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【标度教育】 CCIE RS v5.0 更新说明

发表于 2014-1-1 23:23:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

笔试和Lab考试从4.0升级更新到5.0. 新的考试分为6个知识模块。
1.1. 考试内容Exam topics
Exam topics are listed under each main domain.The topics are general guidelines for the content likely to be included on theexam. However, other related topics may also appear on any specific delivery ofthe exam. Some topics or tasks may appear on both the Written exam and Labexam.

1.1.1. 网络原理NetworkPrinciples
这个是新增加的模块,这一部分的内容只出现在笔试中。A new domain coveringNetwork Principles has been added. It includes foundational topics that will becovered only on the Written exam. It will assess expert level knowledge ofthese essential topics.
1.1.2. 第二层技术Layer 2Technologies
The Layer 2 Technologies domain predominatelycovers LAN switching and WAN circuit technologies.
1.1.3. 第三层技术Layer 3Technologies
The Layer 3 Technologies domain is the principaldomain of the curriculum and covers interior and exterior routing protocols(RIP, EIGRP, OSPF, ISIS and BGP) as well as addressing, Layer 3 multicast, andfundamental routing concepts that are common across routing protocols.
RS  CCIE v5.0重点关注3层双栈技术,将会同等的对待Ipv4Ipv6.所有的路由协议都要考察IPv4 IPv6多播技术。
1.1.4. VPN技术VPN Technologies
l 隧道技术包含 MPLS  L2 和 L3 VPNs , DMVPN 和IPv6 Tunneling 技术。
l 加密部分包含在Written 和 Lab考试中都要考察的使用与共享密钥的IPSec技术和只在Written中考察的GETVPN。

1.1.5. 基础架构安全InfrastructureSecurity
1.1.6. 基础架构服务The Infrastructure Services
Infrastructure Services模块包含系统管理,网络服务,Qos和网络优化。
2QoS的主题则只在笔试总进行考试;RS v5.0 Lab实验室考试,则专注于platform independent(与平台无关的概念。
1.1.7. 权重weightingfactors
CCIE RS考试的重点肯定是第3层的技术,占据了整个课程的40%的分量。
The main focus of the exam is certainly the Layer3 technologies, covering 40% of the curriculum.

1.2. CCIE Routing  and Switchingv5.0 Topic Changes

The decisions regarding which topics should beadded, moved or retired were based on feedback received from key industrySubject Matter Experts (SME). These decisions reflect the evolution of theexpectations of a candidate performing on the job role.
1.2.1. RS v5.0笔试中增加的内容
Topics Added to the CCIE Routing  and Switching v5.0 Written Exam:
•     Describe basic softwarearchitecture differences between IOS and IOS XE
•     Identify Cisco ExpressForwarding Concepts
•     Explain General NetworkChallenges
•     Explain IP, TCP and UDPOperations
•     Describe ChassisVirtualization and Aggregation Technologies
•     Explain PIM Snooping
•     Describe WAN Rate-basedEthernet Circuits
•     Describe BGP FastConvergence Features
•     ISIS (for IPv4 and IPv6)
•     Describe Basic Layer 2VPN - Wireline
•     Describe Basic L2VPN -LAN Services
•     Describe GET VPN
•     Describe IPv6 NetworkAddress Translation
1.2.1. RS v5.0Lab考试中增加的内容

Topics Added to the CCIE Routing  and Switching v5.0 Written and Lab Exams:
•     Use IOS TroubleshootingTools
•     Apply TroubleshootingMethodologies
•     Interpret Packet Capture
•     Implement andTroubleshoot Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
•     Implement EIGRP(multi-address) Named Mode
•     Implement, Troubleshootand Optimize EIGRP and OSPF Convergence and Scalability
•     Implement andTroubleshoot DMVPN (single hub)
•     Implement andTroubleshoot IPsec with pre-shared key
•     Implement andTroubleshoot IPv6 First Hop Security

1.2.1. RS v4.0 Lab考试中移到RS v5.0笔试中的内容

Topics Moved from the CCIE® RS v4.0 Lab exam tothe CCIE® RS v5.0 Written Exam:
•     Describe IPv6 Multicast
•     Describe RIPv6 (RIPng)
•     Describe IPv6 TunnelingTechniques
•     Describe Device Securityusing IOS AAA with TACACS+ and RADIUS
•     Describe 802.1x
•     Describe Layer 2 QoS
•     Identify PerformanceRouting (PfR)
1.2.2. RS v4.0 考试中删除的内容
Topics Removed from the CCIE® RS v4.0 Exam:
•     Flexlink, ISL, Layer 2Protocol Tunneling
•     Frame-Relay (LFI, FRTraffic Shaping)
•     WCCP
•     IOS Firewall and IPS
•     RITE, RMON
•     RGMP

