goodluck 发表于 2022-3-30 14:47:54

INE CCNP 300-410 ENARSI Exam Review

├ 1. Introduction
│└ 1. Introduction.mp4
├ 10. Infrastructure Security
││ 64. Control Plane Policing (CoPP).mp4
│└ 65. IPv6 First Hop Security.mp4
├ 2. EIGRP
││ 10. Route Summarization.mp4
││ 11. Path Manipulation.mp4
││ 12. Variance.mp4
││ 13. Stub Routing.mp4
││ 14. Filtering With Access-Lists.mp4
││ 2. Overview.mp4
││ 3. Neighborship & Parameters Overview.mp4
││ 4. Passive Interfaces and K-Values.mp4
││ 5. Topology Table Messages & Update Process.mp4
││ 6. Named Mode Configuration.mp4
││ 7. Authentication.mp4
││ 8. Feasible Distance & Reported Distance.mp4
│└ 9. Convergence.mp4
├ 3. Route Classification
││ 15. Introduction to Prefix-Lists.mp4
││ 16. Route Filtering Using IP Prefix-Lists.mp4
││ 17. Introduction to Route Maps.mp4
│└ 18. Route Filtering Using Route-Maps.mp4
├ 4. OSPF
││ 19. OSPFv2 Review.mp4
││ 20. Building OSPFv2 Adjacencies.mp4
││ 21. Router-IDs.mp4
││ 22. Network Types.mp4
││ 23. OSPFv2 Authentication.mp4
││ 24. Configuring Virtual Links.mp4
││ 25. Metric Calculation for Intra-Area & Inter-Area Routes.mp4
││ 26. Metric Tuning.mp4
││ 27. Route Summarization.mp4
││ 28. Inter-Area Route Filtering.mp4
││ 29. Inbound Routing Table Filtering.mp4
││ 30. Outbound LSA Suppression.mp4
││ 31. Injecting Default Routes.mp4
││ 32. Stub Areas.mp4
││ 33. Introduction to OSPFv3 Address Families.mp4
││ 34. Address Family Configuration & Verification.mp4
││ 35. OSPFv3 LSA Types.mp4
││ 36. Redistributing Into OSPF.mp4
│└ 37. Filtering Of OSPF External Routes.mp4
├ 5. IGP Redistribution
│└ 38. Redistribution Loop Prevention.mp4
├ 6. BGP
││ 39. Overview of iBGP & eBGP.mp4
││ 40. Update-Source & Multihop Requirement.mp4
││ 41. Injecting Routes into BGP.mp4
││ 42. iBGP Table Entries & Next Hop Issues.mp4
││ 43. Path Attributes & BGP Best Path Algorithm.mp4
││ 44. BGP AS-Path Attribute.mp4
││ 45. Path Attributes - Weight and Local Preference.mp4
││ 46. BGP MED Attribute.mp4
│└ 47. Avoiding iBGP Full-Mesh Topologies With Route Reflectors.mp4
├ 7. Virtual Private Networks
│└ 48. VRF-Lite.mp4
├ 8. MPLS
││ 49. Terminology & Concepts.mp4
││ 50. FECs & MPLS Label Structure.mp4
││ 51. Introduction To The Label Distribution Protocol.mp4
││ 52. Configuring & Monitoring Basic MPLS Functionality.mp4
││ 53. An Overview OF MPLS VPNs.mp4
│└ 54. Usage Of BGP Within MPLS VPNs.mp4
└ 9. VPN
    │ 55. DMVPN Overview.mp4
    │ 56. DMVPN Configuration.mp4
    │ 57. Verifying DMVPN Tunnels.mp4
    │ 58. An Overview Of IPSec.mp4
    │ 59. Reviewing The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Protocol.mp4
    │ 60. IPSec Headers & Modes.mp4
    │ 61. Securing DMVPN With IPSec & IKEv1.mp4
    │ 62. Securing DMVPN With IPSec & IKEv2.mp4
    └ 63. Validating IPSec-Protected DMVPNs.mp4

**** Hidden Message *****

jackyduys 发表于 2022-3-30 16:13:33


richest41 发表于 2022-3-30 16:35:39


aa8538 发表于 2022-3-30 16:56:46


ziyouhaiyang 发表于 2022-3-30 18:36:02


asafaz 发表于 2022-3-30 23:56:48


czy086 发表于 2022-3-31 00:42:22

INE CCNP 300-410 ENARSI Exam Review

Sunpning 发表于 2022-3-31 02:08:49

Thanks for sharing:lol

bailing 发表于 2022-3-31 03:15:23

thank oyu

liugangpaul 发表于 2022-3-31 06:41:12


mapleleafs 发表于 2022-3-31 07:22:16


whale- 发表于 2022-3-31 07:49:12

wangqsh963 发表于 2022-3-31 08:39:49


wangqsh963 发表于 2022-3-31 08:40:06


axeii 发表于 2022-3-31 08:41:42

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