第一步: 找到CPU占用率高的进程
3850系列交换机使用4核CPU, 使用show process cpu 命令将会看到:
3850-2#show processes cpu sort | exclude 0.0
Core 0: CPU utilization for five seconds: 53%; one minute: 39%; five minutes: 41%
Core 1: CPU utilization for five seconds: 43%; one minute: 57%; five minutes: 54%
Core 2: CPU utilization for five seconds: 95%; one minute: 60%; five minutes: 58%
Core 3: CPU utilization for five seconds: 32%; one minute: 31%; five minutes: 29%
PID Runtime(ms) Invoked uSecs 5Sec 1Min 5Min TTY Process
8525 472560 2345554 7525 31.37 30.84 30.83 0 iosd
5661 2157452 9234031 698 13.17 12.56 12.54 1088 fed
6206 19630 74895 262 1.83 0.43 0.10 0 eicored
6197 725760 11967089 60 1.41 1.38 1.47 0 pdsd
*Forwarding Engine Driver (FED): This is the heart of the Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switch and is responsible for all hardware programming/forwarding.
- FED Punject TX
- FED Punject RX
- FED Punject replenish
- FED Punject TX complete
我们可以使用 show process cpu detailed <process>命令去获得进程的更详细内容.
3850-2#show processes cpu detailed process iosd sort | ex 0.0
Core 0: CPU utilization for five seconds: 36%; one minute: 39%; five minutes: 40%
Core 1: CPU utilization for five seconds: 73%; one minute: 52%; five minutes: 53%
Core 2: CPU utilization for five seconds: 22%; one minute: 56%; five minutes: 58%
Core 3: CPU utilization for five seconds: 46%; one minute: 40%; five minutes: 31%
PID T C TID Runtime(ms)Invoked uSecs 5Sec 1Min 5Min TTY Process
(%) (%) (%)
8525 L 556160 2356540 7526 30.42 30.77 30.83 0 iosd
8525 L 1 8525 712558 284117 0 23.14 23.33 23.38 0 iosd
59 I 1115452 4168181 0 42.22 39.55 39.33 0 ARP Snoop
198 I 3442960 4168186 0 25.33 24.22 24.77 0 IP Host Track Proce
30 I 3802130 4168183 0 24.66 27.88 27.66 0 ARP Input
283 I 574800 3225649 0 4.33 4.00 4.11 0 DAI Packet Process
3850-2#show processes cpu detailed process fed sorted | ex 0.0
Core 0: CPU utilization for five seconds: 45%; one minute: 44%; five minutes: 44%
Core 1: CPU utilization for five seconds: 38%; one minute: 44%; five minutes: 45%
Core 2: CPU utilization for five seconds: 42%; one minute: 41%; five minutes: 40%
Core 3: CPU utilization for five seconds: 32%; one minute: 30%; five minutes: 31%
PID T C TID Runtime(ms)Invoked uSecs 5Sec 1Min 5Min TTY Process
(%) (%) (%)
5638 L 612840 1143306 536 13.22 12.90 12.93 1088 fed
5638 L 3 8998 396500 602433 0 9.87 9.63 9.61 0 PunjectTx
5638 L 3 8997 159890 66051 0 2.70 2.70 2.74 0 PunjectRx
在IOSd的输出中,看到ARP Snoop, IP Host Track Process, 和 ARP Input 比较高. 比较常见的是由于ARP包造成CPU中断高.
思科3850系列交换机为不同类型的包提供了不同的队列(FED维护32个RX CPU Queue,这些queue会直接上CPU).
监视这些Queue可以发现哪些包被送上了CPU,哪些被IOSd进程处理. 这些Queue是基于每个Port-ASIC的. 例如,有2个Port-ASIC, 接口1到24属于Port-ASIC 0.
可以使用showplatform punt statistics port-asic <port-asic> cpuq <queue>direction <rx|tx>命令去看.
在showplatform punt statistics port-asic 0 cpuq -1 direction rx 命令中, -1参数代理所有queue, 引起,这条命令将显示Port-ASIC 0上所有receivequeue.
现在,必须确定哪个Queue有大量的数据包在以高速率进入queue. 在这个案例中, 检查发现了名叫 CPU_Q_PROTO_SNOOPING的第16个queue有异常.
