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[题库发布] CCNP排错(300-135)近期考试新题【2019.01.07】

 成长值: 59065
发表于 2019-1-7 09:49:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Picture of 3 routers and the question was related to IPv4 -> IPv6 tunnelling stating that all interfaces were configured with MTU 1500 other than the tunnel interface which didn’t set the MTU. The engineer noticed that packets were being fragmented how do you fix this?; W5 ?  s7 R9 t) c* h: e' g

8 O4 @6 L/ u9 Q" z* _+ ~: ]. `a. set the MTU on the tunnel interface to 1496 (or 1476). **! }5 U9 o+ I; Q5 @* s3 i. f4 l! r% D
b. increase the IPv6 packet MTU.$ `/ D. W: @$ O0 l! z: l$ ?
c. increase the IPv4 packet MTU.
: Y3 u1 z! S. i0 \, ^d. set the MTU on the tunnel interface to 1500.* Q6 V, ?7 T: o

2 m2 T9 o& c& P3 N  W' ~, I& a4 oAns: A
" Z. |6 U9 |, v" H& r—————————————————————————————————————————. w: ~  S* ^9 @! Y% D$ Q
2. Refer to the statement.) G4 F9 ~0 q4 g1 `0 h  [0 g1 _

) P% B8 o- E0 A& cThe %TUN-5-RECURDOWN: Tunnel0 temporarily disabled due to recursive routing error message/ ~8 }) U  N* m4 G/ x

2 r& m( l* E% b9 KWhat could be causing the syslog?0 _$ T0 i( H% G/ L( ]

5 ?* U! I% X/ ?) d/ za. Source virtual interface shutdown.
+ b! r0 p3 _5 D1 o' Ub. Tunnel interface is not participating in routing.% G, @1 t9 Q7 v. y0 D
c. Physical interface is down/down.% r; M4 j, Y- w
d. ???
$ M( i, C) s6 q8 y0 Q
0 {& w3 o2 S! M( a$ O- H3 Z, u" jAns:
' v' a' g, d2 t) e. h! g' P; j—————————————————————————————————————————/ l/ j2 u  c- L
3. How do you view an access-list that’s set on a int G0/0?
. {5 u* c/ n. m. n1 `) y0 |: T9 m0 H7 y7 ]
a. show ip access-lists int g0/0
2 I7 q9 y* {% Y& d! A: w1 jb. show ip int g0/0 **& K2 U- u  h& n4 `$ i' H
c. ???5 o4 {0 z6 _8 I  ^" p) t
d. ???
6 _6 o7 g. Q$ t' s8 L: I! W2 h4 k, {8 d) j" q& O
Ans: B8 c* J' [) p# W5 I/ m# h; W
& o/ f5 I7 P$ L  R. L$ |4. What can you use to collect stats on Cisco IOS?
" o* i" ?2 J' S" c5 V$ y  q9 c* n. Z6 |' o
6 E* Z. c& o8 C; A4 yb. LLDP
) O- k/ z# b- y- tc. HSRP( F% Y8 }, u) e1 d0 r) D
d. ???
( s9 S8 F9 [# w, B+ o3 B* s- N5 o+ V" V0 a- e
Ans:7 H- m+ n  o9 g0 s2 t
8 r  z- S# }7 G- r0 F; \5. Output showing line VTY 0 4 config with an access list applied ‘ip access-class 1 in’* D0 {6 z! w3 m* n

5 h: Y% A1 R2 u( \. K# N, jip access list permit tcp any any eq 22
1 x$ n. b5 @8 C+ h7 b6 g) [ip access list permit tcp any any telnet
% r! ^; f" w! M4 t1 j8 D4 |" w7 g0 E0 W. P9 Q* {
Cisco engineer is trying to setup secure access to the router but why is SSH failing?0 s$ n7 ]1 @: ^' j& A* ^* r/ P9 Y

