to create the subnets necessary to meet the given criteria?! l3 n3 \. S# s
2 |$ a( G* d* N+ m  B. 25 .255.0.0
/ {; t7 X5 q2 P* [; y4 S  C.
! x/ S$ H$ k$ p1 P! r" H9 E  D.
) K% u: q) F8 P% U. |  E.
4 m. [, M8 z. Y2 M0 \* S( ~  27: Which of the following would a Class A network be assigned to?5 p2 i, @" V$ X7 U$ u' v3 T
  A. Government agency
* H( Y/ X, \5 a, x  x# f; ]+ ?% i  B. Small-to-medium sized corporation
1 i: s3 ^! Z2 D8 {+ Q7 _  C. SOHO3 |* Z" Q0 x& v! x' |
  D. An individual' Z& \8 M3 ?7 i4 a1 Z8 I
  28: A client has the IP address Which of the following addresses are on the same subnet as this host? (Choose two.)  T% v/ B& Z+ Q! K  m
1 ]+ D: x& V& E  G' {! Z* ^$ t  B. ?% \/ A, b1 E8 g
  C.! D7 t  i& @/ l. x) v+ t
- H) `& _% _, v6 K3 H# g+ ]  29: Which of the following IP addresses is not a public IP address that can be routed over the Internet?
9 o( |. O  z+ y8 {  A.
0 j) s" g/ ~; a% g  B.
/ J( z# c' B+ h0 A+ b  C., ~: M3 d8 y: i- A1 n) p
  D.$ Q3 s( i. g- j2 \  O8 l
$ l1 M& S# q* e( l" J5 ?  30: You are given a Class B network. What is the default subnet mask assigned to the Class B network?
7 g% T, J( O8 R, w1 h  A.
' s9 Q: S( U; Y+ V) L  B.
/ l) y) T- L2 H1 K0 M; s  C.
6 k' [- I8 G7 z9 Y$ e4 b$ ]  D. N0 g3 N7 {: u* t' J; a% @
  31: You are troubleshooting your router's interfaces. For some reason, the Ethernet interface will not accept the IP address of that you've assigned. Which of the following explains the router's refusal to take the IP address?# t; U; U) r, Y  I
  A. Class C addresses cannot be assigned to Ethernet interfaces.1 A1 E* g5 W) k) g' [8 G
  B. The /27 is an invalid mask." y. T  X! w# w' w
  C. It is a broadcast address.
6 X9 z# A$ Y. a  D. It is a public IP address.
) z' R# b# Y' l  E. It is a private IP address.
8 i# \3 s  Z# T5 U) E: n  32: You are a network technician at Acme, Inc. You are required to divide the network into subnets. Each subnet must have the capacity of 458 IP addresses. Also, according to the requirements, you must provide the maximum number of subnets. Which subnet mask should you use?3 Y) m' z9 B+ b% }
8 \4 V( Y9 n$ M* r  B.
! c2 T9 X7 X/ t3 L0 x# F: g  C.
" ~4 S4 y, f. \! ?9 k5 t7 p  D.  J; u, U  x6 j. @# n
  33: What is the subnetwork and broadcast IP address of with the subnet mask of
  C/ M/ }' l! K, m* B  A. x+ Z, |" m3 ?3 W0 t# i
  B.$ X+ M1 w8 q" Z) m9 C, N6 k  T3 `
  C. Y4 P1 }1 @- W" n
3 ?8 q' a3 K( X1 I) H0 ~  E. B: P: u- ?0 Y$ ^& y% R3 I' L5 [2 F
  34: One of your co-workers at Acme, Inc., needs to convert the binary number 11011010 into a decimal. What is the decimal equivalent?0 A$ |& @$ a: k) C
  A. 218* m5 {: j# P+ p6 h$ P
  B. 219
& S8 D  L9 B, J  C. 220
& t" z9 o3 \! ?2 `  D. 221
% @! N; a: l% ]6 L' M4 y  E. 222
+ X  d- `  O% ^+ X( }! U3 f: ^  35: One of your co-workers at Acme, Inc., needs to convert the binary number 01011010 into a decimal. What is the decimal equivalent?
