发表于 2010-5-27 10:27:33
This command sends only the portion of the username before the "@" symbol to the host specified after the "@" symbol. In other words, with the directed-request feature enabled, you can direct a request to any of the configured servers, and only the username is sent to the specified server.
Disabling tacacs-server directed-request causes the whole string, both before and after the "@" symbol, to be sent to the default TACACS+ server. When the directed-request feature is disabled, the router queries the list of servers, starting with the first one in the list, sending the whole string, and accepting the first response that it gets from the server. The tacacs-server directed-request command is useful for sites that have developed their own TACACS+ server software that parses the whole string and makes decisions based on it.
With tacacs-server directed-request enabled, only configured TACACS+ servers can be specified by the user after the "@" symbol. If the host name specified by the user does not match the IP address of a TACACS+ server configured by the administrator, the user input is rejected.
Use no tacacs-server directed-request to disable the ability of the user to choose between configured TACACS+ servers and to cause the entire string to be passed to the default server. |
2010-5-27 10:27:33