RX (ASIC2CPU) Stats (asic 0 qn 16lqn 16):
Packets received from ASIC : 79099152
Send to IOSd total attempts : 79099152
Send to IOSd failed count : 1240331
RX suspend count : 1240331
RX unsuspend count : 1240330
RX unsuspend send count : 1240330
RX unsuspend send failed count : 0
RX dropped count : 0
RX conversion failure dropped : 0
RX pkt_hdr allocation failure : 0
RX INTACK count : 0
RX packets dq'd after intack : 0
Active RxQ event : 9906280
RX spurious interrupt : 0
另一种方法是使用show platform punt client 命令去发现:
3850-2#show platform punt client
tag buffer jumbo fallback packets received failures
65559 0/ 16/1600 0/4 0/0 0 0 0 0 0
65560 0/ 16/1600 0/4 0/0 0 0 0 0 0
s65561 421/ 512/1600 0/0 0/128 79565859131644697 478984244 0 37467
65563 0/ 512/1600 0/16 0/256 0 0 0 0 0
65564 0/ 512/1600 0/16 0/256 0 0 0 0 0
找到最多数据包这一行对应的tag,在这个案例中, tag为65561.
*Handle:A handle can be thought of as a pointer. It is a means to discover moredetailed information about specific variables that are used in the outputs thatthe box produces. This is similar to the concept of Local Target Logic (LTL)indices on the Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switch.
*PacketDelivery System (PDS): This is thearchitecture and process of how packets aredelivered to and from varioussubsystem. As an example, it controls how packetsare delivered from the FED tothe IOSd and vice versa.
输入以下命令,可以看到queue名是Rx Proto Snoop.
3850-2#show pds tag all | in Active|Tags|65561
Active Client Client
Tags HandleName TDA SDA FDA TBufD TBytD
65561 7296672 Punt Rx ProtoSnoop 79821397 79821397 0 79821397 494316524
在65561前的s表示大量入向数据包导致FED handle被暂停或者被压垮(FEDhandle is suspended and overwhelmed). 如果s不消失,代表queue永久性的卡住了.
在show pds tag all 的输出中看到 handle是7296672.
在使用show pds client <handle> packet last sink命令之前,需要开启debug pds pktbuf-last.否则将看到以下输出:
3850-2#show pds client 7296672 packet last sink
% switch-2:pdsd:This command works in debug mode only. Enable debug using
"debug pds pktbuf-last" command
开启debug pds pktbuf-last后,将看到以下输出:
3850-2#show pds client 7296672 packet last sink
Dumping Packet(54528) # 0 of Length 60
0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0010 00 00 16 1d 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 5a 57 f0 ............UZW.
0020 00 00 00 00 fd 01 10 df 00 5b 70 00 00 10 43 00 .........[p...C.
0030 00 10 43 00 00 41 fd 00 00 41 fd 00 00 00 00 00 ..C..A...A......
0040 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0050 00 00 00 3c 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 19 00 00 00 00 ...<............
0060 01 01 b6 80 00 00 00 4f 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .......O........
0070 01 04 d8 80 00 00 00 33 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .......3........
0080 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0090 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00a0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
0000 ff ff ff ff ff ff aa bb cc dd 00 00 08 06 00 01 ................
0010 08 00 06 04 00 01 aa bb cc dd 00 00 c0 a8 01 0a ................
0020 ff ff ff ff ff ff c0 a8 01 14 00 01 02 03 04 05 ................
0030 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11 ............
Meta-data是被系统内部使用的,Data输出是真实数据包的信息. 以下命令将使用Meta-data 0070开始的前16bits.
* IIF=Interface ID Factory
3850-2#show platform port-asic ifm iif-id 0x0104d88000000033
Interface Table
Interface IIF-ID : 0x0104d88000000033
Interface Name : Gi2/0/20
Interface Block Pointer : 0x514d2f70
Interface State : READY
Interface Stauts : IFM-ADD-RCVD, FFM-ADD-RCVD
Interface Ref-Cnt : 6
Interface Epoch : 0
Interface Type : ETHER
Port Location : LOCAL
Slot : 2
Unit : 20
Slot Unit : 20
Acitve : Y
SNMP IF Index : 22
GPN : 84
EC Channel : 0
EC Index : 0
ASIC : 0
ASIC Port : 14
Port LE Handle : 0x514cd990
Non Zero Feature Ref Counts
FID : 48(AL_FID_L2_PM), Ref Count : 1
FID : 77(AL_FID_STATS), Ref Count : 1
FID : 51(AL_FID_L2_MATM), Ref Count : 1
FID : 13(AL_FID_SC), Ref Count : 1
FID : 26(AL_FID_QOS), Ref Count : 1
Sub block information
FID : 48(AL_FID_L2_PM), Private Data : 0x54072618
FID : 26(AL_FID_QOS), Private Data : 0x514d31b8
从以上输出可以看到ARP数据包来源于接口Gi2/0/20. 此时,如果关闭这个接口,将解决这个问题并降低CPU利用率.
第四步:使用FED tracing
有一个更好的排错方法是使用 FED tracing, 可以将FED送上CPU的数据包进行抓包.