$ }4 q4 ?' |* X  o" Z4 x  A. 75' s( z& ]6 T( E7 u" f9 s
  B. 83. X% b+ i/ h4 q' S5 ?
  C. 90: }  [8 D* V& t: v
  D. 97
* j" q7 s# ]$ j4 X  36: One of your co-workers at Acme, Inc., needs to convert the binary number 11010110 into a decimal. What is the decimal equivalent?# J3 d. l' h! P/ _
  A. 198
- Q- a- o) G- y2 R  B. 214
3 n1 ]# w/ o" V  C. 252
- s( q& [$ T4 Q% g4 ]" q  D. 255
- Z! g: a7 [& a9 n0 g$ _) l5 c  37: One of your co-workers at Acme, Inc., needs to convert the binary number 10110110 into a decimal. What is the decimal equivalent?% p( Q# a! N- u1 Z
  A. 182% Q- l. m; o# j1 @
  B. 1923 i6 z- }. q& _& H1 m, N
  C. 202
+ p( @. R5 i0 f) t$ @& k  D. 212
3 z# b2 z% q9 M9 w8 J0 G5 {/ P  38: You are configuring a subnet for the Acme, Inc., branch office in Beijing. You need to assign IP addresses to hosts in this subnet. You have been given the subnet mask of Which of these IP addresses would be valid? (Choose three.)
9 H5 S: f& I6 A) m' y3 J+ R  A.
6 Q. j* f2 A: j, T* Y  B.
. v$ E! S1 q6 d" T2 ^9 _% ^- _5 b- Y- b  C. ^+ x) `6 A1 r$ _
$ f5 b: v" f- Q6 ^! C. H  E. Y5 n' B2 ?, t+ b' f
  F. T, Y! i1 Q$ o# N9 R
  39: You are a network technician at Acme, Inc. You have subnetted the network with a /28 mask. Your boss asks you how many usable subnetworks and usable host addresses per subnet this will provide. What should you tell her, assuming your router is using ip subnet-zero?2 k9 t, b3 p' [0 |
  A. 62 networks and 2 hosts
' o" |4 g4 g+ b* R  B. 6 networks and 30 hosts
+ W/ ~# O' p6 ?- |$ _' o  C. 8 networks and 32 hosts7 D. P. q: n3 d; J6 r$ P
  D. 16 networks and 16 hosts
* o0 r" n- H1 S1 }+ {6 F8 x/ _  E. 16 networks and 14 hosts! g) I" ?9 L2 ]5 ^3 F* o
  40: What is a disadvantage of using a connection-oriented protocol such as TCP?
3 C! O/ ^2 n! F5 h0 G  A. Packet acknowledgment might add overhead.5 {) T) @* V- O5 N" b( e5 k5 n
  B. Packets are not tagged with sequence numbers.- l. n* W: B/ }$ Q' u9 B" I
  C. Loss or duplication of data packets is more likely to occur.
* r4 F2 v6 E* i* E4 J3 b  D. The application layer must assume responsibility for the correct sequencing of the data packets.
/ j2 x' x+ E0 y& _9 u3 R5 g  41: You are a network technician at Acme, Inc. You have subnetted the network with a /30 mask for connections between your routers. Your boss asks you how many usable subnetworks and usable host addresses per subnet this will provide. What should you tell her, assuming your router cannot use ip subnet-zero?
$ J( A7 Z; g: T6 I2 ]  A. 62 networks and 2 hosts% }* Z+ |; f" d  c
  B. 6 networks and 30 hosts
# k. _" e: m; i  C. 8 networks and 32 hosts3 \' e' W& R% g' |, O. t. O+ a
  D. 16 networks and 16 hosts
; _* |' g9 j2 Y" G  E. 14 networks and 14 hosts: N2 R. t! w5 [* D: f3 _- L, b! p
  42: Which of the following IP addresses are considered "network" addresses with a /26 prefix? (Choose two.)- k, e; m) Q0 {
  A.$ |2 g$ N% s7 i6 {
( A; K4 H- h- o! h  C. f# y) T+ R, J3 F/ V( f
  D. w6 W" M. I+ ]+ Z+ O+ O% j
) z: p8 w9 O! U- a- [; M" i9 O  43: Identify three valid hosts in any subnet of, assuming the subnet mask used is (Choose three.)
. `2 o% R1 I# {1 M; U  A. w  u) m9 s, c, G
  B.! k: }+ j& ^/ b& }* Y' ^
  C.* V% F- o# l; }4 [4 `& d
7 e) s1 P$ t0 p, u0 E( |  E. s' |% `( g( u
( ^: D0 R8 N& G4 A: W: j6 B  44: A Class C network address has been subnetted with a /27 mask. Which of the following addresses is a broadcast address for one of the resulting subnets?5 T) N' K/ Q* g. l! t
  A. d( U+ G3 s9 e( y" |5 N9 Q4 E
1 Q1 b4 m* |4 v: d0 K: @. h0 l! B  C. E- s' K1 T3 ?1 j1 i
  D. S. W' _  O8 Q  q
2 s, L4 @# j5 k% D  F. d! N7 `6 U4 O4 \! D+ R1 y+ e
  45: What is the subnetwork address for a host with IP address
: D+ U4 U  g" J  A.
