一、配置集群连接方式、集群ID及集群优先级 # 配置SwitchA的集群连接方式为业务口集群,集群优先级为100,集群ID为1(缺省为1无需配置)。
[SwitchA] set css mode lpu
[SwitchA] set css id 1
[SwitchA] set css priority 100# 配置SwitchB的集群连接方式为业务口集群,集群ID为2,集群优先级为10。
[SwitchB] set css mode lpu
[SwitchB] set css id 2
[SwitchB] set css priority 10
二、配置逻辑集群端口 # 配置SwitchA的业务口XGE1/0/1~XGE1/0/2为集群物理成员端口并加入集群端口1,XGE2/0/1~XGE2/0/2为集群物理成员端口并加入集群端口2。 [SwitchA] interface css-port 1[SwitchA-css-port1] port interface xgigabitethernet 1/0/1 to xgigabitethernet 1/0/2 enable[SwitchA-css-port1] quit[SwitchA] interface css-port 2[SwitchA-css-port2] port interface xgigabitethernet 2/0/1 to xgigabitethernet 2/0/2 enable[SwitchA-css-port2] quit# 配置SwitchB的业务口XGE1/0/1~XGE1/0/2为集群物理成员端口并加入集群端口1,XGE2/0/1~XGE2/0/2为集群物理成员端口并加入集群端口2。 [SwitchB] interface css-port 1[SwitchB-css-port1] port interface xgigabitethernet 1/0/1 to xgigabitethernet 1/0/2 enable[SwitchB-css-port1] quit[SwitchB] interface css-port 2[SwitchB-css-port2] port interface xgigabitethernet 2/0/1 to xgigabitethernet 2/0/2 enable[SwitchB-css-port2] quit三、使能集群功能 # 使能SwitchA的集群功能并重新启动SwitchA。 [SwitchA] css enableWarning: The CSS configuration will take effect only after the system is rebooted. The next CSS mode is LPU. Reboot now? [Y/N]:y# 使能SwitchB的集群功能并重新启动SwitchB。 [SwitchB] css enableWarning: The CSS configuration will take effect only after the system is rebooted. The next CSS mode is LPU. Reboot now? [Y/N]:y