There will be wide area applicationservice(WAAS)appliance connected to interface fastethernet 0/1 ….traffic from any client connected tof0/0 going out of the two serialinterface must be redirected Traffic redirected from the server to theclients must use WCCP service 61 Traffic redirected from the clients to theserver must use WCCP service 62 You are not allowed to modify anyconfiguration of interface F0/0 解法是: R4ip wccp 61ip wccp 62int s0/0/0 ip wccp 61 redirect in ip wccp 62 redirect outint s0/0/1 ip wccp 61 redirect in ip wccp 62 redirect out int f0/1 ip wccp redirect exclude in
求教:为什么wccp 61要配成in而62是out?小弟拜谢