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[其他] 請教各位大大,有關350-001的一道題目!

发表于 2014-2-10 10:56:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
題目是 You have just configured R5 and R6 to run EIGRPv6 as shown; the IPv6 ping from R5 to R6- loopback 0 is failing. Which statement could be the reason?

A.  The loopback interfaces on R5 and R6 must be configured on an EIGRPv6 As number other than 56. B.  The loopback interfaces on R5 and R6 must be configured to EIGRPv6 As number 56.
C.  You need to configure the EIGRPv6 router process on both routers.
D.  You need to configure the EIGRPv6 router process in at least one of the routers
E.  You should remove the ipv6 eigrp 56 from the loopback interfaces on both routers.

在網上我看到有些版本的題庫是 D, 也有些是 C, 個人認為C比較妥當,各位有沒有什麼見解呢?
 成长值: 63265
发表于 2014-2-10 11:13:36 | 显示全部楼层
不要太在意几道争议题,又不是去考满分 ,选什么不影响通过
沙发 2014-2-10 11:13:36 回复 收起回复
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-10 11:23:04 | 显示全部楼层
板凳 2014-2-10 11:23:04 回复 收起回复
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