0 E1 m9 k# o5 \* pa. access-list needs to be applied with access-group command.
- T" J2 K5 _8 ?  Lb. access-list only allows telnet access.  h, s3 @5 r1 F! C& \2 x' ]4 H
c. They’re needed to be transport input ssh on line vty 0 4. **8 k6 k; t9 S6 h
d. ???- L+ J! r( y7 s: ^$ |9 J
" z, I7 Z3 O* ]+ S
Ans: C
. H5 q! s6 N+ m. g6 R—————————————————————————————————————————1 `! [) o( v+ G' G& x! m, f  P
6. Diagram showing 2 hosts each connected to different access switches, Host A in VLAN 300 Host B in VLAN 200.
! [6 h, C) C% E. F' a) V
- w. s' ^! K+ D, F4 BWhy can host A not access a DHCP server in VLAN 200?
; c- ^  Q1 F1 H8 K/ N* I5 t9 ~! l! X
a. VLAN 200 needs to be added to access switch B.6 Y; ]4 z3 ~1 R+ F, z; T
b. Create a port channel.7 N% M3 [7 g; `! O: G
c. Host A has the wrong subnet mask. **
( N9 B9 O2 c4 I, p3 b" s) Y- ed. ???
$ P( O; U7 s  Q2 L+ _  x5 G, o# l" a
  k  d; p. S/ dAns: C: Q# _' Q. g/ _. h
0 w5 B, X4 W  G8 M7. There was a question on how to limit debug output for a particular interface and one of the options was debug condition interface g0/0 which I think was the correct answer.
3 k- f- {/ ~+ D. C  \
4 k! |" x; H# Fa. debug condition interface g0/0 **
) B# e. P' G5 J/ `! f# Gb. ???, K7 E/ t+ e. V/ P9 v8 K1 W
c. ???% T0 I( f$ i! t0 j2 {7 e" V
d. ???2 h0 A" C! C" ]! m7 O
6 a# J9 @9 r6 L. t
Ans: A
! F7 {7 x" i5 ^—————————————————————————————————————————. N+ ^$ g8 s) V0 w3 }1 @
8. Refer to the exhibit. How would you confirm on R1 that load balancing is actually occurring on the default-network ( Q( X; S% p: u+ P2 V
2 Q% p: F, _3 Y' Z0 t5 @0 ]) Z' Z" r
a. Use ping and the show ip route command to confirm the timers for each default network resets to 0.# h! `  S) m4 _5 \5 K
b. Load balancing does not occur over default networks; the second route will only be used for failover.4 l7 [1 V: |7 K
c. Use an extended ping along with repeated show ip route commands to confirm the gateway of last resort address toggles back and forth.8 C/ s" h2 w9 A
d. Use the traceroute command to an address that is not explicitly in the routing table. **6 T3 a7 i/ d9 v# J5 Y( A

; H; @6 C& F* ]# t% J7 h, X1 U+ IAns: D
4 Q* F+ c" g, O( d) C% r—————————————————————————————————————————
8 }- P3 w  t: r. d' S+ K9. Which statement indicates a cause for Tunnel0‘s connection failure?
, K; K& D4 V, b( M- H; H9 R( }  u/ u/ u& w1 m
a. The tunnel source interface is in an up/down state and the tunnel destination is recursively routing as a result.+ P- \7 c' R% \1 Y% }5 s  ?+ f
b. The tunnel destination interface is flapping, which causes the tunnel to go up and down.
! R1 u( l, r% b! mc. The tunnel is configured with the wrong encapsulation.
$ I! f+ s% U7 T; I4 W6 |d. The tunnel destination is intermittently reachable via multiple routing protocols. **
$ b; E- g& M+ D, {3 w. O8 K8 Y- J( Q" |0 c3 o9 Y5 T
Ans: D
! W/ q# S6 f) Q5 v9 s—————————————————————————————————————————: [' ~! j/ D3 ]( V7 d5 ^
10. A traceroute question was something simply like what command can you use to check the path a packet takes to its destination?
" K+ ]/ I. g) k: G
9 u: v: H; U6 b& f4 {, P- d9 Ha. traceroute
& s: }  @4 S! |7 `- Mb. nslookup
* X0 d  W) V7 Yc. ???
" n; T# U6 b- k" d" {d. ???
" k3 _8 l1 e9 U- |$ N
/ o9 t  L* s( A" J9 ^' v* _Ans:
% w9 r! e& u) A" s8 ~9 m—————————————————————————————————————————
2 _( q* z/ C. j8 @2 s+ q7 M* L11. An exhibit showing output of a debug command that would display debugs on interfaces g0/0 and g/2, and then only debugs from interface g0/2 only.
! c$ u  ?. Q7 |/ a/ U3 K
  J1 C2 q/ ~' o: \" i* m% BThe question was what is the command that would limit the debug output as shown in the exhibit?
' a, o" ~: G: X  E
0 ~* S0 ]; U5 E0 Q6 \2 F. K9 da. debug condition interface g0/2 **
/ }/ l  P" d$ e2 ~3 yb. ???
% p0 Y  _* ~- ?/ j! K( Mc. ???
; }3 }4 ]/ k% R( Rd. ???7 g. j' [2 u) x, ?9 T  g
1 i! v; ~8 p( R/ X  ]
Ans:) x: L# b0 W% }/ w
—————————————————————————————————————————9 c3 R1 ^5 }4 Q: |
12. Which AAA command configures login using the local database?2 ]7 d7 i( `; D- s; A/ {
; _7 v; L8 ?8 S
a. aaa authentication login default local **
* ]& X, ^3 @# Mb. ???# E& @  u- i2 t* I/ j3 K+ F9 N# p
c. ???1 H! a% t1 V1 r9 X: h
d. ???
* a& b$ \# q: y) U7 q/ D
7 H1 D# i8 W( _9 L  X* \Ans: A
0 @3 J$ l8 d' l—————————————————————————————————————————, Q# ?2 V$ X0 w0 N' a
13. Which Cisco IOS feature allows you to create your own event definition for a network device and specify the action that should be performed in response to that event?# G+ V6 _- X$ y% L, o( w

/ ^  n  b9 ^2 M  k# ~9 H( p1 l- va. ???
, Y  z5 L- B6 ]5 D9 m% j- Qb. ???$ }: N$ x! g+ l% f, B
c. ???
, j# b2 B$ n6 a1 X1 sd. ???
0 v! K' s, P" {# x1 M/ @; m; R3 F5 {. a" k+ Z' Z
. o1 Z5 E8 }% p, U/ `  k' Y, r. C+ b$ h* B- [, y# K
8 o# K/ G4 W( K: o/ y( d9 F
3 s. E! Q4 g. O, B# F" F
发表于 2019-1-7 10:25:42 | 显示全部楼层
地板 2019-1-7 10:25:42 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2019-1-7 10:50:56 | 显示全部楼层
9# 2019-1-7 10:50:56 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2019-1-7 10:57:53 | 显示全部楼层
10# 2019-1-7 10:57:53 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2019-1-7 11:05:28 | 显示全部楼层
11# 2019-1-7 11:05:28 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2019-1-7 11:16:13 | 显示全部楼层
感謝好心分享/ X; R! i' x6 X% `! q! L
12# 2019-1-7 11:16:13 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2019-1-7 11:17:14 | 显示全部楼层
13# 2019-1-7 11:17:14 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2019-1-7 11:19:08 | 显示全部楼层
14# 2019-1-7 11:19:08 回复 收起回复
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发表于 2019-1-7 11:24:58 | 显示全部楼层
感謝好心分享: k7 q  r" |$ Q* v* L7 }
15# 2019-1-7 11:24:58 回复 收起回复
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