成长值: 63505
图1 通过BootROM FTP方式升级系统文件的组网图
1 操作步骤在PC端启动FTP Server服务或TFTP服务。
2 用串口线连接并通过Console口登录设备。
3 重启设备,在设备出现“Press Ctrl+B to break auto startup ...”打印信息时,按下“Ctrl+B”并键入密码后进入BootROM主菜单。
BIOS Creation Date : Nov 10 2011, 14:41:12
DDR DRAM init : OK
Start Memory Test ? ('t' or 'T' is test):skip
Copying Data : Done
Uncompressing : Done
USB2 Host Stack Initialized.
USB Hub Driver Initialized
USBD Wind River Systems, Inc. 562 Initialized
Octeon Host Controller Initialize......Done.
Press Ctrl+B to break auto startup ... 2
4 进入BootROM菜单后,选择第3项,进入网络子菜单。
Main Menu
1. Default Startup
2. Serial Menu
3. Network Menu
4. Startup Select
5. File Manager
6. Password Manager
7. Reboot
Enter your choice(1-7):3
5 进入网络子菜单后,选择第2项,修改属性。
Network Menu
1. Display parameter
2. Modify parameter
3. Save parameter
4. Download file
0. Return
Enter your choice(0-4):2
6 选择Ftp type为FTP或TFTP类型,设置设备管理网口的IP地址、子网掩码和网关地址,设置FTP 或TFTPServer的IP地址、用户名和密码。
Ftp type define: 0(ftp), 1(tftp),
ENTER = no change; '.' = clear;
Ftp type : 0
File name : softwarenew.cc software.cc
Ethernet ip address :
Ethernet ip mask : ffffff00
Gateway ip address :
Ftp host ip address :
Ftp user : huawei
Ftp password : **********
7 完成属性配置后,自动返回至网络子菜单,选择第4项,从FTP服务器上下载资源文件。
Network Menu
1. Display parameter
2. Modify parameter
3. Save parameter
4. Download file
0. Return
Enter your choice(0-4):4
8 选择文件存放路径后下载文件。
Download file to: [ 1:flash 2:sd1 ]:2
Check SD Card[1] file system. Please wait....
sd1:/ - Volume is OK
File system check OK!
Downloading ....
Get 77773440 Bytes from
Writing file:[sd1:/software.cc] to file system........................................
9 下载文件成功后返回主菜单,修改启动配置信息。
Network Menu
1. Display parameter
2. Modify parameter
3. Save parameter
4. Download file
0. Return
Enter your choice(0-4):0
Main Menu
1. Default Startup
2. Serial Menu
3. Network Menu
4. Startup Select
5. File Manager
6. Password Manager
7. Reboot
Enter your choice(1-7):4
10 设置下次启动的系统软件。
Startup Select
1. Display Startup
2. Set Boot File
3. Set Config File
4. Startupfile Check Manage
5. Set Startup Waiting Time
0. return
Enter your choice(0-5):2
Select Boot File
1. Flash
2. SDCard[1]
0. Return
Enter your choice(0-2):2
NOTE: Boot file must be .cc or .CC
Current boot file: sd1:/softwarenew.cc
Press ENTER directly for no change.
Or, please input the new file name: sd1:/software.cc
Save the boot file name: sd1:/software.cc ? Yes or No(Y/N)y
Save load state word...OK!
11 返回主菜单,重启设备。
Select Boot File
1. Flash
2. SDCard[1]
0. Return
Enter your choice(0-2):0
Startup Select
1. Display Startup
2. Set Boot File
3. Set Config File
4. Startupfile Check Manage
5. Set Startup Waiting Time
0. return
Enter your choice(0-5):0
Main Menu
1. Default Startup
2. Serial Menu
3. Network Menu
4. Startup Select
5. File Manager
6. Password Manager
7. Reboot
Enter your choice(1-7):7