1.3. RS v5.0 Exam Format
1.3.1. 考试代码和笔试
Although the exam number is changed from 350-001to 400-101, the new Written exam format remains essentially the same as theprevious one.
1.3.2. Lab考试
The format of the Lab exam has some significantchanges that you need to be aware of.   web-based delivery
The web-based delivery infrastructure supportingthe new Lab exam is actually very similar to the one used to deliver theprevious version 4.0, however, theconfiguration portion of the exam is now deliveredusing virtual devices – just like the troubleshooting portion of the exam. Virtual routers and virtual switches will be usedthroughout the exam, supporting more realistic andbigger network topologies that improve the reliability of the test whilefocusing on conceptual technologies – rather than testing specific hardwareplatform peculiarities.

Just like with the CCIE Routing and Switchingv4.0, the Troubleshooting module delivers incidents that are independent ofeach other, meaning that the resolution of one does not depend on theresolution of another incident.

This is designed in order to objectively quantifythe troubleshooting skills and avoid bias of strengths and weaknesses inspecific technical areas.

On the contrary, the Configuration modulepresents candidates with a whole scenario composed of multiple items that aremeant to be inter-dependent, by nature of the infrastructure technologies.Candidates do see all items at the beginning of each exam module. They can workout the sequence that they want to address each item as well as manage the timespent to resolve each item.

A new exam module called “diagnostic module” hasbeen added and will focus on the skills required to properly diagnose networkissues. The time for this new lab module is fixed to 30 minutes, no more or noless.

The sequence of delivery of these three labmodules is fixed as follows: Troubleshooting module, then the Diagnostic moduleand finally the Configuration module.

Although the time constraint is an essentialcomponent of the Troubleshooting module, the system enables some flexibility bygranting candidates the option to extend up to 30 minutes to complete themodule. The system doesn’t allow going back and forthbetween modules and the Diagnostic module is fixed to 30 minutes. In order tomaintain the total exam time to 8 hours, the optional extra time used in theTroubleshooting module will automatically be deducted from the time creditallotted for the Configuration module. On the contrary, if the time spent inthe Troubleshooting module is less than 2 hours, the Configuration module iscredited by the time gained.

The web-based delivery system will display awarning message after two hours have passed within the Troubleshooting module,informing the candidate that if they proceed in the Troubleshooting module, anyadditional time used (up to thirty minutes) will be reduced from theConfiguration time, ensuring that the total exam is a maximum eight hours.   通过考试的条件
In order to pass the lab exam, a candidate mustmeet two separate conditions. First, the sum of scores of each module must exceed the overall lab examcut-score. Second, the score achieved for each module must exceed the module’sminimum score. This is done to prevent from passing the lab exam while failingor even bypassing the shortest Diagnostic module. While the exact lab examoverall cut-score remains confidential, the overall pass/fail decision is madeon the verification if all specific criterion for each exam item are met. The pointvalue of each item is shown on the test and
scores are granted only when all criterion aremet. No partial score is granted for any items (all items are multi-pointdichotomous items).   Diagnostic module
As briefly mentioned above, the objective of thenew Diagnostic module is to further assess the skills required to properlydiagnose network issues. These skills include “analyzing, correlating anddiscerning multiple sources of documentation” such as email threads, networktopology diagrams, console outputs, syslogs and even traffic captures. Theseactivities are naturally part of the overall Troubleshooting activities. Theywere designed as a separate lab module because the format of theitems is significantly different. The Troubleshooting incidents requirecandidates to resolve networking issues by configuring possible solutions(while not breaking any explicit constraints) and verifying that the symptomsare fixed, using terminal sessions to the console port of actual devices.

In contrast, the Diagnostic module ticketsrequire candidates to make a choice between pre-defined options in order to:

•     indicate what the rootcause of an issue is
•     or where is the issuelocated in a diagram
•     or what is the criticalpiece of information leading to identifying the root cause
•     or what piece ofinformation is missing to make a judgment about the root cause

The Diagnostic module doesn’t require usingterminal sessions to actual devices. It provides candidates with a set ofdocumentation that represent a snapshot of a realistic situation, at a point intime in the investigation process that a network engineer might be confrontedwith. For instance, a support engineer might need to provide the root causeanalysis to a customer, or might need to help a colleague who is stuck on aproblem, or might have to summarize the previous investigations steps.