1/ 需要enable detail tracking, 才能抓包
3850-2#set trace control fed-punject-detail enable
2/ 调整抓包buffer. 按需调整detail tracing的buffer.默认buffer大小是32768.
3850-2#show mgmt-infra trace settings fed-punject-detail
One shot Trace Settings:
Buffer Name: fed-punject-detail
Default Size: 32768
Current Size: 32768
Traces Dropped due to internal error: No
Total Entries Written: 0
One shot mode: No
One shot and full: No
Disabled: False
3850-2#set trace control fed-punject-detail buffer-size <buffer size>
3850-2#set trace control fed-punject-detail buffer-size ?
<8192-67108864> The new desired buffer size, in bytes
default Reset trace buffer size to default
3/ 添加抓包filter. 你可以添加不同的filter,并且使用match all 或者match any来混合使用这些filter进行抓包.
3850-2#set trace fed-punject-detail direction rx filter_add <filter>
3850-2#set trace fed-punject-detail direction rx filter_add ?
cpu-queue rxq 0..31
field field
offset offset
3850-2#set trace fed-punject-detail direction rx ?
Clear_all Clear all debug configured
Dump_all Dump all debug info: on
Dump_all_off Dump all debug info: off
Filter_add Add debug filter condition
Filter_clear Clear a debug filter configured
Filter_disable Disable configured filter condition(s)
Filter_enable Enable configured filter condition(s)
Match_all Match all configured filter conditions
Match_any Match any configured filter condition
Show_all Show all debug configured
在第二步案例分析中, 我们看到Queue16有大量数据包送上CPU, 所以需要查看这个queue,看看哪些数据包被送上CPU了.
使用以下命令去设置查看哪个cpu queue
3850-2#set trace fed-punject-detail direction rx filter_add cpu-queue <start queue> <end queue>
3850-2#set trace fed-punject-detail direction rx filter_add cpu-queue 16 16
使用match all 或者match any来混合使用已经定义了的filter来进行抓包
3850-2#set trace fed-punject-detail direction rx match_all
3850-2#set trace fed-punject-detail direction rx filter_enable
使用show mgmt-infra trace messages fed-punject-detail命令查看抓到的包.
3850-2#show mgmt-infra trace messages fed-punject-detail
[11/25/13 07:05:53.814 UTC 2eb0c9 5661]
00 00 00 00 00 4e 00 40 07 00 02 08 00 00 51 3b
00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 01
00 00 00 00 20 00 00 0e 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 74
00 00 00 04 00 54 41 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
[11/25/13 07:05:53.814 UTC 2eb0ca 5661]
ff ff ff ff ff ff aa bb cc dd 00 00 08 06 00 01
08 00 06 04 00 01 aa bb cc dd 00 00 c0 a8 01 0a
ff ff ff ff ff ff c0 a8 01 14 00 01 02 03 04 05
06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11 f6 b9 10 32
[11/25/13 07:05:53.814 UTC 2eb0cb 5661] Frame descriptors:
[11/25/13 07:05:53.814 UTC 2eb0cc 5661]
fdFormat=0x4 systemTtl=0xe
loadBalHash1=0x8 loadBalHash2=0x8
spanSessionMap=0x0 forwardingMode=0x0
destModIndex=0x0 skipIdIndex=0x4
srcGpn=0x54 qosLabel=0x41
srcCos=0x0 ingressTranslatedVlan=0x3
bpdu=0x0 spanHistory=0x0
sgt=0x0 fpeFirstHeaderType=0x0
srcVlan=0x1 rcpServiceId=0x2
wccpSkip=0x0 srcPortLeIndex=0xe
cryptoProtocol=0x0 debugTagId=0x0
vrfId=0x0 saIndex=0x0
pendingAfdLabel=0x0 destClient=0x1
appId=0x0 finalStationIndex=0x74
decryptSuccess=0x0 encryptSuccess=0x0
rcpMiscResults=0x0 stackedFdPresent=0x0
spanDirection=0x0 egressRedirect=0x0
redirectIndex=0x0 exceptionLabel=0x0
destGpn=0x0 inlineFd=0x0
suppressRefPtrUpdate=0x0 suppressRewriteSideEfects=0x0
