如果用户设置的控制台登录口令丢失,可以通过使用BOOT菜单中的"跳过配置文件启动"功能进行Oracle_shujuku/index.html' target='_blank'>恢复。
(1) 使用配置线缆将计算机的串口与H3C系列交换机的Console口进行连接,配置终端仿真程序,重新启动交换机。
(2) 在交换机完成自检后,在下面的界面键入<Ctrl+B>进入BOOT菜单。
Board checking……LSA1LTSG
SDRAM fast selftest……OK!
Flash fast selftest……OK!
CPLD selftest……OK!
Switch chip selftest……OK!
Slot 1/1/1 has no module or get slot type error
Slot 1/1/2 has no module or get slot type error
Slot 1/1/3 has no module or get slot type error
Slot 1/1/4 has no module or get slot type error
PHY selftest……OK!
Please check port leds……finished!
The switch Mac is: 000f-e200-3900
Press Ctrl-B to enter Boot Menu… 5
& 说明:
(3) 进入BOOT菜单后,键入"7",选择"跳过配置文件启动"功能。
1. Download application file to flash
2. Select application file to boot
3. Display all files in flash
4. Delete file from flash
5. Modify bootrom password
6. Enter bootrom upgrade menu
7. Skip current configuration file
8. Set bootrom password recovery
9. Set switch startup mode
0. Reboot
Enter your choice(0-9): 7
The current setting is running configuration file when reboot.
Are you sure to skip current configuration file when reboot? Yes or No(Y/N) y
(4) 回到BOOT菜单后,输入"0"重新启动交换机。
1. Download application file to flash
2. Select application file to boot
3. Display all files in flash
4. Delete file from flash
5. Modify bootrom password
6. Enter bootrom upgrade menu
7. Skip current configuration file
8. Set bootrom password recovery
9. Set switch startup mode
0. Reboot
Enter your choice(0-9): 0
^@System rebooting…
(5) 再次启动时,交换机会跳过配置文件,即跳过对控制台口令的配置,用户可以直接登录交换机。
Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Hangzhou H3C Tech. Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.*
* Without the owner's prior written consent, *
* no decompiling or reverse-engineering shall be allowed. *
Configuration file is skipped.
User interface aux0 is available.
Press ENTER to get started.
(6) 用户登录后,可以使用display startup命令查看启动配置文件,并使用more命令查看该配置文件中的控制台口令配置。
<H3C> display startup
Current startup saved-configuration file: NULL
Next startup saved-configuration file: flash:/vrpcfg.cfg
<H3C> more vrpcfg.cfg
user-interface aux 0
authentication-mode password
set authentication password simple test
user-interface vty 0 4
authentication-mode none
user privilege level 3
idle-timeout 0 0
& 说明:
(7) 用户可以使用FTP或TFTP将启动配置文件发送到PC上,使用文本编辑软件(例如Windwos/index.html' target='_blank'>Windows系统的"记事本"或"写字板"软件)对配置文件进行编辑,修改认证口令或修改认证方式为None,再将配置文件上传到交换机上覆盖原有文件。再次启动后,交换机将使用更新后的配置文件,用户可以重新进行口令配置,同时其他原有配置不会丢失。
& 说明: