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[考试战报] 11/23(300-101) 台灣高雄 881PASS

发表于 2017-11-23 17:12:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 scorpio920204 于 2017-11-23 17:21 编辑
) L# M# g. Q; n8 a6 g1 z- A! q" A9 ?* y' Z8 Y' [
$ J) L+ Q; e1 J4 B# x- Y3 ^& P
What commandallows permit or deny IPv6 traffic?
A. ipv6traffic-filter access-list-name { in | out }
B. ipv6 access-list[access-list-name]
C. access-listipv6 [access-list-name]
D. ipv6 access-group [access-list-name] { in | out }
A. ipv6traffic-filter
B. ipv6 access-list
C. access-listipv6
D. ipv6 access-group
這題我選錯了~~選了ipv6 access-list因為考試題目沒後面那些字
" B# {* j8 s) y6 j2 q1 j
Question 1  S9 L) O1 ?# F/ C. f3 T
Which two statements about NHRP in a DMVPN environment are true? (Choose two)
+ S+ T" d6 j0 l( l1 V$ Ma. It requires each endpoint to have a unique network ID
9 z+ r1 J1 k& I* e$ b/ zb. It routes traffic through the tunnel% j, W% n8 x  I9 j' F
c. It can identify PIM-SM RPs over a tunnel
6 Q/ ^- j. N( t, r" l- y& Hd. It can authenticate VPN endpoints7 O, g7 ^6 m7 E5 r9 Y3 V. [! U
e. It provides address resolution to route traffic, g4 A$ X1 [$ a
Question 2
/ {0 L# @2 w: \9 ]! q% ]3 {4 k, w1 J( J Which condition will cause unicast Reverse Path Forwarding to fail?5 r$ _( O% P: S$ C1 |, i/ E
A. Assymetric routing
6 ?* _* `6 m, @4 O8 E1 PB. Cef not enabled# |! N& U. d- `* E0 k8 Z2 S: \
C. Urpf not applied to the traffic source
3 z0 \  Q" o, E. Y1 DD. If it is used as ingress filtering3 F" w" {5 y9 M5 }# V3 J- A
Question 3
% H# ?8 ]' [9 z7 ]Configuration snippet that looks similar to this:. M' O% R  Z+ o! \
ip access-list 1 permit xx xx
/ G# H$ l  L* T% fip nat inside source list 1 int fa0 / 0 overload; g0 L8 z% e' `/ v; A/ p
What is this an example of?+ W1 `6 T  M; a$ e! O5 |0 A7 K
A. static NAT
" n. w5 {' y# F+ ]# B7 ?B. something about the ACL  V! [" ^. m% C  f
& m4 q* d' D9 w% Q* lD. dynamic NAT
* x9 n- C, Z* x  R* L

: E2 K- k5 q$ Y( l
5 V4 }: I  i; H: M# O. B& y/ W" r" e& x- T& D3 C2 `4 `
拖圖題230 , 233 , 300 , 450 , 454 直接看修改後的拖圖題庫
3 s5 N2 v4 n$ \9 F+ cDLCI:A locally significant ID
* P) J' }: ^, `FECN:an indicator of congestionon the
! R* J3 A. B/ X: kLMI:a signaling mechanism for frame relay devices5 k/ e0 ^! D6 g7 j* k' G
PVC: a logical connection comprising two endpoints andCIR! m' w6 Q( I4 ?! V1 ^( Z# |
SVC:acircuit that provides temporary on-demandconnections between DTE
5 Z% g& S% m6 N這是我的關鍵字
' K0 h& ^; S. W' t: W

- f$ v' y# @# \2 o* Z& a9 O7 Y) I6 I$ i- c, q) T" J


参与人数 2好评度 +1 鸿鹄币 +100 威望 +1 收起 理由
wangrui0435 + 1
崔凯 + 100 + 1 赞一个!


发表于 2017-11-23 22:16:31 | 显示全部楼层
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