cmi2=0x0 currentRi=0x1
currentDi=0x513b dropIpUnreachable=0x0
srcZoneId=0x0 srcAsicId=0x0
originalDi=0x0 originalRi=0x0
srcL3IfIndex=0x2 dstL3IfIndex=0x0
dstVlan=0x0 frameLength=0x40
fdCrc=0x7 tunnelSpokeId=0x0
[11/25/13 07:05:53.814 UTC 2eb0cd 5661]
[11/25/13 07:05:53.814 UTC 2eb0ce 5661] PUNT PATH (fed_punject_rx_process_packet:
830):RX: Q: 16, Tag: 65561
[11/25/13 07:05:53.814 UTC 2eb0cf 5661] PUNT PATH (fed_punject_get_physical_iif:
579):RX: Physical IIF-id 0x104d88000000033
[11/25/13 07:05:53.814 UTC 2eb0d0 5661] PUNT PATH (fed_punject_get_src_l3if_index:
434):RX: L3 IIF-id 0x101b6800000004f
[11/25/13 07:05:53.814 UTC 2eb0d1 5661] PUNT PATH (fed_punject_fd_2_pds_md:478):
RX: l2_logical_if = 0x0
[11/25/13 07:05:53.814 UTC 2eb0d2 5661] PUNT PATH (fed_punject_get_source_cos:638):
RX: Source Cos 0
[11/25/13 07:05:53.814 UTC 2eb0d3 5661] PUNT PATH (fed_punject_get_vrf_id:653):
RX: VRF-id 0
[11/25/13 07:05:53.814 UTC 2eb0d4 5661] PUNT PATH (fed_punject_get_src_zoneid:667):
RX: Zone-id 0
[11/25/13 07:05:53.814 UTC 2eb0d5 5661] PUNT PATH (fed_punject_fd_2_pds_md:518):
RX: get_src_zoneid failed
[11/25/13 07:05:53.814 UTC 2eb0d6 5661] PUNT PATH (fed_punject_get_acl_log_direction:
695): RX: : Invalid CMI2
[11/25/13 07:05:53.814 UTC 2eb0d7 5661] PUNT PATH (fed_punject_fd_2_pds_md:541):RX:
get_acl_log_direction failed
[11/25/13 07:05:53.814 UTC 2eb0d8 5661] PUNT PATH (fed_punject_get_acl_full_direction:
724):RX: DI 0x513b ACL Full Direction 1
[11/25/13 07:05:53.814 UTC 2eb0d9 5661] PUNT PATH (fed_punject_get_source_sgt:446):
RX: Source SGT 0
[11/25/13 07:05:53.814 UTC 2eb0da 5661] PUNT PATH (fed_punject_get_first_header_type:680):
RX: FirstHeaderType 0
[11/25/13 07:05:53.814 UTC 2eb0db 5661] PUNT PATH (fed_punject_rx_process_packet:916):
RX: fed_punject_pds_send packet 0x1f00 to IOSd with tag 65561
[11/25/13 07:05:53.814 UTC 2eb0dc 5661] PUNT PATH (fed_punject_rx_process_packet:744):
RX: **** RX packet 0x2360 on qn 16, len 128 ****
[11/25/13 07:05:53.814 UTC 2eb0dd 5661]
buf_no 0 buf_len 128
以上输出提供了足够信息,让我们知道数据包从哪里来 ,以及含有什么信息.
ff ff ff ff ff ff - 目的 MAC地址
aa bb cc dd 00 00 - 源 MAC地址
在log中, 也包含了非常有用的信息:
[11/25/13 07:05:53.814 UTC 2eb0ce 5661] PUNT PATH (fed_punject_rx_process_packet:
830):RX: Q: 16, Tag: 65561
[11/25/13 07:05:53.814 UTC 2eb0cf 5661] PUNT PATH (fed_punject_get_physical_iif:
579):RX: Physical IIF-id 0x104d88000000033
第二条log更有用, 因为它包含了源接口的IIF-ID, 可以使用以下命令找到源接口.
3850-2#show platform port-asic ifm iif-id 0x0104d88000000033
Interface Table
Interface IIF-ID : 0x0104d88000000033
Interface Name : Gi2/0/20
Interface Block Pointer : 0x514d2f70
Interface State : READY
Interface Stauts : IFM-ADD-RCVD, FFM-ADD-RCVD
Interface Ref-Cnt : 6
Interface Epoch : 0
Interface Type : ETHER
Port Location : LOCAL
Slot : 2
Unit : 20
Slot Unit : 20
Acitve : Y
SNMP IF Index : 22
GPN : 84
EC Channel : 0
EC Index : 0
ASIC : 0
ASIC Port : 14
Port LE Handle : 0x514cd990
Non Zero Feature Ref Counts
FID : 48(AL_FID_L2_PM), Ref Count : 1
FID : 77(AL_FID_STATS), Ref Count : 1
FID : 51(AL_FID_L2_MATM), Ref Count : 1
FID : 13(AL_FID_SC), Ref Count : 1
FID : 26(AL_FID_QOS), Ref Count : 1
Sub block information
FID : 48(AL_FID_L2_PM), Private Data : 0x54072618
FID : 26(AL_FID_QOS), Private Data : 0x514d31b8