成长值: 63730
本帖最后由 小乔 于 2022-12-21 15:11 编辑
Lab Objective:
The objective of this lab exercise is for you to learn and understand how to configure RPVST. By default, RPVST converges much faster than traditional STP.
Lab Purpose:
RPVST configuration is a fundamental skill. As a Cisco engineer, as well as in the Cisco CCNA exam, you will be expected to know how to configure RPVST.
Certification Level:
This lab is suitable for both ICND2 and CCNA certification exam preparation.
Lab Difficulty:
This lab has a difficulty rating of 4/10.
Readiness Assessment:
When you are ready for your certification exam, you should complete this lab in no more than 10 minutes.
Lab Topology:
Please use the following topology to complete this lab exercise:
Task 1:
Configure a hostname on Sw1 and Sw2 as illustrated in the topology diagram above.
Task 2:
Configure Sw1 as a VTP server and configure Sw2 as a VTP client. Both switches should be in the VTP domain named CISCO. Secure VTP messages with the password CISCO.
Task 3:
Configure and verify FastEthernet0/1 between Sw1 and Sw2 as an 802.1q trunk.
Task 4:
Configure and verify VLANs 10, 20, 30, and 40 on Sw1 with the names provided above. Validate that these VLANs are still propagated to Sw2 after VTP has been secured.
Task 5:
Verify that the switches are running in Per-VLAN Spanning Tree mode. This is the default mode for switches.
Task 6:
Update your switch to a Spanning Tree mode that ensures the fastest convergence for the Layer 2 network and verify your configuration.
Configuration and Verification
Task 1:
For reference information on configuring hostnames, please refer to earlier labs.
Task 2:
NOTE: By default, Cisco switches are VTP servers so no configuration is necessary for server mode on Sw1. This can be verified using the show vtp status command. However, you do need to configure the domain.
For reference information on configuring the VTP mode and password, please refer to earlier labs.
Task 3:
For reference information on configuring and verifying trunks, please refer to earlier labs.
Task 4:
For reference information on configuring and verifying VLANs, please refer to earlier labs.
NOTE: Make sure that the MD5 digest at the end of the output of the show vtp status command is the same when VTP passwords have been configured on switches within the same VTP domain.
Task 5:
Sw1#show spanning-tree summary
Switch is in pvst mode
Root bridge for: VLAN0010, VLAN0020, VLAN0030, VLAN0040
EtherChannel misconfiguration guard is enabled
Extended system ID is enabled
Portfast is disabled by default
PortFast BPDU Guard is disabled by default
Portfast BPDU Filter is disabled by default
Loopguard is disabled by default
UplinkFast is disabled
BackboneFast is disabled
Pathcost method used is short
Name Blocking Listening Learning Forwarding STP Active
-------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- --------
VLAN0010 0 0 0 1 1
VLAN0020 0 0 0 1 1
VLAN0030 0 0 0 1 1
VLAN0040 0 0 0 1 1
---------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- --------
4 vlans 0 0 0 4 4
Task 6:
Sw1#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CTRL/Z.
Sw1(config)#spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst
Sw1#show spanning-tree summary
Switch is in rapid-pvst mode
Root bridge for: VLAN0010, VLAN0020, VLAN0030, VLAN0040
EtherChannel misconfiguration guard is enabled
Extended system ID is enabled
Portfast is disabled by default
PortFast BPDU Guard is disabled by default
Portfast BPDU Filter is disabled by default
Loopguard is disabled by default
UplinkFast is disabled
BackboneFast is disabled
Pathcost method used is short
Name Blocking Listening Learning Forwarding STP Active
-------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ----------
VLAN0010 0 0 0 1 1
VLAN0020 0 0 0 1 1
VLAN0030 0 0 0 1 1
VLAN0040 0 0 0 1 1
-------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ----------
4 vlans 0 0 0 4 4
NOTE: RPVST enables the fastest convergence of Layer 2 switched networks.
来源: CCNA LAB 69: Assigning Multiple Instances to a VLAN Simultaneously
来源: CCNA LAB 70: Configuring Spanning Tree Protocol for Access Ports (PortFast) |