9 {: B# D4 t& \' r  B.
* f% c6 O" d- C6 [" T: T  C., [( }2 }+ _/ I
+ n' k) ]  p4 F% f4 X  E. L$ P1 s* ^7 j* K6 i
, e& B& B/ k8 w9 N! e& a  46: Your boss wants to know what TCP stands for. What do you tell him?  |- _+ Y7 b  j! P$ p& P& V
  A. Transmission Check Protocol( t' [5 g, K3 C5 @1 A/ N
  B. Transport Check Protocol
" O6 J" V  Y5 H  C. Transmission Control Protocol
7 e$ D) ^: I- Y% f  n0 Z0 A  D. Transport Control Protocol< /P>
( Z; {4 I6 Q5 D1 w' c0 C! S7 [9 T! q  47: Your boss wants to know what UDP stands for. What do you tell him?
' ^' I- \' m6 k/ C# J7 P, g3 ]- i* l% ~  A. Unreliable Data Protocol
" g; ^- M9 K! n  ?  B. Unreliable Data Program
3 a# Q; W/ T8 M6 |. v  C. User-Defined Protocol6 s* s) A, a6 J* t) ?$ f/ `2 Y; @
  D. User Datagram Protocol
+ A7 I: z7 J! Q+ s% b1 F) L  48: Which of the following statements accurately describes UDP?
" D2 R1 \. s1 j  e  A. UDP copies files between a computer and a system running rshd, the remote shell service (daemon).
9 [/ v0 H  ]8 n* g: M$ U: V9 A/ C  B. UDP is a member of the TCP/IP suite of protocols that governs the exchange of electronic mail between message transfer agents.
2 s1 K. @- h& j, U1 o9 u7 J  C. UDP is a member of the TCP/IP suite of protocols and is used to copy files between two computers on the Internet. Both computers must support their respective roles: one must be a client, and the other a server.& x0 ]8 N; T+ I# Q% n" V
  D. UDP is a TCP complement that offers a connectionless datagram service guaranteeing neither delivery nor correct sequencing of delivered packets (much like IP)., u* l7 a6 O1 }" s; E6 J
  49: Which of the following host addresses are members of networks that can be routed across the public Internet? (Choose three.)
, d. ^! H3 C9 F' B" ~  A.
3 N  ~. s: i8 f7 {6 W# a  B. ]  n( \# t' t
- e/ L9 t; F, N3 F+ x: Z  D.
# p, C* K) _! w7 C7 `8 Z' T  E.
5 y% i9 d& w6 d" ]2 Q1 s/ q  F. d& l9 a. R* B0 i  g
  50: You are connecting your Serial 0/1 interface to the Internet. Which of the following need to be done for the connection to work? (Choose two.): Y" Z  \: t4 ]
  A. Assign a public IP address.6 e$ ?0 }# _8 m* {- p: h
  B. Use the shutdown command.8 t. r. c8 d' `) c3 Q
  C. Use the no shutdown command.- a$ I" R' s# K3 {
  D. Make sure the interface is running in full-duplex.
发表于 2009-6-12 10:46:46 | 显示全部楼层
沙发 2009-6-12 10:46:46 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2009-6-12 14:58:25 | 显示全部楼层
板凳 2009-6-12 14:58:25 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2009-6-19 08:50:15 | 显示全部楼层
地板 2009-6-19 08:50:15 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2009-6-19 08:50:17 | 显示全部楼层
5# 2009-6-19 08:50:17 回复 收起回复
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-6-19 08:50:17 | 显示全部楼层
6# 2009-6-19 08:50:17 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2009-7-11 14:03:45 | 显示全部楼层
7# 2009-7-11 14:03:45 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2010-12-5 21:34:35 | 显示全部楼层
8# 2010-12-5 21:34:35 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2012-2-25 13:38:12 | 显示全部楼层
9# 2012-2-25 13:38:12 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2013-12-12 17:37:16 | 显示全部楼层
10# 2013-12-12 17:37:16 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2018-6-13 21:39:03 | 显示全部楼层

! j0 Q) n- x; T' e+ h謝謝分享。。。。。。
11# 2018-6-13 21:39:03 回复 收起回复

使用道具 举报

发表于 2021-1-16 22:59:54 | 显示全部楼层
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12# 2021-1-16 22:59:54 回复 收起回复

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