成长值: 195
Yesterday, I successfully passed CCNP 350-401! I got quite a few new questions. There are about 10 multiple-choice questions that are not in the question bank. They are mainly concentrated in the WIFI and SD-Access sections. I suggest everyone review these knowledge points more. There are six experimental questions, including CoPP, OSPF, VRF, etc. Although the parameters have changed, the thinking is the same as in the question bank. As long as you are familiar with the commands, you can handle it. Special thanks to Honghu customer service 01! During the preparation period, customer service 01 has been patiently updating the question bank for me and answering questions. Especially for the analysis of new questions, his reply speed is extremely fast and his service attitude is particularly good. His help makes my preparation more efficient. I strongly recommend that everyone consult customer service 01 through QQ 1613523101. He is really professional! Finally, I remind everyone to be flexible in dealing with experimental questions and read the question bank more for multiple-choice questions, especially the new question section. I wish everyone success in the exam! |