Within the Diagnostic module, the format of someof the tickets presented is similar to the format of the Written exam. Itincludes multiple-choice (single answer or multiple answers), Drag and Drop, oreven Point and Click on diagrams. The biggest difference with the Written examis that tickets will contain a set of documentation that candidates mustconsult in order to understand the issue. Then in turn, analyze and correlateinformation (after discerning between valuable and worthless pieces) in orderto make a choice among pre-defined options.

Tickets will not require candidates to writeanything in order to provide the answer to a ticket. All tickets will be close-ended (as opposed to open-ended) so that the grading will be deterministic,ensuring a fair and consistent scoring. This approach also helps to grantcredit and scores for accurately identifying the root cause of a networkingissue but failing to resolve it within the defined constraints – which theTroubleshooting module doesn’t offer.

Real-life experience is certainly the besttraining to prepare for the module. However, it is also naturally embedded whentraining for the Troubleshooting module. Candidates with limited experienceshould focus on discovering, practicing and applying efficient and effectivetroubleshooting methodologies that can be applied for any realistic networkingchallenge.

We trust that this new Diagnostic module greatlyimproves the overall value of the certification by focusing on valuable skillsunique to experienced and talented engineers.   Lab考试各部分时间分配Overall cut-score to pass

上图可以看出,RS-CCIE v5.0 TroubleshootingConfiguration两部分之外,添加了DIAG部分。   DIAG诊断部分
DIAG主要是考察远程支持的故障排除能力。类似于TAC工程师的职责内容。通过现场支持工程师提供的抓包、log和故障现象等在远程做故障分析诊断。   Troubleshooting部分
l  在CCIE RSv4.0中,Troubleshooting部分为2小时,且时间规定严格。
l 在CCIE RS v5.0中,Troubleshooting加入了30分钟的弹性时间。即,如果2小时考生没有完成Troubleshooting部分,那么可以自主向后顺延时间,但最多只能顺延30分钟。当然,如果选择在Troubleshooting部分向后顺延了30分钟,那么Configuration部分就会相应缩短30分钟。保证整体考试时间为8个小时。   Configuration部分
从上面的图上看,Configuration部分最大的变化就是改的和RS v4.0Troubleshooting部分一样:都是用的虚拟环境,而非真机。按照思科官方的说法:这更容易实现考试环境本地化,增强考生的考试体验(这个好像思科有点自说自话了,我们能想到的就是“可能在上面敲版本的候不会感到很卡”)。 同时,我们有一个不幸的预感,这会不会让paperCCIE更容易!
1.4. CCIE RS v5.0 推荐的硬件设备和软件版本
This latest revision assesses knowledge ofplatform-independent concepts that are applicable across the portfolio ofrouters and switches. They are based on functionalities available in Cisco IOSSoftware Release 15 running within a 100% virtual environment.

In order to become familiar with the virtualizedIOS lab environment, training is available through the Cisco 360 LearningProgram. The product offerings include Pre-assessment Labs, Practice LabWorkbooks, and all labs associated with the CIERS1 and CIERS2 Instructor LedTrainings.

Candidates who want to prepare using hardwarebased labs can use the following equipment and Cisco IOS Software Releases:

•     Cisco ISR 2900 Seriesrouters running IOS version 15.3T Universal Software release
•     Catalyst 3560X Seriesswitches running IOS version 15.0SE Universal (IP Services) Software release

Any other hardware platform that can runequivalent Cisco IOS Software version 15 may be used as well.

Note that older equipment platforms and Cisco IOSSoftware Releases may be used to learn and practice a significant portion ofthe exam curriculum. Refer to the Cisco Feature Navigator (www.cisco.com/go/fn)to compare Cisco IOS Software Releases.

1.5. CCIE RS v5.0 Resources

Along with the changes to the version 5.0curriculum, new material will be released in the Cisco 360 Learning Programbeginning in January 2014. The material is being revised to include new virtualrack rentals, videos on demand, new workbook labs, full scale graded assessmentlabs, as well as new classes. The most exciting part of this program is the newrelease of the virtual equipment rental that is needed to perform the workbookand technology specific labs using an efficient and scalable deliveryenvironment.

As you certainly know, the Cisco Learning Networkis a social learning network designed for networking professionals across theglobe. It hosts all official information regarding Cisco Certifications,including the exam Topics.
Please visit learningnetwork.cisco.com for moreinformation regarding the CCIE Routing and Switching v5.0.

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