2012-09-24T15:45:19.870+08:00 [02968 info 'authvpxdMoSessionManager'] [SSO][SessionManagerMo::Init] Downloading STS Root certificates ...
2012-09-24T15:45:20.884+08:00 [02592 error 'HttpConnectionPool-000001'] [ConnectComplete] Connect failed to ; cnx: (null), error: class Vmacore::SystemException(No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. )
2012-09-24T15:45:20.884+08:00 [02968 error '[SSO][SsoCertificateManagerImpl]'] [CreateAdminSsoServiceContent] Failure while trying to connect to SSO Admin server: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. . Will retry in 10 seconds.
2012-09-24T15:45:27.904+08:00 [02464 warning 'VpxProfiler' opID=SWI-6a025072] VpxUtil_InvokeWithOpId [TotalTime] took 12012 ms
2012-09-24T15:45:31.929+08:00 [02592 error 'HttpConnectionPool-000001'] [ConnectComplete] Connect failed to ; cnx: (null), error: class Vmacore::SystemException(No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. )
2012-09-24T15:47:16.371+08:00 [02968 info 'Default'] Forcing shutdown of vmware VirtualCenter now