你的帖子回复不了,我看了一下“What’s New in vmware vSphere? 5.1 – Platform”里面是这样说的:
vMotion Enhancements
Enhancements to vMotion in vSphere 5.1 provide a new level of ease and flexibility for live virtual machine
migrations. vSphere 5.1 now enables users to combine vMotion and VMware vSphere? Storage vMotion?
(Storage vMotion) into one operation. The combined migration copies both the virtual machine memory and its
disk over the network to the destination host. In smaller environments, the ability to simultaneously migrate both
memory and storage enables virtual machines to be migrated between hosts that do not have shared storage.
In larger environments, this capability enables virtual machines to be migrated between clusters that do not
have a common set of datastores.